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Author Topic: All in the Name of Love  (Read 1658 times)


// I'll post a response soon.
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2014, 02:43:08 pm »

// I'll post a response soon. Please consider Teo's PC not present any more.



Erased. :-)
« Reply #21 on: July 25, 2014, 03:39:00 pm »

Erased. :-)



Erased :-)
« Reply #22 on: July 25, 2014, 03:42:00 pm »

Erased :-)



Aliester and Stein gave each
« Reply #23 on: August 04, 2014, 09:52:00 pm »

Aliester and Stein gave each other foreboding looks as they watched Brint strapping on his katana. He had refused to head to the safety of the homeland, and they began to follow suit as they armed themselves and tightened armor straps. Aleister should have known that the lad would not run to hide from danger. Inwardly he approved greatly… but he also had dire misgivings.

Six Stronghearts from Clan Fiercerock were soon on their way to an alleyway near Talent Street to find out who the strange elf was… and what he wanted with Brint.


//Teo, PM me your tactical plans and intentions. Be as descriptive as possible and include alternate ideas. Do not post here. This is going to be a “go” for Saturday regardless of other turnout. ;-)


Lance Stargazer

*Ausir smirks upon the orc
« Reply #24 on: August 06, 2014, 06:35:38 pm »

*Ausir smirks upon the orc falling to the ground, he still leaves it the beverage, as he was going to buy it for the now knocked down orc, he shakes his head and return his gaze upon the barman awaiting for the replies he previously asked, this time passing a small bag with gold pieces to get his atention back *  So.... ? 



Mangus looks around the
« Reply #25 on: August 07, 2014, 05:50:36 pm »

Mangus looks around the seemingly too quiet room. He hears crickets chirping in the background. Laying a fist heavily on the bar to get everyone's attention, he says: "Er said.... Erm buy'n a round fer deh house! Dunno one gonna say thank yew?!" 

He shovels his coin toward Mario. 

"Tough croud" he murmurs as Mario collects payment for all the drinks. "What's go'n on Mario?" He asks in a more tempered voice. "Folk around here seem er little on edge?" 

He sips his beer more conservatively this time while he waits for Mario's response.



Vehl. . .It had been a long
« Reply #26 on: August 09, 2014, 03:47:12 pm »

Vehl. . .

It had been a long time since she had been removed from her head at the block that sat in the courtyard outside the Rofireinite Temple.  The mistakes of those days had been well learned in the time since.  She was an soldier in service to a new master now, one that was not defined by her ego.  

But Vehl... Vehl never changes.

Disembarking from the small chartered ship from Mariner's, Tyra wore her finest dress, a black hood and cloak, and carried a velvet suitcase carrying all of her essentials.  She was immediately greeted by the familiar gruff sound of one of the crooked dock worker's voice.  "Papehs plees."  This one looked familiar, and had a gold pin attached to his second-hand  (or maybe third hand, judging by the blood stains) petticoat.  One of Arkolio's, perhaps, she thought to herself.    

Regardless, she passed him her papers rolled neatly in a  black velvet lined tube with violet embroidery, and the Silver Buckle's insignia as the cap. She got the desired reaction, watching his lip curl in a small grin. "Lavendeh Blacklace, eh?" the grunt said, reading aloud the name.  He had to be one of Arkolio's.  Of all the grunts she'd met in her time in Vehl the one's who could read were almost always Arkolio's.  But there were others in the city who liked to know who came and went through the fort, one with the means to educate their peons enough to read papers and spy on letters, so she would have to just see what came next to determine who he really belonged to.  "Says yer stayin' at the The Green Dragpn?  Sounds like ya need an escort.  This city ain't safe this time ah day."  He must be new.  He gave away his intentions too easily after that.

"Oh, truly?  Well if it is no trouble."  She knew it would be though.  That was the point.

They barely managed to get out off the pier when she was forced to leave the grunt face up in an alley, discretely incapacitated by the æther she kept up her sleeve.  She left him with his life after she dragged him behind a crate, but kept his purse.

After that it was an easy walk to the One Eyed Harpy.  She knew which alleys were safe and which were not, and her Corsainian fan (and the make up she wore) kept her face unrecognizable at a distance.   Once there she rented her usual room, paid for in advance years ago with a favor, and discarded her dress in exchange for a finely tailored suit.  Along with a change of make-up and an assortment of gadgets and blades tucked into their designated pockets, she was ready to stalk her old hunting grounds for a few days, before her duties in Tau'ren required her and her charter to return.

