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Author Topic: *Farm burned without survivors west of Center*  (Read 120 times)

Lance Stargazer

*Farm burned without survivors west of Center*
« on: June 05, 2012, 04:11:37 pm »
*A farm was brutally burned to ashes some miles away of Center, the reports came to the outpost when one merchant that used to stop there for the night was the only one that survived the fire *

*She informed that she went out of the farm that morning and had personal friendship with the marriage in charge of the farm, stopping there on her trip from Argas towards The western side to Trelania, she looked in the horizon for the smoke, as she returned back to the place she saw that the whole farm and barn was burned to ashes, The marriage and their five children died as well. The only strange thing that seemed to have happened is that a strange woman appeared in the middle of the night, she had fever and seemed real lost, the marriage being kind as they were gave her hostage as well till she felt better, there was no trace of her either after the burnings  *