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Author Topic: Chaotic-good or chaotic-neutral?  (Read 179 times)


Chaotic-good or chaotic-neutral?
« on: June 20, 2006, 05:44:05 am »

Due to recent events in Freldo's life he's started two lists of people:

1 - Those that he will not recognize
2 - Everyone else

Being chaotic-good, that means he has the ability to choose his own actions but acts in helping the weak and oppressed.  He will still be the ninja healer around Hlint (saved at least 3 folks these past days) and his general outlook hasn't really changed so his core is still the same.

The first list is currently composed of three people and the people and will not receive any interaction (of any kind: talking, healing or even helping in a quest that they are the leader of) from him.

I'd like your opinion if this scope of actions with the three characters are enough to drive Freldo from CG to chaotic-neutral.


RE: Chaotic-good or chaotic-neutral?
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2006, 06:02:59 am »
I see three characters as an example of an exception rather than a rule, and large alignment shifts happen as results of a trend. Do you feel that in snubbing three people, he has no commitment to the more general good?


Re: Chaotic-good or chaotic-neutral?
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2006, 06:10:41 am »

I wrote that but I took it out as my post was getting too long.

In short:
No, Freldo's still commited to the greater good but the three people will receive none of it.

I also think that they are exceptions to the rule but since his interaction with one of them has been pretty intense, I just wonder if the general perception of a 180 degree turn with the characters will affect his perceived alignment.  Well, if someone asks him the "why" he'll tell them.  :)

I mentioned this in a tell a few weeks back, I have no intention of having Freldo go neutral or even shifting his alignment by more than a few points, but gods know what will happen with him.


Re: Chaotic-good or chaotic-neutral?
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2006, 07:05:59 am »
Join the  "That's Life"  Club Freldo.  Kat has a similar outlook on things that is slowing taking her NG to TN.  Adventurers however make up less than 1 % of the entire Layo population so the ignore list (which may with enough annoyance become a hit list) really isn't that big a factor in the overall scheme of things.


Re: Chaotic-good or chaotic-neutral?
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2006, 12:33:27 pm »
Excellent.  Everybody needs a "Dead to Me" list once in awhile.  I first started mine when I met Azaria's sex-cult guild. Then Bopthor hit me with the 20th fireball and people didn't stop stealing loot from the party after the 50th "we have a group looter... CUT IT OUT!"  The list began to grow.  People that march back and forth in town, despondant that they logged into a non-pvp server who decide to try and push and push and push the limit so that you'll finally snap and get banned for killing them.

There's nothing good, evil or neutral about it, people flat out have standards with who they interact with.  You don't see me drinking a beer with skinheads, playing golf with violent street gangers or sharing a Pepsi with Osama... ain't going to happen.  And if I go to a bar and somebody walks up to me and generally antagonizes me over and over, I'm not going to buy him a drink or share his table.

Standards and limits are a wonderful thing, and not morally exclusive.  There is no law demanding Altruism. (except for when they got Seinfeld)


Re: Chaotic-good or chaotic-neutral?
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2006, 12:41:33 pm »

If Bjorn and Katrien can have "Dead to Me" lists, I can do it also.

If Freldo slips in his goodness it'll have to be for bigger reasons.

Thanks for the feedback folks!


Re: Chaotic-good or chaotic-neutral?
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2006, 12:48:46 pm »
If I made your list I am going to have to slit your throat and alignment shift to LE.  *winks*


Re: Chaotic-good or chaotic-neutral?
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2006, 12:53:43 pm »
Addison is on another of Freldo's lists, not this one though.


Re: Chaotic-good or chaotic-neutral?
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2006, 01:11:13 pm »
I keep so many lists, I have a list of all my other lists just to keep them organized.  It's tough being listless...


Re: Chaotic-good or chaotic-neutral?
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2006, 01:42:22 pm »
Heh, I know for a fact that one of my characters is on his blacklist, just the same as I know another of my characters is considered to be at least a reasonably good friend. *He grins.* Though if Freldo'd taken the time to explain to my confused little Krashinite about group looting, a lot of badness might have been avoided. Still, such oversights happen as often in games as in life, and it led to some fun RP. I just hope that the blacklist doesn't cut down on RP with her so much as limit the amount that Freldo helps, converses with, etc. in regards to her.

Exceptions happen, Freldo. Even Evil characters are nice on occasion; just look at Ozy. In the same way, Good characters sometimes don't act so good. Pyyran has his moments of Neutrality (some might have even said nearing-on to evil on an occasion or two), just as he has his moments of Lawfulness (such as honoring his word to close friends, even to pain of death... Though others don't get the luxury of truthfulness ;) ), but neither makes him any less CG, because he is, in most instances, a reasonably good example of the alignment. If I had to pick another two characters who fit CG near-on perfectly, I'd suggest Acacea and Freldo before any other but Pyyran. (And Pyyran's only first 'cause he's my character.)

Do I like parentheses? (This is obviously a rhetorical question.)

