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Author Topic: A Note from a concerned citizen of Dapplegreen  (Read 309 times)


A Note from a concerned citizen of Dapplegreen
« on: July 31, 2009, 03:08:28 am »
*a note written in a seemingly sloppy and uneducated manner is left for the guards of Vehl and Dapplegreen.*

Ah wuz ahwt in da woods fer mah huntin', an' I came 'cross dis here lady. She wuz talkin' to sum trappeh fella ah know, an' menshuned dark elfs. Ah stayed back tah listen, 'cuz tha' bit dun' skeered me 'alf tuh death. She dun said she luvs dark elfs! She evun went spoutin' awf stuff 'boot dem! Shez dis tall Elfy woman, an' las' ah saw, she wuz totein' sum umbrella an' sum fancy pursez. She dun got dis majicky feel tuh 'er, an' shez tall an' thin like. she dun 'ad the purtiest dress ahve evah seen... iz like dem silk or sumtin.

I tawked to da fella later, an' he towd me da whole story. Evun tho ah 'eard it mahself, ah di'n believe it 'til he reapeated it tuh me. Ah sujest ya look out fer dis 'ear woman. She might sell yer soul to dem darkies 'erself!

~ Dougald

*The note goes on about the occurrence near the Stormcrest Crossroads, and there is extra encouragement to the guards for keeping "crazies" like them outta town*

// Yes, this is an attempt at subterfuge... just FYI.
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