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Author Topic: At the shrine of Kitharien  (Read 73 times)


At the shrine of Kitharien
« on: March 11, 2008, 10:36:27 am »
*A mask man arrives at the shrine of Kithairien in the rolling plains and approaches Rondarien the healer. After some polite greetings and idle talk, he ask the healer if he would have word of an muscular elf, with black hair and blue eyes. Fighter type going by the name of Lance Coyle. He had recently brought the body of his wife Randy Tynnes, a healer of Kithairien. Explaining to them that it is a matter of importance that he at least receives a note to report back his where abouts. He then hands a letter to the healer to give to Lance, if he was to see him again.*


Re: At the shrine of Kitharien
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2008, 11:24:51 am »
*One of the priests reluctantly steps forward and tries to explain that temple does know Lance and is well aware of his location and condition. He also tries to explain that it is up to Lance to when he leaves and what he does.  It is his own free will as always as a follower of Kithairien. He assures Brian that Lance is in good condition. The letter will be delivered, but what happens after that is up to Lance.*

