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Author Topic: Bounty Hunter  (Read 554 times)


Bounty Hunter
« on: March 30, 2012, 06:40:28 pm »
Leisa enters the One Eyed Harpy in Fort Vehl nodding to Wheezer as she moves to a table from where she can watch the door to the place.

Several pairs of eyes follow her nondescript form as she sits herself down. Conversations dim nearby as those who recognise her wonder if she is here for them. They know her line and work and many are aware she will do whatever she is hired to do making her a dangerous one to have following you.

Several minutes later its apparent she isnt there for anyone in the Inn and conversations resume, eyes still glance occassionally towards the well known Bounty Hunter perhaps trying to read something, anything, from her emotionless face and cold eyes, perhaps trying to deduce the intention of her sudden appearance in Vehl after months of absence.

Half an hour later a thin almost emaciated man enters the Inn as well, many take note of the stranger to the One Eyed Harpy. He looks around and quickly sits opposite Leisa. They converse quietly for a while before he passes a leather satchel across the table to her, stands and leaves.

Leisa continues to sit at her table for a short time longer before standing and methodically collecting her things. The hilt of two fine shortswords appear momentarily from under a dark cloak she wears.

Several sets of eyes follow her as she leaves and as she does one of the people who was seated closest to her whispers to his friend at his table.

"What's she got to do with the Mad Doctor? I thought he was a myth?"

His companion, a rugged dock worker merely shrugged and they returned to their previous conversation.


Re: Bounty Hunter
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2012, 08:17:51 pm »
A masked woman in the corner sits alone and quiet watching the scene  she has at least two short swords visible, but people seem to generally give her a wide berth.

Pen N Popper

Re: Bounty Hunter
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2012, 08:24:38 pm »
A half-giant, a full coin purse on the bar, squints at the new-comer then goes back to drinking. A pair of sturdy axe handles stick up out of holsters on his back, discouraging some and encouraging others.


Re: Bounty Hunter
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2012, 08:37:06 pm »
An elderly man, sporting a weeks growth of whiskers sips from his mug as he scans the common room of the inn.  A pair of wooden mugs dangling from his belt.


Re: Bounty Hunter
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2012, 02:48:04 pm »
*There is also a goblin inside the inn, many frown at this figure and at one point, a daring drunken human sought to remove his presence from the inn with violence, only to be held in place with a Hold Monster spell... An occurrence which made the others more distasteful to rouse trouble with the wee green man, now that they know he commands magical powers, also the scimitar dangling from his belt's sheath helps in this matter.
The proprietors of the inn frown at the wee man, but he paid a small tithe for the ruckus and pays well for his stay, nutrition and low kick beer, making him a more "ok" customer*

*The goblin, now known as Deacon, keeps close to the half-giant and nudges him, saying*

"Youse want tos know what Deacon think? Some ruckus might come from this yes yes, maybe? Yes. Maybe coin toos uh huh?"

Pen N Popper

Re: Bounty Hunter
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2012, 02:57:16 pm »
Dubbel looks down at Deacon and nods, patting his coin purse and then flexing a bicep. Lifting lip in a curl to expose tusk-like teeth, he seems quite pleased at the thought of coins... or perhaps ruckus. Who's to know?



Re: Bounty Hunter
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2012, 09:41:50 pm »
Leisa returns the next day at the same time and moves to a different table in the inn than previous and waits patiently at the table sipping carefully from an ordered glass of water.

Roughly ten minutes later the same man from the day before enters h\\joins her with a dark cloth package which he offers over to her. She takes it and flips over one corner of the cloth. Those nearby notice the tip of a cold dark steel dagger before she covers it again.

"He believes this may do it?"

The man, used to cold looks from his betters, becomes slightly unsure. Used to coldness by also to mad or violent responses he realises this woman exudes no sense of emotion, he cannot read her intentions or her motivations and that makes him nervous suddenly. Licking his lips he responds finally, a few beads of sweat breaking out on his brow.

"I am told it might."

Silence grows between them as Leisa pats the cloth covered dagger before her, once, twice, three times then stops.

"I will have to test to see if it works."

The man shrinks back into his seat suddenly fearful at the coldness of her words and his inability to read her mood or intention.

"Please, I was just told to deliver it, as promised."

"I do not plan to use it on you, my next target will suffice." Leisa drew back the cloth over the daggers hilt to reveal finger grips in black obsidian and red runes engraved into the hilt.

Like a moth to a flame the mans eyes were drawn to the dagger, having been forbidden to look upon it by the Mad Doctor who gave it to him to deliver.

"Does it really.....cut soul strands?" His voice lowered at the end as the import of what he was saying was realised in his mind.

Leisa covered the hilt and looked at the man with her emotionless eyes.

"We shall see, if it does it will finish a long search I have made across the length and breadth of this world, if search continues."

With that she stands and the cloth covered dagger disappears into a bag inside her cloak and within moments she leaves.

The man glances around at some of those nearby sneering at one old man and blowing a kiss to a female patron before heading out the door himself.


Re: Bounty Hunter
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2012, 06:57:59 am »
I am confused - what is this thread please?
 (apart from interesting of course!):)


Re: Bounty Hunter
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2012, 04:54:59 am »
// I've been trying for ages now to work down this path with Leisa but it's a very solo path and considering she is a WL I figured I'd put some info out there in case there are others who might want be interested in what she is trying to achieve. Most of those who knew about it don't really play anymore.