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Author Topic: Aeridin - the truth behind the Dogma?  (Read 1907 times)


Re: Aeridin - the truth behind the Dogma?
« Reply #60 on: March 22, 2007, 01:24:37 pm »
If I may try to synthesize points that I think everyone agrees on:

1. Playing a Aeridinite can be difficult. (I know I would have a hard time with it)
2. There are situations where Aerdinites are allowed to kill; it's not a Jainist style pacifism, in general.
3. The dogma has some ambiguities, and it is perhaps more the personal theology of the character, rather than the dogma itself that defines how they act in all these types of situations.
4. If an Aeridinite does engage in combat, it should be justified by legitimate RP reasons, although the type and variety of valid reasons may be different depending on the character.
5. Use common sense. :-)

Witch Hunter

Re: Aeridin - the truth behind the Dogma?
« Reply #61 on: March 22, 2007, 01:49:09 pm »
Quote from: Dorganath
From whom have you heard that?

I refrain from naming people to keep this thread on the best side possible, regardless it's good to know that it's not frobidden.


Re: Aeridin - the truth behind the Dogma?
« Reply #62 on: March 22, 2007, 01:57:25 pm »
I've edited my previous post.  Please read it


Re: Aeridin - the truth behind the Dogma?
« Reply #63 on: March 22, 2007, 01:59:18 pm »
Dorg your link opens on the home page of Layo.


Re: Aeridin - the truth behind the Dogma?
« Reply #64 on: March 22, 2007, 02:01:56 pm »
Not anymore :)  Refresh your page

Or scroll up a few

Witch Hunter

Re: Aeridin - the truth behind the Dogma?
« Reply #65 on: March 22, 2007, 02:05:13 pm »
I've read it and agree.
That's all I have to say, really.


Re: Aeridin - the truth behind the Dogma?
« Reply #66 on: March 22, 2007, 02:25:31 pm »
Quote from: Dorganath
I meant GM-run quests, not "bring me the head of that bad buy" quests from NPCs.

Just a reference. But for this week the quest are as followed

*gulp* It's getting deeper ... anyone seen the halfling? 5:30 am EDT

The Evil Kobold Trapper what Traps at Midnight Part II 10:30 pm EDT Combat hight, but purpose of protecting the people

A Girl's Dream - Chapter 1 - Moonlight Crystal 7:30 am EDT (12:30 gmt)

What is and What Should Never Be 7:30 pm EDT (Closed party)

The Plot Thickens 6:00 pm EDT good description of the story line, but not much to tell if a cleric of Aeridin should join

Holding a Dragon's tail 4:30 am EDT Level 20+ (lower come at own risk) combat some

White lands, Cold deaths 9:00 Am EDT

* A promise, an opportunity ... * 2 pm EDT

The Legacy 11 am EDT.

My point is that, even if we wanted to do the quest, those that are EDT, CST and PST are hard press to find one. In this list, if you are not in the closed party, and beleive me i was lucky to get in that one, that leaves only two and then you have to go with the how much killing can you expect. I know that it hard to find gms to run the quest for the edt-cst-pst but this is what we as a player have to deal with. Now I am lucky to be self employed and being able to manage my time my won way when I have contracts, but self employed people are usaly the exception. The majority of the quest that are present at the moment are GMT. And for most edt-cst-pst, impossible to attend. So that limits even more the spectrum of things an Aeridinite can do.

On an other note, I'm a bit miffed ( just a tiny little bit, not much truly, but still) that we classify the followship of the dogma only to the cleric. You have a god you follow that god, no matter what class you are. Yes the Cleric and Paladin are more attune to him or her, but truly, the dogma should and would apply to them all. And to my sence if it came down to it, Aeridin would have the power to take the weave out of a wizard or sorceror to, or any skills out of a fighter, Although I agree I didnt see much fighter class for Aeridin.

In my personal expeience, when I created Lex I knew it was going to be harder, but after some talks it came to be ludacrist, untill a week ago and. Maybe I was looking to much into it, maybe I wasn't.

Oh and Dorg, that view single post is a nifty little trick :)

Talan Va'lash

Re: Aeridin - the truth behind the Dogma?
« Reply #67 on: March 22, 2007, 02:30:51 pm »
The spell raise dead or ressurection cannot be used to bring someone back to life that has died of old age. Thats the natural cause that Aeridin would care about. The only way to avoid it is some manner of undeath, which is why Aeridin is concerned with it. Raising someone that was killed by goblins is unrelated to the issues Aeridin is concerned with, namely, undeath.

Talk to Talan if you want a take on Aeridin's dogma that opposes many of those put forth thus far *grins* or read about the lightbringers.

Witch Hunter

Re: Aeridin - the truth behind the Dogma?
« Reply #68 on: March 22, 2007, 02:39:54 pm »
Dial 127-315-talan for further information.


Re: Aeridin - the truth behind the Dogma?
« Reply #69 on: March 22, 2007, 02:52:46 pm »
On the quest issue...

No, there won't be much of an indication as to whether a cleric or other follower of Aeridin should attend a given event, even for events that say they will be dangerous.  I'm sorry if you think it makes it more difficult, but I don't think it would make much sense to list every deity and indicate whether or not that deity's followers would find an appropriate avenue for RP.  That is not for the GM to decide in most cases.

My best and only advice is: Sign up and show up.  And if it's not appropriate, walk off.

On another point...

