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Author Topic: *a notice is tacked to Gates other than Spellgard*  (Read 78 times)


*a notice is tacked to Gates other than Spellgard*
« on: November 08, 2007, 02:16:23 pm »
** The posting has been torn down **


Re: *a notice is tacked to Spellgard's Gates*
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2007, 02:43:13 pm »
** The posting has been torn down **


Re: *a notice is tacked to Spellgard's Gates*
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2007, 02:45:34 pm »
*Two Protectors return to the gate after some minor disturbance on the inside.  Seeing the notice and a response, both are immediately removed, passed between them with a chuckle.*

"Happens every few years, doesn't it Karl?"

"Sure does... *he shakes his head*"

*With a word, the parchments ignite and are reduced to ash within seconds*

// Feel free to post this elsewhere, but this kind of thing wouldn't last long on Spellgard's gates.


Re: *a notice is tacked to Gates other than Spellgard*
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2007, 03:03:24 pm »
*the postings spread everywhere but Spellgard and Blackford, where they are repeatedly torn down by the blameless, self-righteous theocracy which claims to be good and loves liches*

Lucindites claim that a sorceress mis-used the weave... Lucinda granted her the spells. Lucindites frown at hoardes of undead, kept alive by Lucinda's will. They claim one mis-used her spells for trickery... when Lucinda's domain is trickery. Even in Spellgard, Lucinda's followers, men women and weakly children were scorched alive, shrieking Lucindite hymns on their tongues while the drow, in Lucinda's will, summoned her spellfire to bake their bones and siezed the whole city. Where was her loving mercy then?

Lucinda is the consumate charlatain, claiming all power and zero resposibility for her deeds. She claims goodness and grants spells to all evil. She claims balance and both tyranny and anarchy bathe in the light. She claims Paladins and grants spells to Black Wizards. She claims righteousness in the hearts of good and shares her bed with Corath. Do good people make drunken bastard babies with the Black Sun?

Surrender the lies of Lucinda. She did not ascend before the dragons came with their spells. She did not ascend before the life-giving magics of the Tolelflor. She is not the source, arbitrator or weave mistress... the magic came before her. She is nothing.

The trial by theocracy of one woman may begin soon, but the trial by logic of Lucinda is already concluded. Let Lucinda come to the earth and face her judgement... for if she so claims to control the magic, then she is guilty for every crime ever committed through the magic. Bloodstone rose by her Bloodwell's power. Milara rules through her blessing. Drezneb still walks through her undead blasphemy. Black Wizards plot under her spell. Eon scorched acres with her very fire, and this one held now only bewitched under Lucinda's ammoral charms. Surrender all claims of weave monopoly Lucinda, or be held accountable for your dominion.

All of your children are hereby named accomplices.

-The Council of Secular Mageocracy

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: *a notice is tacked to Gates other than Spellgard*
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2007, 03:34:24 pm »
* A dwarf in a brightly polished full plate in golden and silver colours stop to read the post. He frowns and his hand goes involuntarily to his beard and begins to stroke it as he considers the words written before him.

He stands there for a long time, seemingly reading the post again and again. *


Re: *a notice is tacked to Gates other than Spellgard*
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2007, 04:17:54 pm »
Near Hlint, this notice is met with puzzlement at first, then a small laugh and shake of a head. Though they reach up to touch it, their fingers only rest lightly on the parchment as a pained expression briefly appears under their hood, and then they are gone again. Some time later a very long, yet very neat response appears on another parchment placed just below it, the ink shimmering lightly in a clear reply.

Were these accusations based on truth, they might have justification. Unfortunately, they are based on misreports and myths and must join the realm of blatant propaganda seeking the prey of the small minded, for anyone could have wandered near the place of trial (which is not Spellgard), or simply asked - it is said that the realm of the wise is filled only with questions, is it not? - to discover that the faith of Lucinda is not holding anyone on trial. A woman was accused of breaking the laws of the land, even to the point of murder, and the courts of the land have replied in kind by placing her on trial for the judge to discover the truth of her supposed crimes.

It is not uncommon for those who may use magic to wile their captors, or even kill them, to be given an escort of Protectors, or placed within Spellgard for a time, to protect others from their magic. Unless they break the laws, or harm the Weave itself, however, there is nothing to judge.

