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Author Topic: *At Sloven, as the storm clears, and the party gathers beside Jasmine's "house*"// One of sand discussion group.  (Read 1314 times)


"Keys, yeah. That was my
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2013, 09:31:10 am »

"Keys, yeah. That was my thought too. Lemme see this thing..." If offered the box, Ty will have a good slow look-over for how the sigil might be triggered from the lock and if there are any other indications of secret compartments or traps.



After his examination."
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2013, 10:46:32 am »

After his examination."  Nothing, like the gnome said. Just uncap it and it'll open. Can't see how the sigil would affect it unless it's magic, like the gnome said." A grin.  "So - finger wigglers?"  Holds the scroll case out.



Yeah, I guess keys make sense
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2013, 11:47:37 pm »

Yeah, I guess keys make sense too... *Excitedly grabs the case and pulls out the contents.*


Lance Stargazer

// Geez. Sorry for the
« Reply #23 on: October 18, 2013, 09:32:00 am »

// Geez. Sorry for the delay.. RL went crazy this week.
 Back to the IG...

*As Q takes the scrollcase , with fast hands he removes the cap, a loud pop is heard that is caused by the traped air and the humidity that the scrollcase held, apparently it has been closed by some time at least months maybe, those of you who are noticing the events may see or feel a chilling feeling, there is a dark bluieish "wave" that can be barely seen , spreading aroudn the area in continual motion, this comming from the scroll case. you all in the inn ( not only those who are closer to the scroll case ) start to feel weak, as if your energy had left your bodies all of sudden, Not a confortable feeling, you are barely reacting to this feeling when suddenly, the whole inn is swarmed into flame, a big ball of fire explodes again from the center of the room ( where the scrollcase is ), Q is hit straight by the fire ball, and the rest of you manage to take cover in time to just suffer damage of it (  aka nobody of the party died, but are heavily burnt ), at the moment you give a heartfelt thanks to the gods that only you were in the inn, the blast could easily have killed people less used to the dangers of the road *

*The inn's wood its starting to catch fire and the peace of the town is disrupted by the sudden explosion, The scroll case was destroyed in the process, Q was hit straight and took the worse of the explosion, the halfling managed to raise the cloak to prevent the worse of the burnts, yet he can be seen under where the stairs once where, being pushed by the fireball he flied some feet towards that place, After some minutes he seems to be still being able to react, yet the fire in the inn doesn't give any form of security*

// And .. go... Actions and reacitons please.



*Quenton coughs heavily and
« Reply #24 on: October 19, 2013, 02:51:00 pm »

*Quenton coughs heavily and crawls slowly toward the door, clutching two pieces of paper in his right hand and a small clover in his left. He pauses briefly and whispers to himself the words for Prunilla's cure serious wounds for himself and continues crawling to the door.*



Charlie crawls out from
« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2013, 10:50:10 am »

Charlie crawls out from behind a now burnt table and heads for the door.  Throwing it wide, he calls to the others "C'on! This way".  Charlie pauses to make sure Kat makes it out before stepping completely aside.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Ty crouches and takes a
« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2013, 11:03:08 pm »

Ty crouches and takes a moment to assess if the fire(s) can be put out before the entire building goes up - there may not be much water, but there is plenty of sand to starve the fires of oxygen, if they're not out of control yet.



*Ryubi furiously pats his eye
« Reply #27 on: October 21, 2013, 01:10:37 am »

*Ryubi furiously pats his eye brows trying to put the fire out all the while cursing in gnomish.  He uses his one good eye to look for the door and attempts to crawl his way out using his arms.  On his way out he recites a protection from elements spell and keeps moving under the heavy smoke column now permeating the room.

"I do believe I did warn of unexpected problems *coughs* regarding the opening of the scroll case"



*Corky screams a song for
« Reply #28 on: October 21, 2013, 03:22:14 am »

*Corky screams a song for protection as he sees the blast starting to form and then ducks for cover behind the bar back.  He pats out any fire on him and rolls to extinguish the rest.  He crawls his way out of the Inn when its safe, but on his way keeps and eye out on the ground and the surrounding areas of the Inn interior for any loose items that might have shot out of the box and survived the fire.*



*After crawling outside,
« Reply #29 on: October 22, 2013, 12:50:04 am »

*After crawling outside, Quenton sits up and shakes it off* Whew! That was AWESOME! Oh... sorry guys, I didn't know that was gonna happen *smiles really big* But, a... guess what!? I got these out of it! *holds up two pieces of paper in his right hand* Here I read them while crawling out *nods and hands the letters around to the group*

//Quoted from Redeemer: They are some letters written to Jasmine. 

