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Author Topic: Letter to Tane  (Read 1769 times)


Letter to Tane
« on: August 24, 2019, 11:12:24 pm »
*A letter delivered to  the Bullseye Inn addressed to Tane Umunga sealed with the signet of  compass points with a shield outline*


I trust this missive finds you in good health and spirits.  Myself, Elohanna, and SehKy, must ask a favor of your person, if possible I need you to take a ship to Sardinia via the port of Lor and seek us out at the Jhemina Inn there in that elvish city.  Something mysterious is happening and it involves the Runner.  We have been informed that follower of his must come forth for us to pursue our inquiries into an event of the heavens.  I will fill you in entirely if you can make it.


Sir Daniel Benjamin Poetr, Knight Captain of the Wyrm, High Protector, Angels Guild  Master.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