Yes, we're saying "cleric" a lot here in this discussion, but they are the most visible and applicable example of what following the dogma should entail.  But of course it means just as much, if not more, to Paladins...and really, anyone who places Aeridin in that deity field should show more than a passing dedication to the dogma of the deity....though clearly a cleric of any deity should show more adherence to the dogma (subject to personal interpretation) than the bard or druid (for example...not the only examples) who follows the same deity.  Paladins have an even higher level of expectations, and Champions have even more (as applicable).

If I or anyone else seems to be getting hung up on the word "cleric", it's because it's quite tedious to list out all possibilities.

The dogma of Aeridin clearly does not just apply to clerics, it just applies to them more than the average follower.

I'd suggest that everyone whose questions have not yet been answered take a moment to sit back and think about all that's been discussed in this thread and to look at the big picture, and not get hung up on narrow examples.

I think I may have said all I can say on this.  As with any dogma, there are going to be many "right" ways to conduct oneself within its boundaries, as there will surely be many wrong ways as well. I'm surely not going to spell out precise boundaries for the RP of Aeridinites or any other deity.  Part of RP is to decide how your character will operate within that dogma to the best of your ability.

I will end by saying this though...OOC and game mechanical reasons simply are not valid for a follower of a particular deity to skate around the boundaries that the deity's dogma sets down.  Again, that is not directed at anyone in particular, nor does it just apply to Aeridinites, but rather, it is common throughout all.


Re: Aeridin - the truth behind the Dogma?
« Reply #70 on: March 22, 2007, 04:21:59 pm »
Thats not what i meant Dorg. When they indicate there is heavy RP or heavy combat to be expected, that gives us an indication if it would be appropriate fo us to go. I'm not saying to list all the dieties and which the GM think is fitting for his quest in the description. Just that some gives us better clues of what will be expected than others.


Re: Aeridin - the truth behind the Dogma?
« Reply #71 on: March 22, 2007, 05:41:14 pm »
I have done this with my Aeridinite character. Looked at a quest and said yay or nay, and just walked. The same goes for player led events too.

I am lucky that if it doesn't suit my Aeridinite, I just handpick another set of characters. (but thats beside the point.

Quote from: Dorganath
On the quest issue...

My best and only advice is: Sign up and show up.  And if it's not appropriate, walk off.


Witch Hunter

Re: Aeridin - the truth behind the Dogma?
« Reply #72 on: March 22, 2007, 05:54:09 pm »
Heres another question:
What's Aeridins view on hunting animals for food/leather?


Re: Aeridin - the truth behind the Dogma?
« Reply #73 on: March 22, 2007, 06:00:43 pm »
*waits for a response from an avatar of Aeridin*

*A mysterious figure in white appears* (And yes, for those of you to whom this "A mysterious figure in white" sounds familiar, you may despair now ;) ) Dorganath was not entirely mistaken when he mentioned events in game.

Hellblazer's quote of the dogma on the temple in Northpoint is correct, that will be the new dogma of Aeridin when the new handbook(s) is/are released.
I can already tell you that the second paragraph of it, is the core.

On knowing the dogma, if your character is a cleric, he will have been taught about it officially by other followers, she he should know what it is.

if a God is purely about peace and life, he would not have enemies

Why wouldn't he have enemies? Everyone who wants to wage war, fight, destroy life or otherwise harm (or change!) living things would/could be his enemy.

And as a side note, Aeridin is a he, not a she.

And what Gulnyr stated is totally correct:
Every deity has a limited scope of what he or she governs, and there are rules within the dogma covering that range, but there is wiggle room within that confined space. As you pointed out, there seems to be some contradiction or grey areas in Aeridin's dogma. That doesn't necessarily need to be clarified and set in stone. Every religion has conservatives and liberals, or orthodox and reformists, or whatever you want to call them. There is space within the dogma for characters who look at the same doctrines from different perspectives, which makes the faiths dynamic and fun to roleplay rather than cookie-cutter plain and predictable.

On a smaller scale, though, you are right. Each individual Cleric should have a personal concept of the dogma more or less set in stone. The extra paragraphs required at the end of a submission are meant to get the player to consider just exactly how the character perceives the dogma, and make sure that concept is inline with the spirit and nature of the faith. That way, the player knows how to play the character's view of the dogma as soon as he steps into the world.

This is a bit of a random reply, now that I look at it, but have to run, sorry :)

Witch Hunter

Re: Aeridin - the truth behind the Dogma?
« Reply #74 on: March 23, 2007, 10:02:56 am »
No comment about killing animals for meat/pelts?


Re: Aeridin - the truth behind the Dogma?
« Reply #75 on: March 23, 2007, 03:24:16 pm »
When I played my Aeridinite, I focused on the Great Cycle.  Death is part of the Great Cycle, especially a "natural" or purposeful death.  The food chain is part of the cycle of life and death.  It may be seem a bit cheesy, but I tend to think of the song from Lion King.  Anyway, predators thrive and survive by hunting and eating other animals.  Predators are part of the cycle, therefore killing animals for meat and pelts is fine.  Killing many animals for the pelts to start a fur store?  Not so much so.  In the end, intentions count for a lot.  

Play your character.
Play your alignment.
Play your character's dogma (as applicable).

and above all

Use common sense.
Hope that helped

Witch Hunter

Re: Aeridin - the truth behind the Dogma?
« Reply #76 on: March 23, 2007, 03:44:03 pm »
Good stuff there, that song from the lion king is a bit related :P