They are sent from her "husband" apparently,

Dear Jasmine.

I am affraid that you won't be see me again. I really feel bad for what happened to our daughter, but somehow i feel better cause she won't see the suffering that will rain upon the desert. It is indeed a time for reckoining, and so everyone will pay...there are some people out there .. you know, I know how much you care for your brother's kids.  It would be a shame something happened to them isn't it ?

I know what  you are thinking, that its a vain threat, Know this that i've put things in order, and my capture was not an accident , all is part of  great scale scheme, where nor me and our family has bigger importance, just the starting of it,  But you may still be able to save them... You'll see. . you'll find this man on the inn in 2 weeks after you read this letter, you may wish to talk with him about comming to audira to visit. . I can promise you it will be a blast.

Don't think to wrong of me, I swear I did not enjoyed what happened to our daughter, yet I know you won't ever forgive me, I don't expect to be other than being hated, I care less for what you may think of me. . All that matters is that she is dead.

Course you know what would mean to share the contents of this letter. 

Yours in the scarce days to come .



And another letter.


Milady Jasmine.

I am glad you are as reasonable as good looking, and to have concluded the best way of action for the safety of your family, your husband spoke highly of you. If you were able to read this letter means you are indeed wise and were able to restist the curiosity, always a virtue I've admired in women per see, and only seen in the gnomish kind preferebly.

Upon taking our gentle request, you have to keep your family safe, and your brother willl never know how kind soul you are, that makes you kind of a heroine, an unsung one yet. . a heroine nonetheless.

And for this as it was instructed you only have to deliver the small box to the man i told you on the date ( Date of the festival ) , you can't miss him,, all pompous, and well looking , so prideful of those lightly pointed ears that identifies as a "noble blood", Once you have done this, all will be safe, We understand we know this man, and so it would be easier for you to approach,

And it may give you the chance to say hi to your husband, the last hi, I recomdend you that once the deed is settled and your husband dead, you go back where you came .. take your brother and his kids and go away , the things over Sloven its not going to get any better, and that statue will not be helping you either. . So if you want to persue your better intrests, you'd follow this friendly advice.

You may use this enchanted box to keep your things safe, the pass word is "I am screwed" , yes .. i know, Can't help myself at times with the morbid humor but heyl. its what gives life a touch of sanity .. or was it insanity .

Anyway .. we'll be seeing you then. . and for the good of those you love, fullfill your part of the deal .

Yours in  the eternity .

~Tyrus, the mad.



The building is coming down,
« Reply #30 on: October 22, 2013, 01:13:35 pm »

The building is coming down, the timbers too old and sucked dry of moisture to resist the flames. He can't throw sand fast enough - time to get out. He scrambles out a window popped from the heat. Q's bright smile as the local inn billows smoke chafes, and his temper rises in a way it doesn't, usually. "Oh, yeah.  Completely awesome. Their one bar and local gathering spot will burn to cinders and they have so much wood to replace it with, why, they'll hardly notice that it's gone."  His voice is completely deadpan. "Totally awesome too, if someone was in a back room or a corner and we missed them in the smoke. A little murder to go with your loud, obvious, and completely predicatable destruction of local property. Yep. Completely, totally awesome."  With that he looks around for the inevitable crowd of locals and the questions that will surely follow.



Oh... Oh shoot... Yeah I
« Reply #31 on: October 23, 2013, 12:07:16 am »

Oh... Oh shoot... Yeah I didn't think of that... Oh man. Um. *looks up at the inn burning* Dangit. Ok as soon as we figure all this mess out with the giants and the Realites, I will hire that caravan to bring a bunch of wood that I will chop myself! And I'll come help build them a brand new inn! I promise! In fact here's all the trues I have on me now. *dumps out a coin purse with about 200 trues* I got more in the bank too! And I can get more from playing cards, that old rich Wyatt is a pushover. I'll make this right I promise! I'll even design the new inn modeled after the Silver Buckle, Yeah I'll do that! It'll be fantastic! I don't know the whole floor plan though Mr. Andrew, can you help me with that part? *weak smile*



*Kat crawls out the door with
« Reply #32 on: October 23, 2013, 12:58:22 pm »

*Kat crawls out the door with Charlie and stands, watching in awe as the building is consumed by fire.  She sighs and starts counting the coins in her purse.*

"Replacing that inn is going to be really, really expensive.  I hope we can at least make enough of a down payment that they'll let us leave."



