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Author Topic: Posted in the foyer of 108 Port Hempstead  (Read 73 times)


Posted in the foyer of 108 Port Hempstead
« on: April 06, 2008, 03:53:29 pm »
Needed: Fort Wayfare Relief
 Woodern Planking (hickory and oak).... [strike]50,42,30[/strike] 2 units (any combination)(48 units collected)
 Wooden Staves (hickory and oak) .......[strike]20,18[/strike] 6 units (any combination)(14 units collected)
 [strike]Canvas Cloth (bolts of cloth).............. 20units[/strike](20 units collected)
 [strike]Glass ingots ....................................20[/strike](20 units collected)
 Sturdy Thread..................................[strike]20,13,9[/strike] 2 units (18 units collected)
 Hides for Tents (any type)................. [strike]30,25,17[/strike] 6 units (24 units collected)
 Copper or Iron Ingots ........................[strike]20,12[/strike] 11 units(any combination)(9 units collected)
 [strike]Bandages, healing potions...................15[/strike] 28 Units collected
 [strike]Food - bread, roasts, pies ..................10,9 7 units (any combination)[/strike](13 unit collected)


Re: Posted in the foyer of 108 Port Hempstead
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2008, 05:59:49 pm »
Kat makes some updates as she readies supplies for shipping
 We have canvas and hide for tents but no poles to set them.  Looks like we will have lumber and glass for buildings but have a shortage of nails and spikes to holdthem together....or hinges for the doors... Hide doors will have to make do....


Re: Posted in the foyer of 108 Port Hempstead
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2008, 01:10:30 am »
*Kat pulls down the notice, as the last of the supplies get shipped out*
 We'll have to make do....


Re: Posted in the foyer of 108 Port Hempstead
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2008, 02:24:20 pm »
The Foundation would like to remind those wishing to help the people of Leringard and Mariner's Hold that the donation chests are available day and night and supplies sent to those in most urgent need.
 Every effort will be made to keep the supply lines open to these people in both their time of need as well as the rebuilding process. To that end any donations of FOOD, BLANKETS, BASIC CLOTHING and BUILDING MATERIALS would be appreciated. A general guidline is posted below:
 Wooden Planks ---------[strike]100[/strike] 20 units donated
 Wooden Staves -----------30 units
 Bronze Ingots for nails and fittings -------[strike]50[/strike] 50 units donated
 Glass ingots for windows ---------[strike]50[/strike]28units donated
 Iron for fittings ------------[strike]30[/strike] 0 units -- 103 units donated
 Carpentry Tools, Shovels and Hammers ............[strike]20 [/strike] units each all units donated
 Blankets ------------[strike]100bolts of cloth, or med/lg animal skins)[/strike] 63 units collected
 Bandages -----------[strike]100[/strike] 84 units collected
 Healing Potions -------[strike]30[/strike] 50 units collected
 Breads -----------[strike]20[/strike] 13 units collected
 Pies -------------[strike]10[/strike] 7 units collected
 Roasts -----------[strike]20 [/strike] 7 Units collected
 Jerky or roasted nuts ------10 units
 Raisins ------------20 units
 Ales ---------------30 units
 Cooked meat or fish -------[strike]50[/strike] 112 units donated
 Basic Cloth Robes or garments ------[strike]50[/strike] 2 units collected
 Basic Cloaks, Boots and gloves ------[strike]50[/strike] 9 units collected
 **Crates emptied and items packaged for shipment in equal measure to Leringrad and Mariner's Hold**


Re: Posted in the foyer of 108 Port Hempstead
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2008, 11:28:55 am »
Kat makes the changes to the notice and underlines the need for basic clothing and food as well as building supplies.

