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Author Topic: Hear a Tale, See a Tale, Bring a Tale, Live a Tale  (Read 79 times)


Hear a Tale, See a Tale, Bring a Tale, Live a Tale
« on: September 11, 2007, 07:27:14 am »
A Favourite Pastime of the good citizens of Dalanthar makes its way to your front door!
 Join Arch Bard Ozymandias & The Mistress of Illusion Rhynnala at the Stormcrest Shack for a night of tales and adventure. Hear the stories of a true Master of Lore, and see them play out before you in fantastic and terrible sights! Who knows, you may just find yourself living a tale of your own....
 Food and Drink will be provided, or at any case drink will be guaranteed with a chance of food (our cook has been lazy lately) So Please stop by!
 The Tale of the Night:
 Where would be the fun in that?! Stop by and see for yourself!


Re: Hear a Tale, See a Tale, Bring a Tale, Live a Tale
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2007, 06:57:07 am »
Gonna have to postpone this.  Ozy's family is dragging him somewhere a bit after this starts. Seeing , however as no one signed the calendar event or RSVPed it shouldn't be an issue