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Author Topic: On Holy Water  (Read 647 times)

Thunder Pants

RE: On Holy Water
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2005, 09:30:00 am »
you forgot the following

Seilwood Forest- Aeridin
High Forest- Katia
Spell Gaurd- Lucinda


RE: On Holy Water
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2005, 09:49:00 am »
yes I did ... but those don't count anyways ;)  

Though I wouldn't reccomend anyone trying to use the pool in Spellguard right now.


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    RE: On Holy Water
    « Reply #22 on: February 15, 2005, 08:10:00 am »
    For RP sake, I am wondering...shouldn't or wouldn't a paladin or cleric be able to feel the taint of the dark side?  Were some evil to handle a flask of LG created water, would they smell it?  Likewise, my perception of a Toranite handling a flask created for/by Corath would have the evil sickening feeling?

    This was my point.  We can play market dynamics, and ignore it (which was a great point about Neutral scibers made by Aragon), or do we address the concept of divine power in the water lends itself to a side in the struggle.

    Could Toran holy water be used in the ink to scribe an animate undead scroll, for example?


    RE: On Holy Water
    « Reply #23 on: February 15, 2005, 12:28:00 pm »
    I agree with you on this.  The commoner or common adventurer would not be able to tell the difference between a Toran or Corath Holy Water in an unmarked container.  But a paladin or cleric intune with their god most definately would feel an inclination one way or another ... they may not know the origin but I would think an item blessed by Corath would give off a negative aura.  

    "Could Toran holy water be used in the ink to scribe an animate undead scroll, for example?"

    I think the problem here is that all holy water ingame looks the same.  It is not feasible to have coding in place that looks at the holy water and determines if it was made by a Corath worshipper.  The key issue here is the RP and how much is a person willig to RP the situation?  The issue rests with the individual, there is no way to enforce how the holy water is used.  But I would question why a scriber who is a devout of Toran or Aeridin is even making a animate dead scroll.


    RE: On Holy Water
    « Reply #24 on: February 15, 2005, 01:34:00 pm »
    Aragon - 2/15/2005 9:28 PM I agree with you on this. The commoner or common adventurer would not be able to tell the difference between a Toran or Corath Holy Water in an unmarked container. But a paladin or cleric intune with their god most definately would feel an inclination one way or another ... they may not know the origin but I would think an item blessed by Corath would give off a negative aura.
      "Could Toran holy water be used in the ink to scribe an animate undead scroll, for example?"
      I think the problem here is that all holy water ingame looks the same. It is not feasible to have coding in place that looks at the holy water and determines if it was made by a Corath worshipper. The key issue here is the RP and how much is a person willig to RP the situation? The issue rests with the individual, there is no way to enforce how the holy water is used. But I would question why a scriber who is a devout of Toran or Aeridin is even making a animate dead scroll.

      Couldn't agree more.


    RE: On Holy Water
    « Reply #25 on: February 19, 2005, 03:50:00 pm »
    Corath water would be like unholy water, filled with dead fleas, moldy and with a squirrel's skull bobbing.  Who knows, if you opened the cork, you'd probably hear a bunch of crying dead babies or such.

    Xeenite holy water would pretty much be anything over 120 proof that made you see double. :)


    RE: On Holy Water
    « Reply #26 on: February 19, 2005, 06:24:00 pm »
    I disagree, because Corathite holy water is would still be used in cure potions.  Holy water from the Roman Calothic church isn't any different than holy water from another church.  Just blessed for a certain faith.


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      RE: On Holy Water
      « Reply #27 on: February 19, 2005, 11:11:00 pm »
      Totally disagree with that last one.  Corath holy water could heal evil and such, but would do illness or damage to good.  Just as Toran holy water would damage undead and heal good.  Neutral, to your point, could probably go either way.

      And as usual, a quibble point, but I mentioned Toranite holy water being used for an animate dead scroll, and the immediate question was, why?  It was just used to illustrate a point.  A Corath cleric would not use Toran holy water to scribe the scroll, as an alternative example.

      Holy water from a Catholic church is not just the same as holy waters from other churches.  The sanctifying by different organizations and the beliefs of power are totally different across the board.  And what about blessed water from pagans, wicca, or satanic organizations?  I tire.


      RE: On Holy Water
      « Reply #28 on: February 21, 2005, 12:03:00 pm »
      It is a good point that to followers of one faith or the other, holy water blessed under one religion is not the same as holy water blessed under another.  Even within our real-life religions, there's plenty of...rivalry (for lack of a better word) between different sects of what amounts (ultimately) to the same religion. But I think it's important to note that it's different to those who are faithful.  To them, there's an important difference.

      In game, a Toranite may not want to accept holy water from a Corathite, thinking it unclean, unpure or even unholy.  And I think there are plenty of really good RP reasons to refuse holy water from an unliked or enemy diety.

      BUT, in the end, all holy water is blessed by a god of the Layonara pantheon, which makes it, by definition, holy.  To a Corathite, their holy water is...well...holy, not unholy.  And in the game context, it works the same (i.e. can still be used for potions, will still cause damage to undead, etc.) as holy water from Ilsare, Toran, Vorax or Lucinda.

      So mechanically speaking, there's no real difference. BUT, I don't see a reason why characters wouldn't (and shouldn't) refuse holy water from a rival or enemy diety....especially not clerics and paladins. For good RP, this only makes sense. Others, however, may not care where it comes from. It was blessed through the follower of a god...and that's enough.

      Having said all this, it would be kind of cool if there were different holy waters for each diety, but I fully recognize that such a system would be probably too complex.


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        RE: On Holy Water
        « Reply #29 on: June 21, 2005, 09:26:00 am »
        I also believe that Holy water can come in various shape, color and taste. I think of R.A. Salvatore's saga with Drizzt and Bruenor, at one point Bruenor is looking for another "head" cleric and he actually taste each contender's holy water to see which one has the best taste (or alchool  :) )

        Each diety has it's own definition of what is holy water and I would think that races too may have some preferences. Maybe vampire holy water would be blessed blood...

        just my .02 cents...


        RE: On Holy Water
        « Reply #30 on: June 21, 2005, 10:09:00 am »
        Woah! .02 cents?! Man all this time I've been chipping 2 cents in and now I find that people are giving fractions of cents... *sighs* Talks about stingy.