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Author Topic: Angels - A Detour From Somewhere to Somewhere Else  (Read 747 times)


Angels - A Detour From Somewhere to Somewhere Else
« on: July 06, 2015, 11:31:36 pm »
A bedraggled halfling with mud nearly to her knees uses a runed walking stick to knock at the "Angels Only" (so to speak) door in the fields. Beside her is a horse who looks to have been better taken care of than herself, despite its old scars. She eyes the lock thoughtfully, rattling the keys at her waist, but then mutters to herself and gestures to make a considerably more impressive series of booming sounds than her more mundane attempts.HALLOOOO! I need to see a man about a Door! And things. And maybe a discount. ALSO IS MOUSTACHE IN?

((Apologies that I cannot be in-game until Thursday at the earliest, so I thought I would take to the forum.))

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"Blast and bother it all!" a
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2015, 11:01:08 am »

"Blast and bother it all!" a very clearly heard curse is heard from somewhere within as heavy footsteps grow louder.  "Who is there?  We are quite full of wheat, corn, eggs, aloe, sand, mushrooms, skins, silk, and salt, so if you are peddling for credit go elsewhere!"  The door opens, and a figure lit from behind towers over Acacea. "Oh, it is you, Chimes, at least it might be under all that grime.  Did you lose a fight with a Mudwyrm?"  he holds up a hand, stopping her from advancing, "Not a step further, I would sooner allow your horse in here than yourself in that state. Andrew would birth kittens if you tracked up his wood floors.   Go wash in stream and return, or shall I come out to you?  Hmm.  Well, what do you want?  Out with it."


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Caught in the attempt at
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2015, 12:42:29 pm »

Caught in the attempt at breezing through the doorway with her horse, she hmphs and crosses her arms. Well, of course he should come in! It's really rather rude, otherwise. And he came all this way, too! She leans against the door way, one foot crossing lazily over the other shin as though she'd never intended to enter, anyway.

You missed further developments, so your friendly neighborhood halfling is delivering what you missed! AREN'T YOU INTERESTED? Don't get used to it. She winks, then adds in a lofty voice, you may make it up to me by promising you'll be there when they follow the Thing to the Other Thing, particularly if Milsy is on the other end? PLEASE SAY YOU WILL GO!

Also I was wondering if you could put a pie in Door's face for me. See, in addition to the whole "Plenli as the only full scale god-rep," because one Road and one Hearth make one Couple to me, I got one mage. Cute as Strife and punches just as hard - I bet she makes things go boom like nobody's business, but what if something needs dismantling or something? Acacea being your technical expert means you're in a bad way, Moustache! she eyes him like its his problem, gnawing on a piece of stale bread, then adds around a mouthful, in short, a wizard could be a useful complement.

Calloused fingers brush crumbs off the front of her. Basically, there's not much I can do myself, and since I'm expecting unmitigated disaster, I'm just looking to turn it into a mitigated disaster. Right? Right? Eh? Interested?

Also do you have any of these? She partially unrolls two elaborate scrolls, one of Disjunction and one of Greater Sanctuary.



Daniel withstands the verbal
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2015, 05:10:56 pm »

Daniel withstands the verbal outpouring with a long practiced patience of one used to such onsloughts.  His mouth makes curious frowning gestures, hairlip dancing in tune, but his eyes remain on the halfling bard, wary and confused, perhaps this expression is his usual of late or perhaps it is merely her presence, she cannot tell.  At the end of it, he extends his index finger on the upraised hand, "First of all, who is Door? and second, you will put that beast and yourself in full retreat under yon tree, while I fetch a bucket, rag, and perhaps a bit of pie and wine for dining OUT OF DOORS.  Stale bread and dirty leggings are for beggars, not yourself.  Now move, I will be out shortly whilst you catch your breath.  We can dicuss matters further in a moment."  He makes a gesture to a grassy clearing under the tree next to the field.  As she turns away, she hears mutter into his collar. "Mitigated disasters, as if there were any other sort. Hmph.  Confounded halfers."

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Beast! she repeats to the
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2015, 05:40:36 pm »

Beast! she repeats to the horse as he plods along with her to the tree, where she leaves him untied. See, he's just like that slaadi riding wagon guy that wouldn't give you a ride. Beast, honestly, like it's an insult, or - she looks around and continues in a stage whisper - or as if humans weren't the origin of the phrase 'beastly' that they insult animals with. It's like humanly. I saw it in a book. Or was that a dream? She pauses with her mouth open as if to think about it.

In any case, if you decided to be somebody in armor, I bet he would pay more attention to you. Scaled armor! Eh! Follow me? She makes as if to nudge the horse, but has already plopped into the grass, making an air-elbowing effect should Daniel be watching. She taps the side of her nose and points to the horse. If you're ever a person, just figure out when you get a discount by showing up dirty, and when you get a discount for showing up fancy, and you'll never pay for a drink again, my friend. ...Not... that you pay me... for drinks... She narrows her eyes at the horse suddenly, then winks.

Leaning back on her hands, she crosses her foot over her shin again to wait for free food - delivered, no less.



Several moments later, Daniel
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2015, 05:42:30 pm »

Several moments later, Daniel emergences from the store with a bucket of water, rag, and a picnic basket.  Handing Acacea the basket of aged xeenite wine and a still warm pie, he checks her pony carefully for injuries then sets it loose from the bridle to eat grass with a pat.  He then soaks the rag and starts to carefully clean mud from Acacea's legs.  "Really, Chimes, on any approach to this store there are innumerable streams.  You could not stop at one?  I swear by the Dragon that you visit in such a state just to vex me."  He looks up at her then sighs, continuing his minstrations until satisfied or she stops him.  He continues, "Of course I am coming along, I planned to all along, only that..." He stares off into the fields a few moments.  "I have been away caring for some folk, that is all I shall say, but that labor is finished for now.  As for those scrolls you waved like battle flags at our door.  The first, I am unfamiliar with, are you certiain it is not a wizard's work?  The second, we have not a stock of, but I can attempt to scribe them, but they are very dear in cost and effort."  He sits back looking slightly more aged than normal. 

