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Author Topic: RP regarding the Corath Temple  (Read 3990 times)


RP regarding the Corath Temple
« on: September 12, 2007, 02:15:49 pm »
If you don't know where it is, great.  

If you think you know where it is... you shouldn't know it is there unless you have been taken there by a Corathite or are a member of the Corathite faith.  All the character sees is a building set into the hillside.  RP wise, there is not a nameplate on the door that says "Chanda" and "XXX XXX, Temple of Corath".

Remember, the Corathites would not lead someone to the place who could reveal their location. They have spent too much time, money and energy to avoid this happening. They know how many enemies they have.

Note:  The door being unlocked and allowing anyone to just walk right in allows alot of this metagaming to happen, is unrealistic, and there should be temple keys issued to the followers (since it is treated like a PC Home).  If possible, the name should also be removed from the door.


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2007, 02:34:04 pm »
So to all those who've I'd RP'd with lately about things pertaining to the Mad God....  Uh...  See me ingame for the "revised" edition of Shiff's stupidity =)


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2007, 03:53:38 pm »
Thank you for this post! Very long in coming and agreed 100%, this temple is something that has been metagamed by player and GM alike from day one.  

There is a tiny handful of characters that have come by this knowledge in a different fashion and could pass it on, but have certainly never been inside and made it back out unless taken by one of the faith.

However, in the future (not that it matters now), simple notices OOC nearby would be nice to have in-game, just so people know even if they don't read one post amidst many others in the forums, etc.


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2007, 06:35:45 pm »
I see.  So not only is Kor disallowed from making potions at any of his enemy gods' temples, but his allies' too.

ho hum.  Time to start trekking to Firesteep I guess.


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2007, 06:41:24 pm »
Sneak in with sanc if you're allowed! Ask a Corathite! Something!

I think the general point is that for all the good characters out there, Corathites don't exactly announce their plans and invite them to housewarming parties, etc. I remember when it was still mostly new, and utterly unspoken yet, several good characters simply saw the door and was like "ah yes they have a new temple on Mistone, I came across it in my travels." when the whole point was that no, you don't just come across it in your travels, and it doesn't have a nameplate on the door. It was just assumed from day one and is one of those things that needs some roleplay to really think about what your character should and shouldn't know.

I'm pretty sure that's the crowd it was targeted to - for allied characters, I can't say and would want to ask the ones running the temple what the story is there. I imagine even if the welcome mat was out (and I don't know), they'd want discretion, though.


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2007, 06:48:01 pm »
Quote from: lonnarin
I see.  So not only is Kor disallowed from making potions at any of his enemy gods' temples, but his allies' too.

ho hum.  Time to start trekking to Firesteep I guess.

Uh, that's not what's being said here.  Please don't put words into our mouths.

In this case, most people should NOT know of the temple's existence unless explicitly shown by a Corathite. Quite simply, the door to the temple does not advertise the fact that it's a temple to Corath despite what game mechanics may show you.

If Kor was shown this temple, then fine.  If not, then he shouldn't be using it to make potions or any other purpose.  We are not saying who can or cannot utilize a temple of an allied/friendly god.  We are referring to this one specific temple only and it's knowledge among the characters in the world.

There is, of course, another temple that's far easier to get to and far better advertised in Arnax.  Use that one.


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2007, 06:51:02 pm »
Quote from: Dorganath
There is, of course, another temple that's far easier to get to and far better advertised in Arnax.  Use that one.

*Shiff runs off to Arnax to cause...

Heh...  No chance...


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2007, 07:00:40 pm »
Hehe...Guess I get to be one of the few handfuls that know, then. Always nice to almost lose an arm in the process though :p

In all seriousness, thanks for the heads up. What's the appearance of it really supposed to look like? Is it a door in the middle of a hill, or...? Kinai's aware of it, but for any other of my characters who come across it, I'd like to RP that properly.


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2007, 07:07:41 pm »
My understanding of it from when I first joined Layo was that, mechanics-wise it is where it is on that screen, but RP-wise it is set way back up into the mountains where you won't just stumble across it.


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2007, 07:38:02 pm »
Quote from: Interia_Discordius
In all seriousness, thanks for the heads up. What's the appearance of it really supposed to look like? Is it a door in the middle of a hill, or...? Kinai's aware of it, but for any other of my characters who come across it, I'd like to RP that properly.

Yeah, it's a door set into the side of a hill/mountain.


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2007, 07:57:55 pm »
This definitely seems to be something that should have a permanent way of making sure this is not misunderstood.  A flag outside the door, or a GM note when you approach the door saying if you're not being lead here by a Corathite then you don't see the door.  At least some jedi mind trick kind of thing (this is not the door you are looking for).  Maybe the undead outside should be romoved as well as that would certainly attract good characters if there was a place in the mountains where undead were wandering around.  Thanks for putting this information out since I for one didn't understand how hidden and secret this particular temple was supposed to be.


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2007, 08:00:42 pm »
My only issue with this is that if some of the PCs that know of the temple's existence are "good" based PCs especially LG PCs and they are keeping that info quite from others of their faith and their ("good") friends then we have a alignment issue thing going on.
If Wren knew where it was he would most certainly sit down with other followers of Folian and other people that he knows to be good people and tell them and tell them to spread the word.
So if you know where it is and you are a good based PC and you are protecting them then.... issue!


