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Author Topic: In The Silverbuckle Inn  (Read 1555 times)


Re: In The Silverbuckle Inn
« Reply #80 on: October 24, 2012, 09:28:06 pm »
//Was coming over from Central to join the quest and cannot get on West server so looks like its still down.  Apparently Lonn pulled the power cord?


Re: In The Silverbuckle Inn
« Reply #81 on: October 24, 2012, 09:35:15 pm »
//server exploded tonight, so moving this event back to friday 9pm est due to technical difficulty.  Server's coming back up sans the prep, so doing a halloween themed impromptu in its place.


Re: In The Silverbuckle Inn
« Reply #82 on: November 06, 2012, 11:07:45 am »
A packet of information arrives at the Silverbuckle Inn and to many other members of the previous adventures from none other than the Church of Rofirien itself.  Peeling back the gold-speckled yellow wax seal of a regal looking dragon, you find inside a plethora of information, much of which seems familiar to you.  Dossiers of Razorback Agents, detailed reports of their foiled plots, locations, contacts and with each one is contained a gold signet ring bearing the symbol of a boar labelled "confiscated evidence".  Catching your eye are some details regarding a keep standing in the outskirts of Kartharian, on the lands of the noble family "Varryn."  This part of the map is highlighted, and attached documentation reveals that this is the suspected compound of Lucien Krale himself.

Included in these packets are legal forms co-signed by the legal authorities of Kartharian, Rofirien's Church and various other organizations which allow for a raid on the compound.  (to those who diligently follow faiths other than Corath's, members your own churches have also included their blessings in pursuing the matter)  Sufficient evidence has been gathered to allow for full warrants on dealing with the matter.  Any and all persons found to be agents of the Razorbacks or part of the House of Varryn are to be arrested if possible, or executed in the event they offer resistance.

Instructions are to meet at the Silverbuckle Inn of Mariner's Hold where a briefing shall precede the operation.  This briefing is the be led by the agent known as "Nose".  Free pie and ale shall be made available.

//Wednesday night, 9PM EST 11/7/12


Re: In The Silverbuckle Inn
« Reply #83 on: November 07, 2012, 07:44:42 pm »
Messages are sent to trusted* individuals - an army of adventurers is being raised, any and all are invited.

*pretty much anyone except dark elves, except the exception dark elves, you know who you are.


Re: In The Silverbuckle Inn
« Reply #84 on: November 08, 2012, 01:25:47 am »
We've breached the fortress and dealt with Lucien's Burning Fury and Bestial Rage... now to deal with his Brooding Lament, Intrigue, Insatiable Hunger, Aberrational Curiosity and Insecurities! And what of Lord Varryn? And the wereboar gnome Lucien Krale himself? Stay tuned for the grande finale!

Feed your self-confidence otters well. You'll need them!

