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Author Topic: Aeridinites and Azattans make a move..  (Read 214 times)


Aeridinites and Azattans make a move..
« on: January 21, 2011, 11:26:29 pm »
It seems that amongst the nations of the world it is the faiths that are mobilising first to counter what seems to be a growing threat from the GDC.

As of today we have heard that the Aeridinites and Azattans have formed a unified front in coming together to arrange for mobile hospitals and the like to be assembled for the coming war in Belinara.

In Northpoint the High priestess Victoria Adlam has announced that Red Nimbus Palmer Felch and the soon to be arriving Green Nimbus Adelle Moonsong will take a large hospitaler force across to Belinara once they have properly assembled.

So too in Audiria Council member Mari Jentre has accounced that she along with Overseer Larissa Husami and Sound Ahim ben-Elhud will be bringing as many members of the faith as they can muster to Northpoint to join the mobilisation there.

This comes after a damning account of the current leadership in Sederra with Council member Mari likening them to 'stunned mullets who jump at any Cult shadow.'

Meanwhile in the nation of Boyer the High Boyer has promised whatever aid he can to any and all willing to help fight against the threat of the GDC. he has promised supplies, ships for transport and is even now discussing the possibility of supplying Boyer soldiers to the war effort.
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