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Author Topic: Children in the temple  (Read 237 times)


Children in the temple
« on: May 22, 2008, 08:03:51 pm »
[size=-2]// Events relating to quest. //[/size]

*Four children, two boys and two girls, the youngest just four years of age and the eldest approximately ten or eleven, are being billeted in the temple of Rofirein at Fort Vehl. The children were successfully resurrected and are reported to be in reasonable physical health.

For those making enquiries, a frowning under-priest declares (sadly) that, though all wounds of the body have been addressed, the children remain withdrawn, frightened and largely unresponsive to any attempts at affection or communication. The youngest boy has not spoken since his ordeal and the priest declares the scars to the soul to be most grievous .. the shock of death and the return to life perhaps too much for the child's fragile mind.*

[size=-2]// PM me for any private follow up or feel free to post here. //[/size]


Re: Children in the temple
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2008, 08:30:40 pm »
* a man in a brown coat and green shirt, and lady in a red dress can be seen making repeated visits to the Temple of Rofirein, attempting to entertain and brighten the days of the four children.... on some occassion's bringing bags of old toys with them to pass around. *


Re: Children in the temple
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2008, 09:39:25 am »
A woman in a beautiful blue cloak is seen coming and going from the temple after the children are billeted there. She seems ill at ease among the Rofireinites. It is less known what she does there, or how many times she comes.

//PM sent.


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Re: Children in the temple
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2008, 01:21:53 pm »
Eslar hearing the news only comments on the roferinites response.


Re: Children in the temple
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2008, 01:24:14 pm »
Rain can be seen going to the temple almost every day, with food, clothing and toys he purchased. He stays there with the children keeping them company. He brings his daughter Sil'via so she can sing to them beautiful song aimed at appeasing their soul.


Re: Children in the temple
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2008, 05:46:33 pm »
*Barion has been seen to enter the temple after a few day's , but no one has seen him come out .People visiting the temple see him strangely enough with-out his "ever " worn armor and can hear and see him talking in a reassuring voice to the children , never giving up in his attempts to reach them and comfort them *


Re: Children in the temple
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2008, 08:37:01 pm »
*Abi nervously enters the temple to visit the kids after the ordeal.

She brings a small black cat named Midnight with her to play with the children in hopes she might ease their spirits.

The cat seems to take a liking to the smallest boy and likes to curl up next to him, rubbing her head into his hands looking for attention.

Though she is just as happy to play with the other children.


Re: Children in the temple
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2008, 06:37:13 am »
Initially speaking to the priests, Jacrum asks questions until he is ejected.  The smell coming from the bag he is carrying around growing worse.

Jacrum ask around Fort Vehl trying to locate the family of the childern.

"Kiddy snatchin booger.  Asking fer ransoms eh?  So who did dat booger O a half orc send der ransom notes ter.  Dose kids will have some kin surviving somewhere.  

Der best thing fer em is der kin."

He takes the grisly head of the Half-Orc, along with it's amulet and personal belonging to Brenuth and then on to the temple of Vorax in Ulgrids.

"Aye, we got a problem.  Dis high priest O Grand been anound snatching kiddies from Vehl.  

Aye he be a half-orc and nay an orc.  His followers be nasty, strong, and smart.  Nay lioke der Orcs.

Yer got any idea's where I should start lookin?  We kin nay be letting der enemies O Vorax be snatching kiddies.

Wut would he be wanting with der kiddies.  Fer ranson as he said?  Or some foul ritual?"


Re: Children in the temple
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2008, 11:42:20 am »
After Skywise's return to the Fort Vehl area and subsiquent ambush by bandits. He learns of the children's ordeal after witnessing many traveller's entering the temple with many gifts and gentle words.  *ponders* How far this world has fallen... *He then grabs ahold of his bow, looks to his wolf companion Nightfall and mutters in elvish* "we hunt more than deer tonight".


Re: Children in the temple
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2008, 12:50:52 pm »
A hooded man dressed in deep blue comes into the temple in Fort Vehl with a woman dressed in greens and browns. Once inside, he pushes back his hood revealing fine, half-elven features that some may recognize, even if they don't know the name to place with the face. While he does not ignore the children completely, he comparatively spends very little time with them, opting instead to speak with the temple staff and those charged with the care of the children. After what seems a quiet, lengthy and involved conversation, they leave the temple again, pulling up his hood as they go.


Re: Children in the temple
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2008, 03:42:57 pm »
*Rain comes In the early morning with his wife Sonya, after handing out some apples to the kids, he goes to the Cleric in charge of the temple.*

//Will be sending a pm


Re: Children in the temple
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2008, 03:45:26 pm »
*as sonya companies her husband to the temple she can,t help feel sorry for the children. she also joins her husband to the cleric in charge of the temple.*


Re: Children in the temple
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2008, 07:52:54 am »
* the man in the brown coat and woman in red dress can be seen visiting the children more and more now, making desperate attempts to get the children involved in games or fun activities to produce a smile or... a word... anything.

It would seem their patience has no end.*


Re: Children in the temple
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2008, 09:13:28 pm »
*Duty clergy at the temple of Rofirein are pleased to report that the children have been claimed by their uncle and placed into his care. It was generally agreed at this time that the tender ministrations of family was best to ensure the full recovery of the children. Those making inquiries can rest assured that the children's uncle was a man of means, making a generous donation to the temple of Rofrein, and the children shall be well cared for. The priests graciously thank all the kindly visitors during the time of the children's lodgment.*

[size=-2]// PMs will be sent responding to those who have contacted me.[/size]


Re: Children in the temple
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2008, 09:18:51 pm »
An elven woman in a blue cloak is seen going into the temple very soon after the children are claimed by their uncle. She is seen leaving a short time later, and though the hood obscures much of her face one or two locals catch a glimpse of green eyes blazing with fury before she disappears into the crowd of people surrounding the docks.

That very day, many letters leave Fort Vehl, each penned in the same slanting hand.

//PMs will be sent shortly.

