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Author Topic: Giants of the Great Forest  (Read 84 times)


Giants of the Great Forest
« on: June 27, 2009, 03:47:52 pm »


The situation within the Great Forest has now grown even direr.

The reknowned and well fortified camp The Foot, well used by traveling Giant slayers within the woods, has fallen silent.

Rangers and Giant slayers amass patiently outside of Hilm Castle and Sulkin, awaiting word of its demise.

As the atrocities performed by the Giants bring more and more adventurer's to the cause, murmurings of dissaproval are heard from the Druids. Demands to leave the forest giants be are made.

Any now traveling alone or in a group into the Great Forest are advised to do so at their own peril.
And if the battle horns of the giants are heard... it is strongly suggested to find safe ground immediately and cease all attacks.



Re: Giants of the Great Forest
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2009, 06:31:10 pm »
The reknowned and well fortified camp The Foot... has fallen.

A well-known centre of operations for Giant hunters and Rangers, the camp was all but destroyed by the joint efforts of two different clans.

The last few survivors are now resting comfortably within Hilm castle, possibly now rethinking their chosen career.

There are rumours of course, that a second camp is being considered to be erected, primarily for the purpose of finding and eradicating this new alliance between the two Giant clans.

But with the fall of the Foot ... and no rallying point for most of the Giant slayers to gather ... the Great Forest is now more than ever a most hazardous place to venture


Re: Giants of the Great Forest
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2009, 07:19:53 pm »
The stereo type of the typical " Dumb and brutish" giant is now truly being called into question.
Displaying increasingly effective tactics and leadership, rumours of fully armoured giants are now a cause for more concern.

Rumours state in an attempt to build a new base of operations for the Giant hunters flocking to Hilm's north gate and the Great Forest, a massive attack was launched against its construction.
Organised waves of giants poured against the hastily constructed barricades, and fully armed and armoured giants not seen before smashed through them like they were kindling.

These sightings support the other rumours of giants being witnessed actually mining in ancient and abandoned ruins recently discovered.

With the Druids of the Great Forest now openly opposing this build up of forces arrayed against the new Giant clan, all eyes now turn to the East, where it is rumoured the home of these new "HornBlower" clans is rumoured to be found.


Re: Giants of the Great Forest
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2009, 11:37:52 am »
According to rumour, and something which many pray is true... the chaos of the HornBlower clan may finnaly be coming to an end.

Word spreads of a move against the HornBlowers into the far east of the Great Forest, and a vicious battle in the Giants icy valley high up in the mountains, where a party of adventurer's slew the Giant chieftain and barely escaped with their lives.

Their is however, some confusion over the reports coming in.

Word tells of ruins of halls and passageways, of statues dedicated and built by both human and Giant hands.
Of a humans Throne... where the Giants now dwell... and of questions still remaining.
Who were the HornBlowers? Where did they learn to craft their weapons and armour, learn their tactics, build such massive structures in what appeared to be such a desolate place.

With such questions still unanswered, there of those within the Foot and on the border of the Great Forest, who still wonder if this is truly the last they will hear from them.