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Author Topic: Interesting Investigations  (Read 528 times)


Interesting Investigations
« on: April 19, 2012, 12:44:51 pm »
This is an intro for a player led initiative. There is no reward here except RP and an excuse for putting a group together over this weekend for a run, and perhaps others if this works out.
 This first event is aimed at around level 8-12 but whatever suits.
 If anyone wishes to get involved covertly or cannot make the start rp session drop me a line - otherwise turn up at
 Saturday 21 st 10 PM GMT 184 Haven Castle, the International Headquarters of Interesting Investigations.
 It is my intention to have a PC deliver information and thereafter a group/groups can get involved right then or in their own time over the weekend.
 Brualot took a deep breath and entered his office. It had been many years since things had been up and running. Tylsir looked after the place now and had been dutifully turning away a dwindling number of enquiries over that time. The office was spartan and without any mail. A book lay open on the desk from his last visit. There was a jacket across the table - it was not his.
 The book keeper of a bard appeared with an explanation " A young woman called only this morning seeking your help....I told her you were not taking work..well you were away overseas... I thought. She forgot her jacket"
 Brualot looked at the jacket and after a moments thought.
 "This then would be the same woman that has recently been reported missing from the Inn as I was passing. I think we will need some help on this matter -yes advertise for stout fellows Tylsir. We have not a moment to lose."
 Tylsir looked over wondering how a jacket could reveal so much. He asked "I thought you were done investigating?"
 Jacket in hand Brualot turned back and asked." Are you still here?"
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Re: Interesting Investigations
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2012, 10:23:26 am »
Brualot stole a glance out of his window certain he was still being watched, even though, and much against his will, he had remained idle at Haven while others searched for the missing woman. Nothing - the street was quiet.
 Tylsir burst in with news "Brualot I have new.." Brualot waved him off with a hand. "You are about to tell me about a group of druids in the Dragon Isles and how they have found a woman held prisoner there by were bears."
 "Well yes" Tylsir stumbled, recovering enough to add. "Jumbala Dik Dik, Leo Krugeri, Eghaas Treebringer and Robin Macaw were the ones."
 Checking the window again Brualot explained in an annoying off hand manner "Yes well I know about that but this woman, she is not talking. Shock, a spell perhaps or whatever. We may need to jog her memory if she is our missing woman.
 That fellow Sehky and another one called Cally have the trail - picked up a few of her things along the way. That may break her memory loss. But for now you and I must wait and see if they find any more."


Re: Interesting Investigations
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2012, 05:28:46 pm »
Tylsir looke dout of the window scanning the street for those watching the house. He turned to Brualot knee deep in obscure scrolls and asked. "Now that you have identified this woman found prisoner on Dragon Isles, Mary Dotter, was in fact the woman kidnapped from Haven - well why was she pursued ?"
 Brualot continued looking through papers and replied.
 "A good and intriguing question - they want something she does not have or indeed knows anything about. Interesting eh.
 No you are going to need to get the ink out once more - we will need help again, and do come away from the window for we are no longer watched, no the game has moved on Tylsir."


Re: Interesting Investigations
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2012, 09:24:11 am »
"Well Tylsir the good news is Ashwood SehKy and Jil have found some clues that help explain the route Mary Dotter was taken."
 Tylsir waited, then felt obliged and asked "and the bad?"
 Brualot expained " well we don't know much more Jilsponie, Sehky and whoever they can muster are our hope now of finding more information!"


Re: Interesting Investigations
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2012, 10:12:12 am »
//some clues taking this player led storyline forward - some clues and treasures are in game for players to take up the story in forum or hopefully in game. (as long as server is up)
 Brualot muses by the doorstep of his office. "Mary Dotter has finally explained seems she was hunted for a necklace never delivered to her...her father Dunkyin Dotter and his partner Lewis Lupin the father of the messenger were two prison guards who fell in league with one of their prisoners at Orcs Watch. Why only recently east of Rolling hills a group of madmen were found around their dig site. They found no treasure, just an ancient casket, and the remains of Lewis Lupin.
 Now this messenger would have us believe his father Dunkyin Dotter and his other son Dougal have fled with whats left of the treasure - fearing some assassins. "
 "Where have they gone?" Tylsir felt obliged to ask.
 "Well they have fled to seek sanctuary among bandits at Miritrix if you believe it!"
 "More or less I do." replied Tylsir.


Re: Interesting Investigations
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2012, 07:09:28 pm »
Tylisr arrives with a hot mug of water and milk "Any word of Miritrix?"
 Brualot gratefully takes the mug and offers a smile "Not yet, but I am sure someone will find our runaways - I mean how many bandits can there be in Miritrix?"
 Tylsir arches an eyebrow.


Re: Interesting Investigations
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2012, 07:23:04 am »
Tylsir senses Brualot's pensive trap and only after a lengthy silence in the office does he reluctantly ask. "Something troubling you Brualot?"
 Brualot replies almost too quickly "Well in a manner of speaking." He looks deadly serious and lifting an egg timer aloft he adds. "I have little doubt there is information and a goodly portion of the treasure out there with those two runaways at Miritrix, and like the sands in this convenient timer..I fear time may be running out!"
 "Another cup of hot brew perhaps?" asks Tylsir, straight faced.