It did not take her long to find something going on.  Leaving the Harpy and turning down an alley toward Talent Street, where most of the unclaimed muscle and blades-for-hire spent their time waiting for patrons (and prey) she found three men, one face down in the dirt, two rifling through the third's corpse.  They immediately turned to see her, and ran, leaving the dead man to color the sandy alley with his blood.  She ran in to them not far away, however.  She gathered they double back around her, based on the sound of their footprints coming up behind her.  She was not worried though.  When the first made contact with her, he found himself hip-tossed in to a barrel across the alley.  His partner just ran.  

Once on Talent Street, she found anothe corpse.  Some thug must have tangled with a man wielding a broad sword, based on how cleanly his strenum was cleft.  An orc was standing nearby, beside a door with a port hole in it.  A guard of some sort, and he clearly was not the killer of this thug.  The orc bore an axe.

As she pondered the body, untouched and still bearing all the valuables the poor sod had, a voice whispered behind her.  "Welcome home, Stalker."

In a flash she was wielding Virtue and Vice, and the alley rang with parrying blades.  This one was good to have noticed her, and dangerous if he got that close before she heard him.  But his advantage was his stealth, and he gave it up.  Her advantage was 30 years of intense training, and as she sliced each tendon as he presented them to her, she made the promising assassin kneel at her feet before delivering a pommel to the temple, knocking the man out cold.  

She then swirled at the sound of a rusty door opening, and instead of more combatants flooding in to the street to claim whatever bounty she might have on her head, she saw just the orc, gesturing for her to enter.  Wiping her blades off on the would-be assassins shirt, she went inside.  If nothing else it proved one thing:

Vehl never changes. 



Kelvaron was satisfied with
« Reply #27 on: August 09, 2014, 05:59:39 pm »

Kelvaron was satisfied with his work.  Although it had not worked out to his plan exactly, it was a clean kill nonetheless.  It was an assassin's kill, a clean shot.  And he got to play at pretending to be a Roferianite and trying to arrest someone.  


After the Fiercerocks had cleared the area and a sufficient time spent hiding to make sure they had not left someone to watch, Kelvaron pulled off his Roferianite disguise and changed into his normal green and black clothes. He slid into the bar where he had first accepted the contract, and turned to the bar keeper. "Your information was good..." Kelvaron slid a gold coin, the same coin he had used to get his lead on Brint from the bar keeper in the first place, back across the counter. He then turned and saw the worm he had first taken the contract from. 

"Job's done." He said as he slid into the seat across from the man. "Brint met an unfortunate end. An end that costs you 500 trues." He looks at the man, awaiting his coin.



The seedy tavern near Talent
« Reply #28 on: August 10, 2014, 01:37:42 am »

The seedy tavern near Talent Street was busy as usual, packed with the dregs of Vehl. Smoke floated throughout the common area, and flickering light from oil lanterns hanging from the rafters cast everything in an orange glow. Thick shabby curtains had been pulled tight across all of the windows. Mangus sat at the bar drinking raucously, and Ausir was busy bribing the bartender for information. Farros Galdor was plying his trade in a corner, his audience held in rapt attention, bound by the skill of his words.  Ben’Vrackie was quaffing copious amounts of brew. Standing in another corner, a little out of place was the silent man with no name, a monk who had bested three opponents in bare fist fights earlier in the evening. Everyone appeared be staying clear of him. Walking into this scene was a woman being ushered in by Ichock, the orc doorman. He was grinning, teeth jutting out of his mouth.

A short time later yelling and cries from outside interrupted and several of the tavern patrons rushed out to see what was going on. Six Halflings were milling about, blades drawn, eyes flitting between streets, doorways, and rooftops. When the tavern patrons began asking questions they were able to ascertain that an elf had been masquerading as a Rofirein Protector and had tried to take one of their number into custody… Brint Stiffle Fiercerock. When they attempted to defend Brint they were engulfed in magical darkness and the fake Rofirein Protector was gone when it cleared.

Scanning the roof tops, Lavender Blacklace picked out a shadow, a form of someone watching. She squinted, saw movement, and before she made a warning an arrow pierced the back of Brint’s head and protruded through his eye socket. He fell over prostrate; all movement at that point involuntary muscle twitches. Lavender jumped into action, scaled the sides of the close buildings and made her way to the rooftop to confront the unknown individual. He was already well ahead of her. Ausir began the ground chase, looking to the rooftops for indication where to go, but the warren of alleys, streets, and dead ends quickly confounded him. He made his way back to Talent Street empty handed. Mangus attempted to heal the Halfling, but death had already come for him. He also found a green substance on the arrowhead consistent with some type of blade venom. If the strike had not been true, death may have still been likely.

