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Author Topic: Through the Forest of Mists...  (Read 129 times)


Through the Forest of Mists...
« on: June 15, 2006, 09:47:57 pm »
[SIZE=13]As you pass the misty veil of the mysterious forest in Dregar, rumours are heard from the local rangers, whispers from the local townsfolk in the small and sporadic forest villages, and the ocassional druid that checks your passing for disruption of the delicate balance within. Rumours of a group eliminating a threat. Rumours of a lake where its inhabitants sang sorrowful melodies of past lost. Rumours of dark elves being cleansed from the canopies and below them.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]As your passing ends through the fogs that linger, you hear from the impish fairy folk, which seem to be far more present now, that the Singing Lake has now been restored, that no longer the merfolk under it are separated from their people. That finally word has reached them from reunited streams and they have learned the fate of their kind. Learning of their loss. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]Mourning the ones that left, the fey cry. They weep for those who left, but it is not a hopeless tear, for there is hope in those that did survive and those that are now back to watery homes. The lake now named appropriately, the Lake of Tears, has a new song. A song of reality in fantasy in which the memories of the past loss, lets everyone who crosses the way, gain strength in the hopeful future to gain.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=10](DM Note: Congrats to the group in Dawn of Ages that managed to fix this mess, you did not need to and went out of your way to do so. Great job.) [/SIZE]

