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Author Topic: Increased activity and watchfulness in Trelania  (Read 226 times)

Harlas Ravelkione

Increased activity and watchfulness in Trelania
« on: September 08, 2009, 02:14:52 pm »
[SIZE=18]As you travel across the public roads of the Kingdom of Trelania, you notice that the number of patrols on horseback has increased dramatically. Heavily armed men and women race along the roads, seemingly on the lookout for something or someone.

While out on sea on the voyage from Leringard to Port Hempstead, some passengers report of noticing several light and fast vessels of the Queen's Navy patrolling the coastline of Trelania.[/SIZE]


Re: Increased activity and watchfulness in Trelania
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2009, 02:41:42 pm »
Benjamin pulls back his hood and hails one of the many riders, preferably female.  Offering his best grin and a bit of wine, he asks why all the patrols.  If the rider refuses, he'll mention that he is in fact one of the defenders of Hurix.  If that fails, he'll simply wish the rider luck and be on his way.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Increased activity and watchfulness in Trelania
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2009, 02:53:07 pm »
The tall, tanned and blond woman leading the patrol that you (Benjamin) hail, raises her hand and the group of eight riders slow to a canter and eventually stop a little ahead of you. She turns in her saddle and looks back to you, seemingly expecting you to run up to her.

As you reach her, she asks what ails you. She speaks in a business-like manner and seems eager to get going.

After hearing you out and ensuring that you in fact did take part in the defense of Fort Hurix, she lets you know that they are looking for group of enemy forces. She was told that small units of dragonstealers are moving through Trelania, going south from the Hammerbound Peaks. Her orders are to stop and capture some of these if in any way possible.

Before the riders take off, she bids you keep this information to yourself in order to not cause a panic.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Increased activity and watchfulness in Trelania
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2009, 06:51:28 pm »
On his travels back from Beliara towards Llast , Lance crosses with some of the mounted patrol, he observing that the numbers has increased , presents himself towards one of the leaders, introducing himself as the knight of the god he represents.

If The patrol shares the information with him , he travels with the patrol till he arrives at Llast, there he departs of the patrol and he enters to the temple to see what the Toranites has in mind towards this , and act acordingly the plan set.

If there is no information regarded then he keeps looking for the next patrol till he arrives Llast. if  the Toranites are not in the move, he start to organize the forces in Llast to keep an open eye on the vecinity-

Lord Dark

Re: Increased activity and watchfulness in Trelania
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2009, 07:01:24 pm »
*Tod watches the riders ride by curiously and follows for a little bit to see what they're doing. He hopes something amazing would happen or even an attack would take place, but if nothing of note really happens, he eventually leaves.*


Re: Increased activity and watchfulness in Trelania
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2009, 08:47:26 am »
*Benjamin grins a bit as the patrol leader leaves, having stuffed a bottle of wine into her saddlebag with a wink. "Fer yer enjoyment after yer patrol, Miss."  After promising to keep the information to himself, he begins making a patrol of his own, using stealth and concealment to move carefully through the countryside from Hlint to Vehl.*
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Increased activity and watchfulness in Trelania
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2009, 09:20:36 am »
*Amgine notices the increased activity and numbers of patrols. He begins to wear a scoul as he continues onward, and instead of marching past Castle Blackford as he usually does, this day he turns to go inside, stopping at the entry to ask the guardsmen there for directions to the offices handling Trelanian Immigration. Before approaching them he first does his best to improve his mood and put a smile on his face.*
 "Exscuse me, please. Could you direct me to the office of whomever handles Trelanian Immigration? I moved from Alindor some years ago and have been living here since, but I'd like to formalize my citizenship, if I may. I also have some important information to share about that Green Dragon Cult that very few may be aware of yet."


Re: Increased activity and watchfulness in Trelania
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2009, 12:25:43 pm »
A rather pleasant faced fellow (of obviously local stock) greets Amgine quietly.

"Hello and greetings. I am afraid there is no one of that nature within this castle. Trelania has open boarders so we do not trace the citizenry in this manner. Most of this is done at the local level. If you have purchased land or work for a Lord, you are already counted among Her People." He pauses and smiles at Amgine again.