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Acacea lifts a scarred foot
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2015, 10:10:59 pm »

Acacea lifts a scarred foot in the air to wriggle toes at him. If she notices a change in him, it is not apparent. Oh! Well, in that case you will have to track down the dwarves. The last I heard they were practically marching. Not really my style. I mean honestly, who marches following that sort of thing? You could skip a hundred miles ahead and double back, it's not like we didn't have multiple treehuggers. But it's okay! It gave me time to visit before they were valiantly eaten.

Is that a thing? Valiantly eaten? I'm pretty sure I saw something like that in stained glass at a Toranite place... She ponders to herself, then gives a start. In any case, the Leafy Dwarf is with his axe-swinging buddy and the other treehugger, and the other OTHER dwarf I think still Has The Thing if you follow me. Eh? Eh? Anyway you better track 'em down. If they're still three hundred miles back, you can give them the hint about faster-following if you want. She nods several times.

And of course it is wizard's work, silly! I'd just hoped you had some! Even though it practically gives me hives just carrying it. Eesh. Talk about overkill. Maybe Door could make some. Door the arserag that shoved me in the crate, remember?

Oh, and as for discounts, I thought maybe I could borrow your store! She attempts to smile winningly, but pre-emptively winces. 'cause, well, I actually have no idea what will be waiting. I mean, probably Milsy, which is all kinds of bad? Standard shoot-the-mage? Dragons? No idea. I was gonna ask some people after I won you over. I mean talked to you. But you're coming!

I will catch up. I think. Hopefully.



A small nod at the dwarf
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2015, 08:14:02 am »

A small nod at the dwarf reference, but a puzzled frown at the Door explanation. "Truly, Chimes, you have a way with words, but I fear I cannot place this nomer of Door, or would that be misnomer?" a shrug. "I used to keep a good wizard in my pocket, but you know how wizards can be, eh?  Always wondering off, like cats."  "Also, the store you wish to borrow is not mine to give away, but my talents are to a degree.  I will attempt some of the Greater Sanctuary scrolls.  How many do you think may be required, hmm?"

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Ferrit walks out from behind
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2015, 09:16:04 am »

Ferrit walks out from behind some nearby shrubbery and grins.

"I wondered why you were lugging a pail and a picnic basket outside, Daniel.

Hello, Chimes.  You're  Mordenkainen's Disjunction scrolls would be prohibitively expensive, and it might take months to persuade one of our wizards to be bothered to make them, but there are lesser scrolls Daniel should be able to make.  Greater Dispelling may strip all magical effects from a single target or target a group of creatures, attempting to remove the most powerful spell effect from each creature.  Dismissal or Banishment may banish or kill summoned creatures, familiars, animal companions.

SehKy likes Greater Spell Breach scrolls, which can strip an enemy of up to four magical defenses.  I think I've still got some he made for me.

As for Greater Sanctuary scrolls, Jako mentioned that his wife is very fond of those.  You might hunt down Sala and ask if she has a few to spare."



Foresta appears behind Ferrit
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2015, 10:24:05 am »

Foresta appears behind Ferrit and to all intents and purposes perhaps she was the shrubbery. Shifters eh, what are they like! She explains "Dwarves might march but shifters shift am I right? Look there are many ways to dispel magic - Ferrit is right and of course shifters can shift some of that magic. Disjunction of course is a little special but I can try and dispel things till like oh till like well all these bells there stop ringing." she points to Acacea. "So when it comes right down to it if a Dragon or some undead has not laid me low I can be doing dispelling right alongside the best of them, just not from a book.I mean who needs books right."



Um... hi. Yes, of course I
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2015, 02:31:00 pm »

Um... hi. Yes, of course I know people can cast things... that's why I get the best scrolls, because I ... can't? I keep them for emergencies, emergencies warrant the best I can acquire. Because I was expecting... emergencies? She looks caught in a rare moment of complete confusion at the sudden appearance. She shifts her bewildered look back to Daniel and Ferrit. Er, well I prolly won't have time to collect on any that need to be made. I picked up... two? Of the others, and it hardly ever works twice, anyhow. I just thought you might have had a collector... and that Moustache might have wanted to be caught up on things we found, but the uh... creeper treehugger can fill you in, I think!



Daniel meets Acacea's gaze
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2015, 06:53:27 pm »

Daniel meets Acacea's gaze calmly after nodding to both of the newcomers, "Creepy?  An odd affection from someone just as odd, I would say, Chimes." He tsks quietly.  As for catching up, I am certain once our dwarvish friends are found, you will have filled my ears with more details than I care to recall."  That said, he settles back on the grass.

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Someone call for a wizard? 
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2015, 02:22:37 am »

Someone call for a wizard?  Scrolls you say? *Tralek's voice is a bit too happy for his own good*  I was passing by and saw some kind of picnic going on and thought I'd see if you guys were having one of your big sales!  You are right?  Anyways, if I can be of assistance, I did hear of a need for certain scroll to be scribed.  If you need my help, well, I don't have much else to do these days.  What scroll and how many you need?  *He grabs a piece of pie and a glass of wine and begins to endulge like he was invited*



Daniel catches the eyes of
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2015, 11:40:00 am »

Daniel catches the eyes of the ladies sitting and standing around him and mouthes, "Like cats." A wink before turning to Tralek.  "Your name did cross my mind when Acacea asked about a certain scroll," a pause as he searches his memory, "What was the name of that spell again, Chimes?"


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

