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Author Topic: Harvester of Souls and Soul Mother Spotted  (Read 539 times)


Harvester of Souls and Soul Mother Spotted
« on: May 20, 2005, 08:51:00 am »
Overheard in the Hotel Layonara:

Nearby is an adolescent, red faced and out of breath, speaking with what appears to be his mother who is cleaning one of the rooms.  

I'm telling you it was just like in the stories with the pictures....they were there, in the Forest of Mists, hunched over a man and he was consumed entirely as she touched him!  I was so scared I ran and ran....


RE: Harvester of Souls and Soul Mother Spotted
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2005, 09:51:00 pm »
A recent rumor tells about two travellers having crossed
paths with the Harvester of Souls in the outskirts of
the Dark Forest. Someone started the rumor so at least
one of the two must have lived to tell the tale.