"Q, you inhaled too much
« Reply #33 on: October 23, 2013, 09:41:08 am »

"Q, you inhaled too much smoke if you think I'm my dad."  Ty starts digging a fire trench around the inn, starting closest to where the fire burns hottest.  "Get shovels, start digging, we need to contain this."



//Sorry as well, RL is pretty
« Reply #34 on: October 23, 2013, 10:10:03 am »

//Sorry as well, RL is pretty consistantly busy for me. Hopefully if Redeemer sees this before tonight he can add to it. Unfortunately I am rushing out the door now.

Rory, probably before all this is happening to the burning Inn, and scroll case. While the party went digging and exploring the cave, Rory was preparing herself to follow Kels notes and path that Kel sent her via a lizard. Rory made the time to draw a duplicate note and hand it to Vell before Rory left.



Maybe Kat, I sure hope ya got
« Reply #35 on: October 23, 2013, 01:15:10 pm »

Maybe Kat, I sure hope ya got more true in yer purse than I do..I dun think 25 true is gonna cover much. *Charlie sighs handing her what he has.

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

Lance Stargazer

*Ty using the skill he has
« Reply #36 on: October 23, 2013, 04:36:58 pm »

*Ty using the skill he has learned from years of digging manages to quell down the advancement of the fire, this aside the lack of combustibility of the sand, There are small pieces of crystalized sand in the nearbies of the now absent and burnt inn, there is alarm in town of course, as you gather your thougts and your strenght after the impact and the adrenaline*ยจ

*The people of town are watching in awe for the explosion that broke their rest in the night, and the flaming beacon of what was the inn once, you may notice that despite what was expected, the people of town are not approaching apparently just not want to deal with the loss of their precious safety, this maybe the second explosion that the inn  had suffered, and they are with good reasons affraid, as the time passes, only Merin, the sage of the town approaches*

- What in the gods name happened here?  *his voice is alarmed,yet more cautious and looking for more danger that may come closer, he instintively looks over the edge of the town , as if examining something that its obviously not there *



//Just to clarify, are we
« Reply #37 on: October 25, 2013, 11:37:03 am »

//Just to clarify, are we using this thread to continue to the rp from the moment the group manages to heal the Grannocian giant?  Or will another thread be started.  If we are//

*Jo aids Fern in administering to the Grannocian giant, mostly making sure the large creature doesn't thrash during her ministrations and accidently hurt her by staying close, he leaves his sword sheathed and his shield on the gound nearby.*


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

Lance Stargazer

// For now we'll keep up on
« Reply #38 on: October 25, 2013, 04:23:47 pm »

// For now we'll keep up on this thread. Since here is where the information can be found , we may as well change in the future,  but for now we'll stay here. 

*As the sand clears and the giant is seen falling to the ground, unconcious, the massacre fills the air with a dread feeling, Its some time till you are able to see clearly as the explosion made some sand to be raised and making a small sandstorm on the minutes before pacific dune, the bodies of at least a dozen of giants are seen in the massacre, If it were not for the help you gave , the group on the valley of the dune was going to get massacred, yet there is not much diference now, as just one giant remained in a literal last giant standing, the giant was wounded to the point of exahustion, the floor trembles when the big mass of flesh and blood falls to the ground lifting more sand on the area , the blood and the gore spread over the sand, making a gruesome picture*

**You approach cautiously as the sand finally disipates to see the giant laying down, blood everywhere, the sun in the horizon is still far from the sunset and the heat of the desert is starting to hurt you after so many battles, the pain and the weakened state you are still from the "scroll" effect still hurts and make your steps even more weightful ( save Dot and Rory that weren't on the place when this happened ), Rory is nowhere to be seen around the area, and gladly for you, your group didn't got any loses , at least on this encounter*

*There is also no traces about any prisioners or food that may have been in the asaulted caravan, The dessert wind threatens to form a sandstomr during the night,  which thankfully is still some hours away *

// Actions and discussion ahead. .



Ty, himself no healer, checks
« Reply #39 on: October 25, 2013, 09:18:02 pm »

Ty, himself no healer, checks the giant bodies for tattoos to make sure they helped the right ones, and for clues.