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Author Topic: Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast gate  (Read 665 times)

Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast gate
« on: September 23, 2010, 05:20:41 am »
As Fleur and Finn heads out of Fort Llast, they stumble on a dead paladin horse on the road.


 Finn Ralan "Uh ho"

 He then looks around for an owner.

 Finn Ralan "Let me guess, the Toranite paladin forgot to feed him?"

 Fleur "Maybe, Doubtful"

 Finn Ralan"Hmm horse meat, quite good"

 He cuts a steak size piece

 Finn Ralan "A bit tougher than beef but more flavor"

 Fleur "You don't know how long that horse has been there"

 Finn Ralan "No maggots"

 Fleur "For all you know you can get sick from it"

 she makes an ick sound at the word maggots

 Finn Ralan "I'll cook it to a crisp, that's all I manage to cook things at"

 she chuckles

 Fleur "So its well done.. burnt.. or extra crispy?"

 Finn Ralan "extra crispy"


 They continue on their way, passers by looking at him stuff a huge piece of horse meat in his pack both of them laughing.


Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast gate
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2010, 07:46:13 am »

Thank you for your continuous reports. The anomaly you mentioned that was attracting elementals sounds like something we have never seen before.

It could of course be coincidence, but if it happens more often we should study it to find out why.



Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast gate
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2010, 07:46:13 am »
Another wild magic area has been cured near Arindors Demise, reported by Chaynce and Alton. The wild magic area might be relating to the recent attack by corathites reported in Haven. So hopefully the local authorities will help capture these wrongdoers so their destructive work can be stopped.

*Signed*Storold Doesscha, Protector of the Al'Noth


Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast gate
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2010, 07:46:13 am »
The lucindite assistant researcher, 5 th in line for the chair near the fire was about to file the report as closed when another messenger arrived courtesy of a reporting system which may in itself be the real cause for an apparent increase in anomalies.


 He arched an eybrow and was rewarded with a report which he quickly read.


  "Hmm this won't do." he placed the report back in the pending file...


 "Arindor's we have a report of wild spells and spells. No one anomaly could do such...could it?"


 He dipped quill to ink and added an entry...for the attention of Storold in person. "There job done." He eyed the fire enviously.


Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast gate
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2010, 07:46:13 am »
I have revisited the site and searched the cave system, still no sign of a no magic disturbance, so whatever might have caused it is either gone or the anormality has closed itself

*Signed*Storold Doesscha, Protector of the Al'Noth


Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast gate
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2010, 07:46:13 am »
"Ah thta is reassuring." Head nodding all round. " A good job then, another uncertain cause we can discuss in conjunction with others." A closing of books and scraping of chairs.


 "Oh one last did search the whole dungeon?" Silence. "No matter I am sure you did what could eb is probably nothing we live in uncertain times." The room empties.


Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast gate
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2010, 07:46:13 am »
My impression was that the disturbance was found in the caves leading down to the crypt itself. However I have not searched the crypt itself completely, only the entrance area, since I have never been able to actually enter the place. So if someone knows how to get into the crypt their advice would surely be appreciated


Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast gate
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2010, 07:46:13 am »
"I believe two would you call them ...Toranites, yes..two Toranites Lance Stargazer and a Rory something, reported they had been that perhaps they know the way, or hopefully there are Lucindites out there too!


Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast gate
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2010, 07:46:13 am »
*Storold returns after a while*

I have been able to find the no magic disturbance and neutralise it. It was near a ruined summoning circle, so surely the corathites were up to summoning something, which was also mentioned in previous reports. So we should surely keep close watch on the place if possible.

Furthermore I found a bottle of ale, which seems rather strange compared to anything I have seen before, so maybe the origins of this ale might help us in finding out what is going on.


Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast gate
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2010, 07:46:13 am »
The details are noted for further enquiries. Ales are often local and brewed on a small scale  - Do you know where was it from?


Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast gate
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2010, 07:46:13 am »
No, sadly I don't have much experience with ales but maybe we have the knowledge of either traveling bards or others who might be able to identify the origins of the brew by taste or preferably smell.


Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast gate
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2010, 07:46:13 am »
*Storold turns in a new report to Spellgard*

Wild magic disturbance in the troll caverns in the Battlehelm Moors, this was discovered by mister Hardragh who has recieved his reward for the report. The disturbance is cured now.

*Signed*Storold Doesscha, Protector of the Al'Noth


Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast gate
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2010, 02:13:50 pm »
*Storold returns another report*

A no magic disturbance in the unicorn forest has been mended, reported by Daniel Benjamin Poetr of the Rofireinites.

*Signed*Storold Doesscha, Protector of the Al'Noth


Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast gate
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2010, 01:11:53 pm »
*Storold returns another report*

A wild magic disturbance in the Great Desert, reported by Zigruum, Griff, Kylie, Milo and Charm.

*Signed*Storold Doesscha, Protector of the Al'Noth

Unknown User

Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast gate
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2010, 05:29:09 am »
Later on as he digs for clay at lake allun, he sees another dead paladin horses.


 "What are they doing to their horses? Don't they know they have to feed them once in a while?"


Re: Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast ga
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2010, 07:30:54 pm »
Ygraine Ursus reports seeing dead bodies, horribly mutilated and staked, in the Red Light Goblin Caves and wondered if they were connected.
 She also came across a dead paladin warhorse by Lake Alun.


Re: Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast ga
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2010, 07:40:24 pm »
*Tugs Sunnytoes is overheard talking in the Wild Surge*

I'm tellin' you, those gobbies are up to somethin'.  We went down there the other day, after greenstone, and they had all sorts of traps everywhere.  Sneaky ones, well hidden.  And they had gobbies with better equipment than usual, and better at fighting.  And weird stuff....

*takes a deep drink from a bottle of something*

There were a few deaders... and this lizard thing... it looked at me, and so help me I had to look away or I felt I would just freeze solid, like stone.  And other stuff...

Oh, and Tod found some books, like they're studying war or something.  I don't remember what was in 'em, but that's what he said they were doing.  *shrugs* They don't have the books any more, so maybe they'll just quiet down and go back to harassing travellers.


Re: Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast ga
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2010, 07:43:14 pm »
*not wanting to see them go to waste, Grovel keeps an eye out for any dead horses to scavenge along the path*

"Good meats, good leathers... hmmm.  Now where is tasty paladins?"


Re: Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast ga
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2010, 06:11:34 am »
*Looks around outside fort llast*

"Good good, no mans see"

*cuts off a chunk of the horses leg and half manages to put in his pack*

"Yum yums,"

Re: Dead paladin horse on the road just outside of Fort Llast ga
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2010, 04:18:37 pm »
//there's two thread mixed in one here. The posts about the horses was a thread started by me. Magic disturbances is an other thread. The second post about digging for clay and finding a dead paladin horse was also my post.