To the other accusations, I begin to realize that too many of the faith consort only with one another, and those do who wander the lands with others either don't know enough about the Lady, or are instantly rejected based on misconceptions that cause others to react without thought, like  berserkers in heat.

Lucinda did not come before the dragons, who came after the T'ol. Magic existed before Lucinda. To many, that speaks all anyone needs to hear.

What is less known, and will likely be immediately called a lie except by those who will at least seek the truth themselves and find it for fact, is that once, several dragons held the Weave. It is they that you should look to for 'controlling' magic, because dragons ever clutch their prizes tightly. But magic changed, and the dragons themselves found it would not soon sit well in their control. Magic itself might fail, because it was becoming something New, not of their ancient tending.

It was not the T'ol that stepped forward, friend, and it was not the dragons, who were the ones losing it and the ones that fled for other reasons. It was only one, where many were needed before, who for reasons we still do not fully understand, could do what all others could not. She was human; She was magic. She became more; She became magic.

Neither She nor her faithful claim rulership over all those who touch on the Weave; it is one of the most basic tenants of the faith to not seek to control what cannot be controlled. Their gaze is not to be around them at others, seeking to force them to worship, nor shackle the methods in which they touch on the Weave (for all people touch on the Weave, in some way or another), but to care for Magic itself. Great harm has been done to it in some ways or another, and there are those who seek to eliminate it altogether, so that all magic users, you and I alike as well as Eon and Drezneb, will no more have magic.

While other mages bicker among one another and wrestle for power and dominion over processes of thought and the minds of others, it is out of love for magic that a Lucindite seeks to protect, promote, and preserve the Weave. Many of the faith have died in the Dark Peaks trying to repair the damage done, while other mages declaim them...for simply protecting something that they love. Lucindites battled against Eon and Drezneb both to destroy their bloodpools, as well as Milara's - where was this council of mages? Lucindites stood against Bloodstone at the Bloodwell and his own master pool, neither of which are Lucinda's creations but something that touches on the Soul Mother's realm. Where were these mages? Yet we don't ask them to do what we must aid with. Live in comfort, that is your gift.

These words that lash out without thought are akin to those of bitter men who rage against an oasis in the desert, angry that despite it providing them with life, predators also drink freely. Why? There is no one demanding gratitude and worship for giving a fount of life in the desert. There is no ribboned lines being made, no distinction made between who is good enough, rich enough, influential enough to drink. It is for all, or many, many things would suffer, not just the predators. So it is left there and cared for, that all may drink from it, without a word in praise if they choose not to. But there are those that love the source of it so greatly, for itself and not merely as a tool for other ends; love the one that looks on us and gives us something so rare and prized, and understand that this must not be fouled if all are to continue to drink...that if they cannot prevent some from drinking (and would not), they they can at least use it in the benevolent manner it was intended, and guide others in that path.

So we do not ask you to worship... to praise... to stand in an orderly line to receive your gift of magic... All things touch on the Weave, we only see that it remains whole to be touched at all, and to teach others to find joy in their magic, and not just another sword and shield.

It is likely foolish to respond to one notice when there may be many others. And if the first one was written without care for truth, why should this one be read with any understanding? But why should a council of mages rage against Lucinda? It is the ultimate in paranoia. You would not have magic without her, it is true, but no one has come knocking on your doors demanding tribute. Merely use your gifts wisely and correctly, so that it will not twist or break threads of magic. Find the endless possibilities in its explorations. Never set foot in a temple, or deny faith and the gods, if that is your wish. We still wish you the joy of your magic, and will continue to preserve it above all things and use it for good, so that councils of mages may still drink while slandering that which they drink from.

((An OOC Note: Please leave the judgment IC and not in OOC emotes. "*aims a slap at the back of his head* "Your fat ugly head is too stupid to understand!"" is infinitely preferable to "*slaps his fat ugly head that's too stupid to understand*" surely? Also, referring to the domains of a god seems a bit OOC, like a character just looked at the LORE page and wrote based off of that. Lucinda does not "have the domain of trickery." At present, she has the Guardians of the Weave, who are taught the Cerlyn Wethrina, the secret ward of the faith. It's not based on mischief, it has a defined purpose.))