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Author Topic: Scuffle in Leringard  (Read 107 times)


Scuffle in Leringard
« on: August 26, 2009, 08:30:01 pm »
Once again appearing as the topic of rumors the sculptor/playboy Razeriem has been named as part of a fight in the Leringard streets.

Tales tell of a knight of Toran attacking the playboy with mailed fists.  The attack happened almost exactly where the elf's death was recently reported.  First hand accounts say the Toranite was enraged but could not manage to land fist to the fleet footed sculptor.  The brawl apparently diffused after the Toranite managed to land a single punch on the elf. Oddly though the accounts say it was the Toranite that fell to his knees winded.  The cad was seen laughing at the knight and then wandering off.  The Toranite meanwhile was helped up by a what seems to be a friend and wandered off the other direction.

Some speculations speak that the romeo must of had improper relations with the knight's wife, daughter or sister or some combination thereof.  In all accounts the knight was very angery.
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Re: Scuffle in Leringard
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2009, 12:07:05 pm »
*A small woman may have been overheard in the Leringard Arms, mutteinrg about the recent fracas in town*
 'Why um ah no surprised. He deserves everythin' he gets, an'more,' and she continues to drink heavily into the small hours of the morning before leaving.