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Author Topic: Kuhl issues a Statement  (Read 462 times)

Lance Stargazer

Re: Kuhl issues a Statement
« Reply #20 on: January 21, 2011, 01:48:36 am »
*Argos takes one of the letters he recieve on his close fist *

Cowards . In that you claim justice to the world in threatening those who can't defend themselves.

*he looks at the pile of papers of the letters *

I am sorry my friends, but steping back and to stand for what they are saying will be my first and last betrayal for you, Its because i care for you that i started this path long ago.

*he start to pen answers to the letters , knowing than perhaps he's losing friends as he does it, he keeps repeating a prayer as each paragraph goes on each letter *


Re: Kuhl issues a Statement
« Reply #21 on: January 21, 2011, 08:09:32 am »
*Lady Commander Stormhaven paces in Fort Llast as news of the Sederran Massacre as well as Kuhl's most recent statement is reported.*

They are making our job easier for us by continuing to attack innocent people who want nothing more than freedom from tyrrany.  

*She looks at one of her captains.*

I want all patrols increased.  At every station that we have men and women, I want our eyes and ears and hearts open to any action.  If they attack anywhere near our people, I want to know about it.  They started this war, not us.  But by Toran... we're going to finish it.

*mutters*  Attacking people at a concert...  What is this world coming to.

*sighs*  Now I know why he wanted me to go there.


Re: Kuhl issues a Statement
« Reply #22 on: January 21, 2011, 08:36:40 am »
Her captains each give a short nod or a "Yes, Commander"...or both...before moving to carry out her orders among their respective units.  As quickly as possible, word is sent out from Fort Llast to other Toranite temples and outposts carrying these orders.


Re: Kuhl issues a Statement
« Reply #23 on: January 21, 2011, 10:00:19 am »
After the announcement:

The Silver Buckle, remodel nearly finished, remains closed.  Heloise is sent to the home of an undisclosed friend in an undisclosed location along with Paddy as a guest; Michael and Edward are relocated by the proprietor to another inn for the time being although they check on the Buckle regularly to keep maintenance up.  A sign is posted that the Buckle reopening is delayed, with apologies.

Ty'riel has not been seen since the first notice targeting the stonebound came out.  He is not at the Twin Dragons, not at the Coalition Tower, not in the Silver Buckle - not with Shiff and Val, nor with any friends of his parents.  He remains missing and neither parent have mentioned any whereabouts.

At Reid Pottery in Huangjin, several guards have been hired to work in shifts, but other than that William, Margret and a steady and stubborn Shuichi refuse to relocate despite threats and vandalism to their property.  However, Shuichi has sent his wife and two daughters to stay with friends for a while "on holiday".

Willie the Bard has not been seen since the massacre in the desert, and Andrew Reid is increasingly difficult to find although he can be spotted around Hlint from time to time, talking to someone on the inside of the town fence (or to himself perhaps).


Re: Kuhl issues a Statement
« Reply #24 on: January 21, 2011, 12:21:22 pm »
In Co'rys, a few weeks after the massacre in the desert, the Coalition Tower can be seen with a number of bodies hanging from the trees around the tower.  Several are cut and slashed in gruesome ways, while others have arrows piecing them.  At least one seems to have been smashed by a large hammer.  Sadly, a small grave is seen freshly dug, a large rock with the word "Tiger" carved in it.  A pike with the head of the offending bandit planted atop and stuck in the ground behind it.  The owner of the Tower has not been since, and the few people who have been coming and going from the tower do not match the description of the owner either.

In Haven, the Dragonheart family has largely seen little trouble.  However, a rumor persists that Shiff was in the market when someone tried to stab him in the back.  Shiff, reported by the merchant he was with to not have flinched, simply reached behind him, pulled the short knife out of his back, grabbed the man and stuck it up through his lower jaw, payed for his goods and walked away from the dying man.  Of course, his wife Valmara believes Shiff started the rumor to scare away any assassins, but another rumor exists that a few nights ago a dead man was seen flying through the Dragonheart's front window. . . in two pieces.  Valmara insists she and Shiff were "having a fight."

Or was that "a wild night..."


