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Author Topic: Madness in the Woods  (Read 510 times)


Madness in the Woods
« on: November 09, 2009, 05:34:46 am »
[SIZE=18]A few rare and infrequent rumours have filtered through from Vale, regarding individuals being overcome with a sort of madness.
Sad reports have come through of a lumberjack who slew his wife in a fit of rage, and could not be controlled... to a young paladin bursting through the gates of Vale and attacking anyone in sight.

Civilians in Vale are baffled by the incidents, but are keeping a careful vigil.[/SIZE]

Lord of the Forest

Re: Madness in the Woods
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2009, 09:42:17 am »
*Dorena hands her beloved husband Jacchri a cup of tea while they sit in the canopy of their tree in Vale and watch the daily life in Vale. After a long moment of silence Dorena sighs softly and softly takes Jacchri's hand.*

"It saddens my heart to see what happened, dear"

"I know, my love", as he kisses her softly on her forehead. "I knew the woman who was killed. She was a fair woman..."

"So you know more women besides me?", she makes a face, teasing him.

He chuckles softly: "But no one of them matches your grace and you know how much I love you, my dear."

Dorena smiles softly at him: "I know. But it seems like the White Wolf of Folian S'Pae and his lovely wife, the 2nd lieutenant Abianca of the Wolfswood Ranger Corps should investigate in this matter like in the old days, huh?"

"Maybe my dear, but I love our quiet life and the visits of our friends.", he whispered into her ear.

Dorena tightens her grip on his hand and nods quietly. "I just don't wish anyone harm in this lovely village. It is our home after all.."

He softly taps her lower lip with his index finger to indicate her to be silent. "I know, my dear. We will see to it tomorrow."

With a soft sight she curls up on his lap while he is humming a symphony of the woods...