"I am not sure of this other information you speak of, it doesn't sound like it has much to do with 'immigration.'"


Re: Increased activity and watchfulness in Trelania
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2009, 03:04:49 pm »
"Oh, right...," *Amgine regards the pleasant person for a moment before going on* "Well, I just wanted to make my citizenship official, you know swear fealty or whatnot if that's nescessary. And then as a good citizen, or even just as a good person in general, I felt what I know oughta be shared with the kingdom, err.. or queendom. Ya see, I was with that Rofireinite Jennara Creekskipper and a group she lead to recover a magic journal that those cultists stole... We pursued 'em into the Hammerbounds, and some of our party split off to go save Hurix while the rest of us went onward... Err.. well, it's kind of a detailed story.  But, I noticed the increased patrols throughout the lands and figured maybe they were lookin' for the last of the cultists.  Maybe you can direct me to whoever would be best to talk to about that? Or would that be you mister, err... What's your name? *awkwardly holds out his hand to the fellow in offer of a handshake* "I'm Amgine Lanif, by the way. I make glass and crystal products." *attempts a polite but somewhat nervous smile*


Re: Increased activity and watchfulness in Trelania
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2009, 09:32:04 pm »
He eyes Amigne with a bit of amusement and curiosity. He does not attempt to shake the hand, casting it only a briefly curious glance before answering.

“It is clear that you're not from around here. Very well then, welcome to Trelania as it were, Amigne Lanif. I'm sure we are glad to have you. If you can take some time to....” he pauses with just a little hesitation and then politely asks, “Do you read and write?”


Re: Increased activity and watchfulness in Trelania
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2009, 11:15:37 am »
*stands with his hand out awkwardly a moment longer then withdraws it and answers.*
 "Yes, of course I do.  Can't keep the books right for a business like mine without knowing your readin', writin' and 'rithmatick.  You want me to write down my testimony, eh?  Sure, I can do that.  Who should I address it to?"


Re: Increased activity and watchfulness in Trelania
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2009, 04:30:52 pm »
He nods with Amgine's questions and then smiles a little again, "Address it to the Queen's Guard. I am not who is on duty just now but that is where such incidents are reported. Security measures, you know."

He once more smiles pleasantly, "
Take all the time that you need and I will see it to the correct place for you. We have desks available for public use in the library," He pauses slightly and then adds with continued, practiced politeness, "Have care with the ink, many precious volumes of course..." He nods a little with his words and then raises his brows.


Re: Increased activity and watchfulness in Trelania
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2009, 04:50:20 pm »
*Amgine returns a pleasant smile to the fellow*
 "Thank you good sir. I'll just go write up that report then and bring it back to... Err.. right you're not on duty you said? Umm... well, I'll make sure it finds it's way to whoever is on duty for the Queen's Guard at the time I finish then."
 *after that he nods to the fellow once before setting off to find the library and a writing desk.*
 *After writing his testimony with parchment he provides himself and placing it within a sealed envelope, Amgine looks for the on-duty Queen's Guard and deliver's it to him or her.*


Re: Increased activity and watchfulness in Trelania
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2009, 08:10:36 pm »
//PM's sent.


Re: Increased activity and watchfulness in Trelania
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2009, 08:58:36 pm »
The same man is on duty when Amgine return. He takes the sealed envelope with continued politeness promising to pass it on to the proper authorities.

"Thank you, sir," he says before Amgine leaves, "Welcome again and fair winds."


Re: Increased activity and watchfulness in Trelania
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2009, 10:24:49 pm »
*Amgine smiles back to the fellow*
 "Yeah, thanks.  The winds blowin' in off the sea by my home there near the cliffs are usually pretty fair.  Maybe I'll see ya some other time mister."
 *Then he casually waves to the man before turning to depart from the castle.  When he's about half-way home again he mutters to himself,*
 "I sure hope that fella wasn't just humoring me.  It'd be a shame if they blew off everything just 'cause I'm not originally a local or somethin'."