Re: Kuhl issues a Statement
« Reply #25 on: January 21, 2011, 09:02:14 pm »
*Leaf and Feawen return to a busy Ft. Llast from a long and painful trip north of Audira.  Feawen runs off to collect their daughter from the one of two people they trust in Ft. Llast as Leaf heads to the house.  Leaf notices their next door neighbor motion for him to come over.  Leaf goes and quietly talks to him.

"Shadowleaf, I just wanted to let you know that I noticed some suspicious men walking around Ms. Elohanna's  house the other night while you and the Mrs. were away. It was in the wee hours of the morn' too?  I saw them from my bedroom window as I got up to go take a willie.  These men didn't look too friendly either.  They were gone by sun up though."

Leaf, having heard the announcement, knows that he must get his family out of Ft. Llast immediately.  He runs into the house and heads upstairs and grabs another large pack of his.  He rapidly starts filling both packs with some clothes, survival gear and whatever food he can stuff inside before running back downstairs and meeting Feawen  and Melaa rapidly entering thru the front door.  Feawen, holding Melaa in her arms, looks to Leaf as he hoists the two heavy packs over his shoulders and says to him.

"I know what we must do Love..., did you grab  Melaa's blanket?"


Re: Kuhl issues a Statement
« Reply #26 on: January 21, 2011, 10:19:20 pm »
Wren hears of the statement. "Well boys it seems we have been ratted out, anyone gets word on who gave information to the GDC about all of us please let me know before you go to any official authority. This way by the time they get moving it will have been taken care of."

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Kuhl issues a Statement
« Reply #27 on: January 22, 2011, 10:01:23 am »
Wren, when I got back and gave my report it was to a select few.  Now my name is a part of that gods-hated list.  I hate to say it, but I think we must look amongst ourselves.


Re: Kuhl issues a Statement
« Reply #28 on: January 22, 2011, 10:20:40 am »
*Wren talking with Jil*
Just a thought Jil, but do you think there is a chance that these reports we have been giving have made their way into Rael's hands? I would not put it past him to be in league with the GDC. It would not surprise me one bit if he worked with the GDC to plan the attacks on his own people in order to make it look like he has good reason to be on our side. Mark my words he will turn on us at the most dire time. This is how he operates, it is a good move on his part, if you look at it he can now chose when or even if to make his move. If the GDC is winning this war he turns on us as per his deal with them and he gets more lands to rule, if we are winning he does not turn on us and still tries to secure more lands to rule in the aftermath of the war. So how detailed do you thinks some of the reports have been?

If they did not get the information on us through those reports then do we need to start to judge our own? Who among us would do this and more importantly who among us has that much knowledge about us? Heck Jil there are people that I have traveled with for years and I still dont know who they are married to, where they call home, who their family is! So if it is one or more of us then who is it that knows that much and is capable of selling that information to the GDC?


Re: Kuhl issues a Statement
« Reply #29 on: January 22, 2011, 08:35:46 pm »
Within days of the meeting in Blackford Castle from which rumours and suppositions are running wild missives are sent out from Kuhl but this time they are from the man known as the mastermind and leader behind the Green Dragon Cult, Molvaren.

*No more will the newly formed Nation of Kuhl stand by as those who should mind their own business and Faith turn their hands and minds towards those they feel are quickly becoming their betters. They say jealousy is a curse and what we are seeing now is jealousy amongst the nations and faiths that even now seek to bring us down.

We have struggled, we have overcome, and we have done what we have needed to do to see that the way of life that we have chosen, is protected and allowed to flourish.

We will not be turned from our path, we will not be cowed by the threats of those around us or who turn against us. We know our armies and the power of our resolve and the lengths we will go to to protect ourselves will overcome any who oppose us.

On this day, Tunar, Oclar 10, 1476, I Molvaren do declare that the New Nation of Kuhl, along with her allies will stand against those who threaten us. We will do what needs to be done. We will bring war down on the heads of any who rise against us and we will be merciless.

A word of warning to any and all who would oppose us 'You shall reap that which you sow and it shall be bloody and when we are done with you, our armies will grow anew and our Myrdrachs will appear as a flight of darkness over the skies of your homelands.