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2007, 08:06:27 pm »
There is a good way to make it Corath exclusive...  Just put a natural barrier like a stream or climbing rock that you have to go through to reach it, and have it instead of doing a climb check, just permit entry and exit via checking the Diety field for Corath.  You say that it can't be stumbled upon if you don't know where it is, but you and I and everyone all know that players exploring for monsters to fight will almost always find it.  It's there, they see the door, they enter.  Most people don't even read the forums to see this notice.

Making an actual "Corath Only" checkpoint is a far greater solution than putting up an OOC notice that breaks immersion.  Putting up a sign that says "this is a top secret hidden area" would be cruel tempting curious players, and wouldn't make it very hidden.


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2007, 08:15:47 pm »
*looks up at jrizz's post*
That thought had occurred to me as well.  I mean once the cat is out of the bag on something like that it's not going to be a secret any more.  If even one Toranite knew where it was it would be posted in every temple as a primary focus of surveilance.  So I guess the question is whether or not anyone on the good side has come to the knowledge of the temple via whatever method and has spread the word.  If that has ever happened in the past then things are very different.  I thinking that a permanent temple of a god like Corath is only possible in an evil kingdom.  Any kingdom that has effective law enforcement is eventually going to discover such a base of operations unless there is some special god protection or something keeping it from being discovered.  Intersting discussion.  :)


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2007, 08:21:52 pm »
Quote from: jrizz
My only issue with this is that if some of the PCs that know of the temple's existence are "good" based PCs especially LG PCs and they are keeping that info quite from others of their faith and their ("good") friends then we have a alignment issue thing going on.
If Wren knew where it was he would most certainly sit down with other followers of Folian and other people that he knows to be good people and tell them and tell them to spread the word.
So if you know where it is and you are a good based PC and you are protecting them then.... issue!

The issue here is:  The LG characters that know of did they learn of it?  If they were out adventuring one day and saw it, then they didn't find the temple of Corath.  Keeping that information from others is then not an issue because...heh...they don't have any information to keep from others, and as such, there's no alignment issue either.

If they were shown it by a member of the Corath faith...well...I find that unlikely, unless they were being recruited...or being taken for "interrogation".  Even then, the chances they'd be allowed to see the location of the entrance is slim.

As far as mechanical solutions to metagaming...Warning triggers are fine.  Scripted solutions to only allow certain groups past are, I think, too much.  It actually closes the door to all sorts of RP, such as recruitment, initiation and the afore-mentioned interrogation.


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2007, 08:24:25 pm »
Quote from: Skywatcher
*looks up at jrizz's post*
That thought had occurred to me as well.  I mean once the cat is out of the bag on something like that it's not going to be a secret any more.  If even one Toranite knew where it was it would be posted in every temple as a primary focus of surveilance.  So I guess the question is whether or not anyone on the good side has come to the knowledge of the temple via whatever method and has spread the word.  If that has ever happened in the past then things are very different.  I thinking that a permanent temple of a god like Corath is only possible in an evil kingdom.  Any kingdom that has effective law enforcement is eventually going to discover such a base of operations unless there is some special god protection or something keeping it from being discovered.  Intersting discussion.  :)

And that's just the thing.  The Corathites who built it went through great lengths and expense to get the temple built in secrecy in the middle of what amounts to hostile territory.  The only reason most people know of its location is due to OOC information being portrayed in-game, specifically the label on the door.


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2007, 08:41:34 pm »
Quote from: Acacea
Thank you for this post! Very long in coming and agreed 100%, this temple is something that has been metagamed by player and GM alike from day one.  

There is a tiny handful of characters that have come by this knowledge in a different fashion and could pass it on, but have certainly never been inside and made it back out unless taken by one of the faith.

However, in the future (not that it matters now), simple notices OOC nearby would be nice to have in-game, just so people know even if they don't read one post amidst many others in the forums, etc.

Daralith and Bakee never told a soul... So Bakee said keep the witch away from her! =-)

Halfwit Genious

Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2007, 08:59:48 pm »
Just some thoughts. In the case that the temple is known only to followers and a select few other individuals one would think that followers that renounced the faith would be hunted to avoid the revealing of it's location... anyone who knows for that matter. I think it'd be cool to have skeletons attack at random those characters that do know :) or other cool undead creatures. Just a thought... it's kinda a catch 22. If the people that do know live to spread the word everyone would know, much like everyone knows there are bad creatures on Belinara even if they havn't been there because others have spread that around. On the other hand if the ones that know are openly hunted then suspisions will be raised. Again just my thoughts.

Pen N Popper

Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #18 on: September 12, 2007, 09:00:19 pm »
Perhaps make the entrance to it be a magical bush like in that place on central.  Only true exploring in corners of the world would discover it.


Re: RP regarding the Corath Temple
« Reply #19 on: September 12, 2007, 11:28:24 pm »
Quote from: Acacea

There is a tiny handful of characters that have come by this knowledge in a different fashion and could pass it on, but have certainly never been inside and made it back out unless taken by one of the faith.

@Dorg, my post came to me based on the above statement. If anyone of those tiny handful of characters is of "good" alignment or counts themselves on the side of good in good vs evil then the cat should be out of the bag. If not then they have done a great job in keeping the temple secret.

As a note: one of them should make a new PC named "You never found this door". Then make that PC the owner and lock it and give out keys.

