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Author Topic: Commotion in Leringard  (Read 230 times)


Commotion in Leringard
« on: August 30, 2009, 05:41:38 pm »
There is rumor heard about town in Leringard that a woman fitting the description of the one known as Duchess (at least by voice and speech patterns) was causing quite a commotion trying to get inside a house in Leringard.  Sounds could be heard coming from inside the house of loud yelling of a woman in pain and curses in a strange language (unless you are dark elven).  The woman's yells eventually ceased after some hours, and a infant's cry could be heard.  A few men went in and out of the house, but the woman causing the scene was never let inside.  Apparently she had been quite upset about it with all of her carrying on, even reduced to desperate pleas and begging.
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Re: Commotion in Leringard
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2009, 06:27:39 pm »
Of the men that entered, while two went in, only one of the two was seen exiting... A third, unknown man in blue had escorted the woman to teh house, but that was as far as in involvement went.


Re: Commotion in Leringard
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2009, 02:06:30 am »
*an angry fat dwarf sticks his head out of his window that night, shouting groggily*

"Oi! keep it down oot thar!  Somma us tryin ter bloody sleep, ye buggarts!"

*Expensive vases and empty pie tins are lobbed from the terrace of his house in the direction of the noisy house in question, crashing to the cobblestone.  A startled cat screeches in the night and flees towards the docks.*