These are my words, I am Molvaren, hear my name and fear me.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: Kuhl issues a Statement
« Reply #30 on: January 22, 2011, 10:05:43 pm »
*After some hours as the news of the attack start to circulate the world, a voice can be heard and the document start to circulate *

To common men and nobles, to the farmers and the merchants, to the old and the young, hear this and don't dismay.

So much time has passed with the darkness growing over us, under the face of prosperity and wisdom, under the face of freedom and hard fight, they have creept over the land ravanging as they think they have rights. Its not new to any of us that the days are changing. Today I anounce in the name of those who have enough of this. We won't allow this to continue.

I Lance Stargazer today declare in the name , that we won't allow this to be bigger, By the power invested in me by the Blackford war Council, we won't let this to prosper, In the name of the inocents that were dead so far, we won't let the injustice to prosper.  Today we have stood the attacks and the actions of this called "New Nation of Khul", Using terror and fear as weapons, and justifying their actions under the guise of prosperity.

The land of Kuhl has seen enough of the "prosperity" made of this "New nation of Khul". We today declare War not to the Kingdom of Kuhl or their people, but to the ursurpers that have claimed ownership of it, the ursurpers known as "The newly formed Nation of Kuhl". WE stand together as we have been in the past, and as in the past Reason and justice will triumph over fear and terror.

I call for all the nations, to join our front against this common menace, I call to everyone who wants to avoid your lands attacked by the desire of it, I call you all to stand together amoung this common threat. I call you all who still believe in a better world to stand and stop fearing, I call all of you today to raise and face the common enemy. I call you to take the side of reason and justice.

Today is the day to act,  As in the past, We'll stand togehter and we'll win together.

-Lance Stargazer.
 Blackford Castle  ( Wedlar, Oclar 11, 1476 )


Re: Kuhl issues a Statement
« Reply #31 on: January 22, 2011, 10:22:27 pm »
Andrew Reid speaks to those of his peers whom he trusts absolutely to let them know that the "closed and empty" Silver Buckle will take in their families for concealment should they desire.  

Seek Andrew Reid for more information.


Re: Kuhl issues a Statement
« Reply #32 on: January 23, 2011, 09:12:14 am »
It doesn't take long before Melaa, ShadowLeaf and Feawen dissappear into the thick trails. Destination unknown to any but them.


Re: Kuhl issues a Statement
« Reply #33 on: January 26, 2011, 10:17:59 pm »
Kromlek snorts at the threats.

"Dey got anudder thing comin' to em ifn they think dey can take me mah and pah. Dey ave tah get into Bloody Gate tah do dat. Dem boogers dun stand a chance."


Re: Kuhl issues a Statement
« Reply #34 on: February 11, 2011, 10:24:51 am »
Falcons fly between Seawatch Fort and Leringard, the letters are terse and bereft of any signs of affection but actions are taken. Rebecca is left with Aeridinites at North Point by mutual agreement and Bella Poetr, for all intents and purposes is not seen again. A golden armored Knight Captain of the Wyrm stands with his fellow soldiers, Raelian, knight, and commoner alike at Seawatch Fort as the reports of encoaching Cult army continue to pour in. The Knights freshly shaved face is devoid of all emotion and his blue eyes, once sparkling with life, seem as cold and dead as the ice of Krashin. "Let them come, Great Dragon, Let this end quickly."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Kuhl issues a Statement
« Reply #35 on: February 15, 2011, 02:31:08 am »
As word of Nesars withdrawel of support and the defeat of the small Cult army surrounding Tower Veroer the southern army stationed at Vilsna begins to march towards Nith in the nation of Nesar. Rumours have it that the infamous Cyn Chen leader of the Drach Tesak has been seen in the ranks of the force making their way south.


Re: Kuhl issues a Statement
« Reply #36 on: February 15, 2011, 09:10:16 am »
**Steel leans back in whatever chair he is currently sitting, the news bringing a discrete smile to a recently shaven face.**

"Ah, if only I could be there to watch when Cyn Chen and that freak Sanctus go at each other....."

