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Author Topic: Fort Vehl  (Read 525 times)

Lance Stargazer

Fort Vehl
« on: March 19, 2010, 06:46:07 pm »
~~ A poster can be seen circulating over the area of Ft. Vehl ~~



Looking for information regarding the whereabouts of Ivanova Smithson, she was last seen on the Gloomwoods on a trip towards Vehl, Any information would be apreciated by the mother of the Lady Mimosa Smithson. Information that leads towards the finding of the lady would be genrously compensated.

Prayers to the Muse that she's found alive  
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    Re: Fort Vehl
    « Reply #1 on: March 19, 2010, 08:26:18 pm »
    *Veran looks over the posters*

    Interesting... I will have to try and contact this Lady.

    *He pulls down a copy of the poster and files it in his pack next to a worn out drawing of a pony*


    Re: Fort Vehl
    « Reply #2 on: March 20, 2010, 09:03:18 am »
    Isherwood looks at the poster and wonders upon the whereabouts of the lady in question and whetehr she might be in some way related. He heads of to the gloom woods as usual on his patrols with and eye for clues to wher she might now be.

    he talks to himself on  the way  "  a family of Smithsons in Vehl......i wonder"


    Re: Fort Vehl
    « Reply #3 on: March 20, 2010, 11:12:44 pm »
    A woman called Liselle is noted asking questions around Fort Vehl of the mysterious disappearance of the woman in question.


    Re: Fort Vehl
    « Reply #4 on: March 20, 2010, 11:38:38 pm »
    *Raz reports to the authorities there is no sign of the lady in the gloom woods or the caves within them when he looked. *

    Raz also questioned those in the fort in Gloom Woods as to wether they had seen her or not.


    Re: Fort Vehl
    « Reply #5 on: March 21, 2010, 02:05:28 am »
    *When questioned, a seedy, drunken, one-eyed dwarf gives out a gurgling belch heralding a gush of bile down his beard.  Inspection of a large soggy burlap sack in his possession yield many health code & safety violations, but none of the severed heads therein match the woman in question.*


    Re: Fort Vehl
    « Reply #6 on: March 21, 2010, 09:23:49 pm »
    *After a brief discussion with some of the search party, Jehoram has a half-hearted stroll near the outskirts of the Gloomwoods. After disposing of a few undead, he concludes that by now the missing woman is one of them.*


    Re: Fort Vehl
    « Reply #7 on: March 21, 2010, 10:36:40 pm »
    *Annwyl and Andrew visit Lady Smithson and come out with a large piece of paper and discussing things between them.  They are seen to be preparing to travel after that.*


    Fort Vehl
    « Reply #8 on: March 22, 2010, 12:26:07 am »
    Rory and Dot make their way into the Gloom Woods.

    Lance Stargazer

    Re: Fort Vehl
    « Reply #9 on: March 23, 2010, 08:04:38 pm »
    *As the sun rises by the fifth day after the disappeareance , The calm morning of the town center is disturbed .

    There are movements as Two men and their small mercenaries armies are moving beetwen the town. Armand Worthington and Phillipe Silverthorn start some stir on the town. They aproached disembarking the docks of the fort and ammases small armies.

    The feud beetwen the two men is apparent and the word in the street is that they are blaming the other for the disapeareance of the lady Smithson. Claiming under their own honor to uncover the villany of the other.

    Some rofirenite knights had to put order to avoid a campal battle in the middle of the town.  The two gentlemen were reprended and escorted to diferent sides of the city for the safety of citizens. *


    Re: Fort Vehl
    « Reply #10 on: March 24, 2010, 12:08:02 pm »
    *Andrew and Annwyl extract themselves from the Co'rys wilderness on a little-used south road, picking burrs and stray twigs off their clothing as they walk, and make a direct line to Fort Vehl.*


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      Re: Fort Vehl
      « Reply #11 on: March 24, 2010, 02:37:25 pm »
      *Veran can be seen among the search parties of Vehl, asking questions of the mercenaries and guards, particularly about the newcomers. He sees to be prominently displaying a ring he wears on his left hand, which somehow seems to help the guards cooperate with him*


      Re: Fort Vehl
      « Reply #12 on: March 25, 2010, 08:50:11 am »
      *Shadowleaf makes his way to Ft. Vehl for some supplies and notices that there has been a recent disturbance, with many guard patrols and search parties now present in the streets .   He notices a poster indicating that a lady has gone missing, with her last know where abouts somewhere near the Gloom Woods.  Shadowleaf scribes some information about the lady on a small piece of parchment. He tries to make out the quiet conversation between two guards in the town center near him, but the guards do not seem to know anything either.  
      Shadowleaf leaves Ft. Vehl and takes position high up a tree, just inside the woodline outside the fort's walls, observing the search parties and any movements to and from the main gate*


      Re: Fort Vehl
      « Reply #13 on: April 01, 2010, 09:57:58 pm »
      *a large heavily armed man is seen to approach the group of guards taking care of the Smithson's business, reported to then pace off into the forest just north*

      Lance Stargazer

      Re: Fort Vehl
      « Reply #14 on: April 02, 2010, 10:54:04 am »
      A week and half has passed since the poor Ivanova disapareacne, And as the mood start to look grim even beetwen the most optimistic, The family is still in Vehl and did a public aparition in the Rofirenite Temple, The father Jonathan walked in with resolute pass, holding the hand of his weeping wife.

      The scout parties over the Gllomwood start to wane, as some of them leaves for more profitable endeavours.

      On the other hand the Angelic Guard seems to have called reinforcements and they are patrolin the few blocks around the building where the Smithson family is staying.  

      There is rumor on the street that the family has a clue for what happened to the daughter, yet the details remain unrevealed.

      The two suitors on other hand continues to do searches into the woods,  But with a strange turn of events, some of their men returned to the Fort wounded and some carrying bodies of his comrades with them , they refuse to answer questions to the passersby .

      Lance Stargazer

      Re: Fort Vehl
      « Reply #15 on: April 09, 2010, 06:34:59 pm »
      -What did ya say , Old Wheezer- The man looked at the other as they work in the piers .

      -What you heard, They found her finally  -  The man answerd as he finishes the new knot and pulls the rope over the edge of the pier,

      - Ya, What was expected- Poor girl really,Where she was found?  

      -Near the cliff some miles up north in the outskirts of that cursed forest -

      - Blonde wigh blue green eyes, all the stuff, A beautiful blue traveling clothes

      - Oh . poor girl,-

      Yes such a shame. Seems that they are checking out about how it happened.  -

      *The men keeps working as their conversation travels to other less creepy subjects *


      *In the mean time in the market district , the old Lady Bertha is seen selling her top notch apples to a certain mercenary *

      I am telling you sir, by the gold that is what i heard is the most amazing. Its a miracle they say.. This lady that was lost ,, yes. That Ivanova, was spotted alive and walking over the Brelin Kindom.-

      *the man attaired on the plates of the Angelic guard *  How so ?  Are you sure ?  

      I am telling you that my sources are totally positive on this, She was found by a kind druid over the forest not much time after the disapeareance and was able to call her back or to make her stain to life, she's grave enough but has been hiding over Brelin Kingdom till the attackers are brought to justice *

      - Ah.. I see. *he pays for the merchandise and add an extra 2 golden pieces * thank you for the information miss .. I'll return tomorrow for more apples .

      Stay strong sir. .  

      *The word on the streets keeps spreading over *

