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Author Topic: A ring  (Read 86 times)


A ring
« on: May 08, 2007, 08:38:52 am »
* It seems some man in a green coat and hood has been wandering back and forth amongst Hempstead, stopping people and asking what they know of a Crystal ring.

To some people he mentions he is looking to buy such a ring.... and to others he states he has one he wishes to sell.

He seems very careful not to show his face or mention his name, but when he hears no one has heard of it, he seems to walk away cursing such words as " Bugger " and " Bloody hells ".

What strikes people as peculiar is that he is obviously trying to keep his identity hidden, but also seems to be at his wits end, questioning many that pass by about it, drawing obvious attention to himself.
Whether this is intentional or not is uncertain.*


Re: A ring
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2007, 10:58:47 pm »
//if this is in character knowledge Tyrian would like to speak with you, I think she can connect some dots...//

