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Author Topic: A Disturbance in the Aragenite Temple  (Read 939 times)


A Disturbance in the Aragenite Temple
« on: July 17, 2014, 12:20:27 am »
Deverian traveles to Bydell Castle and enters the Aragenite Temple. After knocking over a pile of scrolls, turning to pick them up, and pushing over a book case, he tries to reorganise things somewhat before finding a scholar who he then asks "Do you know anything about the existance of a vampire in the broken halls?"
The following users thanked this post: miltonyorkcastle, Ravemore, Lance Stargazer, Aphel, Brutus_Clawfoot


//earmarked for response,
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2014, 02:18:20 pm »

//earmarked for response, LoreMaster sought out for consultation. Thanks in advance for your patience




The scholar smiles at
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2014, 08:26:00 pm »

The scholar smiles at Deverian as he goes about reorganizing the old scrolls and books displaced by the young man’s accidental bump into the bookcase. After finishing up, he sits on a stool and says “You ask questions of things best left undisturbed young man. The Broken Halls are all that remains of a once great Elven Kingdom whose influence spanned much of Mistone and Dregar before the Elf-Human wars. It is rumored there are many types of undead in those now dark places. It would not surprise me if vampires dwelt there. You should strongly consider leaving things of the past alone though. Why do you ask of such things?


//... and so it begins.

Teo, you will be granted access to a private thread soon. Please feel free to post here until that is complete, I will move all of the relevant information to the new thread after it is set up. This quest line is now "by invitation only" by Teo. If you have not been specifically invited by Teo, please refrain from posting. Teo, if you decide to include others, and it is recommended to have at least some help, let me know via PM and access can be given to others. It is by no means necessary to include others though.

Good luck.




*Deverain raises an eyebrow*
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2014, 10:11:43 pm »

*Deverain raises an eyebrow* "Things best left undisturbed? In my experience... Undead are generally better after ya have thoroughly disturbed them. With a sword. But I was really asking because I happen ta live in the same neck of the woods as the Broken Halls. My friend was talkin' about some elf turning into a vampire down there, an' I was wonderin' if you booksmart people know if he's in there."



The old scholar merely
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2014, 10:34:12 pm »

The old scholar merely chuckles. “I was looking after your own well-being with that comment young man, not theirs. Sometimes innocent bystanders are harmed when the stick is inserted into the hornet’s nest and stirred vigorously. But to answer your question, the elf I think that you refer to was last known to be in those halls. If he is still there though, we have no knowledge of it here... and if it is he who I am thinking you are referring to, it might be for the greater good if he is left alone. I can make some inquiries and open some of our older tomes and scrolls though. Would you mind coming back in a few days’ time?”



"In many circles, I am
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2014, 11:46:26 pm »
"In many circles, I am considered a master hornet's - nest - stirrer." *Deverain grins slightly* "I can return in a few days, no problem."


As Deverain departs for his
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2014, 10:41:00 pm »

As Deverain departs for his lodging to reflect on the days conversations, he sees one of the library assistants watching him, and when noticed the tall elf quickly looks away and goes back to cataloging books and scrolls. Deverain notes that the man was close enough to him and the old scholar to possibly have overheard parts of their conversation.

//PM sent. Requesting quest date for calendar.