Soon, after losing the assassin to the shadows Lavender Blacklace returned via the roof tops and dropped an abandoned set of Rofirein robes to the street. She had found them while following occasional smears of white make-up. The same substance was on the robes. Farros Galdor stepped forward, knelt next to the robes and picked up the material, rubbing it between his finger tips. He began a low chanting dirge, beginning the weaving of divination magic. In his mind he saw a blurry side profile of a dark elf, building rooftops drifting by as if he was running, sensed deceit… and the visions then ceased. When he conveyed this to the others Ben’Vrackie snorted “Dark elf. Now the darkness spell makes sense.”

The Halflings gathered the body of Brint and set out for their mercantile compound. No assistance was asked for or taken. Most in the area of Vehl did not give it a second glance. Life in Vehl was cheap… and often short.



The smell of the fat man
« Reply #29 on: August 10, 2014, 01:56:01 am »

The smell of the fat man wafted over Kel. The man smiled with an evil predatory grin. “I’ll determine if the job is done or not.” He motioned to one of his thugs, “Go confirm the death.”  After the brute left, another brought the fat man a platter of meat and cheese. He began eating greedily, not offering any to Kel. In fact he did not even look up as he consumed his meal. Kel waited patiently, in his mind visualizing numerous ways he could end the glutton’s life. After a half turn of the hour glass the brute returned and nodded in the affirmative.  Borris Shiel “The Unwashed” reached to a bag next to his seat and withdrew a sack of coins and pushed them across the table. “Your payment.” As Kel walked towards the door with his coin the fat man said, “You are my tool assassin. Ensure you do not associate with my enemies. I will know.” He is then ushered out by one of the thugs.



Moreg opened the door of the
« Reply #30 on: August 10, 2014, 02:15:58 am »

Moreg opened the door of the apartment that he shared with his sister Bling Bling. He was very agitated. He gave her a long hard look. “You flea got squash today. You know somtin bout dis?” She looked away. No tears in her eyes. No reaction. Moreg frowned and knew the answer. “Dis come back to you, I cut you head myself. You fool.”

He then headed to his room and his bed. His shift would be coming early.


//This arc is now complete. It is likely that a future plotline will develop from this though, so keep your eyes open... There will be some ripple-like affects from the event in Vehl as well. Wouldn’t it be cool to tickle Mr. Salvorre’s interest again? ;-)

Thanks everyone for attending, this was a lot of fun for me, and somewhat of a challenge keeping up with 7 people in the chat window and separate locations simultaneously, but I would not have it any other way. You all did a great job.



Kel shoves his 'escort' away
« Reply #31 on: August 10, 2014, 02:34:27 am »

Kel shoves his 'escort' away from him when the fat man calls him his 'tool'. 

"Keep me busy then... Idle hands serve whoever is offering the money."


He then exits the Tavern, being pushed along by the escort.



Caught between his journey
« Reply #32 on: August 10, 2014, 11:27:27 am »
Caught between his journey from nowhere to anywhere, Ben'Vrackie saw an inn that promised the potential to slake his thirst. He was pleased on entering to see two old acquaintances, Magnus Crunch and Rasa Kirta. He headed to the bar, but Magnus beat him to it, shouting for Mario to bring a round out for them all. Ben said he'd thought he seen Mario out the back driving a small wagon or a cart but that he couldn't be sure.
Magnus continued to ply Ben with drink until Ben's stomach decided enough was enough and took it upon itself to leave a deposit on the tavern floor. His nose a little wrinkled, Ben looked from the Barmaid to the floor, then took his leave to get some air outside, whereupon he ran into a group of halflings running about in agaitation, weapons drawn. The rest of the patrons rushed out at this commotion and Farros Galdor  said he hoped it was some soprt of baking contest, looking at the armed halflings.
The halflings explained what had happend and as the patrons were listening, an arrow appeared from nowhere to take the life of one of them.
Two of the patrons took off in pursuit of a shadow and Magnus tried to administer aid to the slain fellow, all to no avail.
They did find a discarded Rofierenite cloak and the evidence of poison and the use of darkness earlier, so Ben suggested they talk to the authorities, but some of the others felt there was more coin in a more vigilante action.
Ben said he couldn't be part of that, so he will go to talk to Moreg and describe the cloak, the darkness used and the poison to Moreg, as a figure of the law in Vehl, and find out as much information as he can that might create a lead, or even a suspect before he takes it to the proper authorities.