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Author Topic: A call to War! Voraxians Rise!  (Read 167 times)


A call to War! Voraxians Rise!
« on: January 19, 2011, 11:35:33 pm »
As if a wave has flooded the world suddenly there is movement everywhere as now the Voraxian General Superior has declared officially that they will support their allies in the war to come against the nation of Kuhl.

General Superior Haargrim has bid all Voraxians to take up their arms and prepare for battle.

Already he has received answering support from the Ulgrids, Bloody gate, the Runic Anvil and many other dwarven bastions around the world.

General Mourmalk has been appointed in an official capacity to oversee the establishment of camps for Voraxians heading to the warzone.

General Otek will lead the forces that wil be asked to gather in Bloody Gate from Alindor once ready they will make for Alhon on the western coast of Belinara.

General Longpike who was already talking with the Toranite authorities in Fort Last will oversee the staging of Voraxians there and travel with the Toranite Armies when they leave Mistone.

General Arima will be mobilising Voraxians in the north of Dreger outside Northpoint thanks to the Boyers generous offer.

All Faithful are advised to make their way to one of those mobilisation areas and report to the General in charge.


Re: A call to War! Voraxians Rise!
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2011, 03:41:31 am »
*After speaking with General Otek in Bloody Gate, Griff gets on his warpony and travels with all speed to Northpoint.  Once there he will assume command of the Voraxian units assembling there and introduce himself respectfully to them all.  He will access their abilities and cateorize them accordingly.  He will set up training stations and brief them on what he knows about the Drachs and how to fight them.  He searches out individuals who show leadership qualities or whom are already looked up to and makes note for the future.  He makes sure the soldiers have good supplies of food and water and that morale is high.*


Re: A call to War! Voraxians Rise!
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2011, 10:58:00 am »
*As Unther Hardhammer catches word of the voraxians rallying up for war, and Griff traveling to North Point, he makes his way after him as fast as he can, using whatever money sucking portals available.
As he finally catches Griff in North Point, he greets him and asks*

"Should weh seek teh aid ov teh kinsmen ov Rhugal?"


Re: A call to War! Voraxians Rise!
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2011, 11:11:10 pm »
*Griff greets Unther and takes him into one of the tents at the staging grounds in Northpoint.  They sit on some stools and Griff serves them each a round of ales.*

"Aye good tah see ya Battlepriest a Dorand.  It has been too long Unther that ye n Oi have drank ale togetha.  *gulps down some ale*  Things is mov'n fast as ye know and ye be'n here has lifted meh spirts.  We have sent word to deh Rhugal kin, but deh situation der is tricky.  They got der own troubles with traitor kin com'n up from the Deep and wit deh other minions on that lava rock.  Kobal think they already spread too thin der n nay should commit any kin to deh cause ov deh Cult War, n Oi'm start'n tah see it dat way too.  Just deh same, the King knows best about the situation der, so weh wait n see what he say"

*Griff and Unther then head out of the tent and survey the grounds and speak of the troops and share ideas about the upcoming war*

