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Author Topic: Clueless  (Read 1314 times)


« on: February 21, 2014, 11:40:33 am »
something to amuse while the server is still up to compliment the ongoing search for the toranite treasure. Brualot the Investigator pauses at the Silver Buckle to make a public announcement. Clueless! you may be but not for long for the cat is out the bag as a result of a theft of confidential material  I must open up my invrstigation to everyone. As it has become a real race against time. Let me explain. An art collector who was seeking the entire collection of the disturbed artist Overan xious, three items in total lost to history in the hands of his cult followers who were frankly , bad, has offered a reward.There are few clues to these works of arts current location. But I will give you them and encourage you to gather them before other evil hands can find them for their is a reward for the finding.Inbeed the Interesting, a prominent villan fled to Miritrx to hideout with associate bandits. He was always studying creatures around his vicinity and it is said he was killed near his lair and turned out of the abode to watch from outside the walls and look over the creatures he once studied. His head being the artists first work of art. He made a bust using parts of his very head.  The second work of art, an enchanted doll was taken by a warrior Ambi Tious of Leringard who was no stick in the mud and had loftier ambitions to rule over an army of undead. But in fact was never heard of again. Of the third piece a harp, prone to make terrible and haunting sound it is said It was taken by a Dwarf to Prantz. There it seems to have vanished but for one line in a song I have foundNorth of Rye he ran till headless, and in the dark he cried, dont let the black get me down.Little enough to go on of course, but the game is afoot. The patron seeking the goods has offered the winners the services of mercenaries subject to negotiation for their own ..tasks.To complicate things each art is said to point towards the hidden location of the now dead artists own stash of treasure!//have fun.. clocks ticking....this may be a good race between good and evil over the weekend, grab a group and get hunting!


Brualot extends his stay at
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2014, 07:47:41 am »

Brualot extends his stay at the Silver Buckle unusually content to idle, surrounded by beauty, but not the three art objects he is seeking. For indeed he confides to some resident bards, and lets be fair he might as well have shouted it from the rooftops, but rumour has it three art objects remain undiscovered and the artists treasure too.

"What to do, what to do?" he muses. He orders some arty cocktail and sits back to wait.


Smeone out there will know what to do. Who to take and where to look. Time will tell which group is the smarter. What will they do with their mercenaries bound to their service on successful completion he can but wonder.



*As Charm runs around looking
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2014, 11:16:34 am »

*As Charm runs around looking for the next grand adventure, she catches wind of this missing Toranite. Not that fond of the Toranites, she is still intrigued at the mystery. It definitely peaks her interest. She listens to some of the clues that make it her way. She repeats it to herself and focuses almost all of her patience on the first clue.*

"Indeed the Interesting, a prominent villain fled to Miritrx to hideout with associate bandits. He was always studying creatures around his vicinity and it is said he was killed near his lair and turned out of the abode to watch from outside the walls and look over the creatures he once studied. His head being the artists first work of art. He made a bust using parts of his very head."

*With a loud snap of her fingers, she hops up, twist and turns into the direction for Miritrix, and heads out in a full “Charm sprint”, she heads to look for the first clue.*

*After a quick search of a nearby cave to Miritrix with bandits, she continues South. As she darts around the giants in the area, she climbs a huge hill in the middles of the mountains. There she finds a head and a scroll. The laughs to herself because she actually found it. Scratches her head wondering what to do next. Finally tucks the scroll into a pack and goes to listen for more clues.”

//Do I keep the head in the chest?



*After crawling, ducks,
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2014, 12:15:55 pm »

*After crawling, ducks, avoiding snakes and spiders, she manages to feel her way through the cave. She stumps her ‘piggies’ on something lying on the floor. As she lifts the harp, she is just compelled to strum the strings. As the horrible sound vibrates from the string, she quickly silences them with her hand and arm. She binds the string so no more such sounds can come from it.*



*After leaving the darken
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2014, 12:26:19 pm »

*After leaving the darken cave, she heads to Stort to talk to people, which she LOVES to do... a lot... for a long time, she eyes the Raven Trade Company and heads into the swamp for the treasure. However, she contiues to think about the enchanted doll and set to find it as well.*



News drifts into the Silver
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2014, 06:43:30 pm »

News drifts into the Silver Buckle from overseas that a lone halfling may have made important finds in the search for lost and dark artworks. The final missing piece remains unaccounted for. Whether this halfling will be forced into negotiations with others to unite the 3 pieces remains to be seen. Surely their worth as a complete collection may encourage discussion between interested parties. Given the prizes on offer one can only hope the halfling has her wits about her until the matter is resolved.



The leringard area clue is
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2014, 11:30:32 am »

The leringard area clue is still in play (as long as the server stays up)


The second work of art, an enchanted doll was taken by a warrior Ambi Tious of Leringard who was no stick in the mud and had loftier ambitions to rule over an army of undead. But in fact was never heard of again.


//Surely someone can find this before the weekend is out and create some rp over putting the entire collection in the hands of the..collector



//oh, I wish I could, but I
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2014, 05:14:09 pm »

//oh, I wish I could, but I won't be able to play for a bit. :(



A heavily armored warrior
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2014, 08:17:44 pm »

A heavily armored warrior enters the Arms wrapped under a heavy dark cloak with a raven skull clasp. Rumors of a long legacy had brought him here, and now that his personal business was finished with a new opportunity had arisen. Selecting a secluded table in the corner, he orders a stiff drink and settles himself comfortably in his chair, his gaze fixed on the bookcase on the opposite wall. For the meantime, he waits...



//Anyone interested in giving this thing a go? With a magic user I think we can get it.



// I'm good for Mondays ALL
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2014, 01:07:08 pm »

// I'm good for Mondays ALL HOURS and Tuesdays ALL HOURS,

(For what its worth I'm arrangeing a rare Sunday off on the 23rd So I will be available ALL HOURS then but thats quite a ways away from now, and I certainly don't expect everyone to wait for me. I want everyone to have a great time with or without me. : ) //



//New and improved addition!//



//for clarity, and I
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2014, 11:59:22 am »

//for clarity, and I appreciate it may be confusing! 

The Dumas brothers were on another player event  - placed by this by Davidoff. That matter is still outstanding too.

the information for this clueless is contained in the above posts. thanks



*As Charm carries the items
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2014, 03:36:51 pm »

*As Charm carries the items with her, she just doesn’t like the items themselves. One strumming of the harp was enough; the head bust is a bit creepy to her. She stashes the harp away with the strings bound and the bust covered with a blanket.*

*She takes the scrolls and rolls them up together. The treasure in the last chest she discovered was added to other treasures and/or used appropriately.*

*She visits the Silver Buckle and leaves a note to Brualot asking if he would take the two pieces of art from her while she searches for the third.*



Time is maybe running out,
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2014, 11:43:36 am »

Time is maybe running out, there is still hope the third art work can be found. But by whom and at what price. The collector is still keen for all three pieces to be given to him as one negotiated deal - but who can say for sure how things will end.



It seems time has run out for
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2014, 10:02:28 am »

It seems time has run out for the last clue. Brualot has arranged to pay out on behalf of his art collecting client on the return of the two items found. Meeting to be arranged at the Silver Buckle.


//thanks to anyone who played and helped bring the server to life.


