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Author Topic: Black Dog Moors Castle  (Read 160 times)


Black Dog Moors Castle
« on: February 24, 2010, 01:08:45 pm »
Daniel is seen given a short report to Captain Alicia Nefzen After identifying himself as a Protector of Rofirein.

Myself and my companions extends a hand to Melanna, Jillian, Bella, Richard, and Mark attempted to gather the bounty you place on the Lizard Chieftain's head.  During our travels we encountered several were-beasts and irregular black hooded bandits.  The beasts we put down, but the of bandits, most were slain but one was taken prisoner outside the castle deep in the Moors.  

The insolent cur, excuse me, prisoner, refused to speak any useful information and insisted we take him in for a hearing and trial as I charged him with the crime of banditry and Miss Jillian charged him with attempted murder. I and Miss Jillian took scouted the Castle proper and found large bands of organized men camped there.  

With a hasty retreat, we bound the prisoner's hands and his battle wounds and were escorting him back to Hlint when we were waylaid by more were-beasts.  After the battle it was found that the prisoner had choked on some sort of black pudding that had apparently consumed him from the inside.  I buried his body in the swamps not wanting to risk Hlint to a plague.  

I thought it best to inform you directly Captain as I have not seen such large numbers of bandits acting in concert this close to Hlint in my lifetime.

Daniel salutes and steps back briskly to his companions when he is finished making his report.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Black Dog Moors Castle
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2010, 01:22:35 pm »
Shiff, hearing the rumor, rides to Hlint from Haven to camp along the border of the Moors...


Re: Black Dog Moors Castle
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2010, 04:16:16 pm »
*On his way through Hlint on one of his numerous clay runs, Vrebel mentions to Captain Alicia that he too was assualted by bandits not long  ago near the road to Fort Llast.  He was with a fellow named Badger and they quelled the attack.*

*He also mentions of a large Troll that took up residence at the bridge near Lake Allun outside of Haven.  The creature demanded trues to cross.  Vrebel, an odd fellow named Leon, and Badger tracked the creature down to get Badgers trues back.  Turns out that there was an army of Trolls waiting in ambush.  A deadly battle insued but in the end the Troll was slayn' the trues returned.*