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Author Topic: Question on "not exactly pvp"  (Read 158 times)


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    Question on "not exactly pvp"
    « on: August 03, 2006, 03:26:18 am »
    Yea, this just accured to me.  Playing a barbarian female.  If another character (IC) makes a distasteful remark, I would think that a fist to the face would be an appropriate IC response for this particular character.  In her bio, she did it to her ex-husband and is the reason she left her village.  What is the appropriate way to handle this hypothetical?

    1) an unarmed (fist) attack to a player? seems PvP to me.
    2) an OOC "hey this is the character's response" tagline and a dice roll between the players = imagined barroom brawl?
    3) a pause in RP and a call to an online GM to monitor the response?
    4) ignore, though an OOC action, to avoid breaking any rules?
    5) another option that I haven't thought of?

    Seems like a possible grey area to me, thanks for the imput.


    Re: Question on "not exactly pvp"
    « Reply #1 on: August 03, 2006, 04:26:28 am »
    or, drag them kicking and screaming to the arena if its still around....


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      Re: Question on "not exactly pvp"
      « Reply #2 on: August 03, 2006, 04:36:51 am »


      Re: Question on "not exactly pvp"
      « Reply #3 on: August 03, 2006, 04:45:12 am »
      The arena works, open PvP there. Or you can roll the dice and emote throwing a punch or something. There's nothing wrong with dicebag combat, just don't write out your emotes assuming you are the victor. "*Throws a punch and hits JoeSchmoe in the face, sending him sprawling into the mud*" is bogus, as JoeSchmoe doesn't even get a chance to respond. Just leave the action open so they can have the opportunity to counter. :) Roleplayed combat is a lot easier and faster if you're either friends with the player, or its worked out in tells beforehand.

      The arena is an easy choice, though.


      Re: Question on "not exactly pvp"
      « Reply #4 on: August 03, 2006, 05:13:42 am »
      *But when you lean forward to take a closer look, JoeSchmoe jumps up and as quick as lightning, you find yourself with a dagger through your heart.*

      Hehe... Counter force emote. :P

      Anyway, as mentioned before. Arena is the way to go if you want a "real" fight and can't/dont' wan't disturb a DM. :)


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        Re: Question on "not exactly pvp"
        « Reply #5 on: August 03, 2006, 05:52:30 am »
        Thanks everyone, just wondering how to rp such a situation.  Dicebag sounds good, fast, and easy.

        Black Cat

        Re: Question on "not exactly pvp"
        « Reply #6 on: August 03, 2006, 05:59:28 am »
        I would say
        A 'tell' to the player saying you're going to RP a punch in the face, and asking him to RP along with apropriate rolls. If he doesn't want to play along, well.... arena.
        RP would be something like
        *you send a punch aiming at Joe's face* *dex check*

        then Joe tries to avoid the punch = *dex or tumble check*

        then if you hit him you do a *str check* opposing a *con or str check* to see the result of the punch. Either you sprawled him in the mud a few feet away with a broken nose or he just stands there and smiles.

        Or whatever RP you can think off.
        I once was grab by a giant and thrown down Hlint Well, and it was really fun and was resolved in the same kind of way. No need of a GM really, unless the other doesn't want to RP which I hope would happen very rarely on Layo.

        OOC is to be avoided unless in 'tells' to get the RP'ed fight along.
        An unarmed attack would be PVP and isn't allowed except in the Arena
        A GM isn't probably needed to resolve this kind of thing if you can agree on something with the other player.


        Re: Question on "not exactly pvp"
        « Reply #7 on: August 04, 2006, 04:09:00 pm »
        #1 is Pvp, so a no go.
        A 'tell' to the player saying you're going to RP a punch in the face, and asking him to RP along with apropriate rolls.

        That'd be the way. The most fun one too.
        #3 There has to be a GM available then, but #2 is more fun.
        #4 just go for the dicebag

        On the dragging to the arena thing, you want to walk all the way to Velensk for a punch in the face? Because I assume it won't be combat to the death, as you're just hitting in the face (which will be what, one attack round?).

