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Author Topic: Freedom for Roldem!!  (Read 78 times)


Freedom for Roldem!!
« on: January 28, 2006, 07:29:10 pm »
**a note on taverns and goverment houses across Mistone, Dregar, and Roldem--Signed by Alurial and Waylend themselves**
It is a great day in the History of Layonara, Bloodstone has been defeated in a military confrontation for the first time ever! A year or so ago the Heroes of the Dragon began donating their blood, sweat, tears, hard work, and the fruits of their labor to the forces of Mistone and Dregar. At the same the militaries of these great nations began training with these very items. A few weeks ago an attack force set out from the docks on military ships with the single minded goal to release Roldem from the murderers, tyrants, and killers that held them hostage. A mighty force of well trained and equipped military landed at the docks of Roldem. But these forces had a secret weapon—many secret weapons—the mighty forces of the Heroes of the Dragon.  These Heroes turned the tide of the battle and won the day all across Roldem! After many difficult battles over days of success after success, along with death, Bloodstone and his forces feel. Bloodstone has been defeated in a military confrontation for the first time in the history of Layonara! Without the donations and shameless sacrifices of the Heroes themselves this would not have been accomplished!   The tide is turning and we are on our way to victory!


Re: Freedom for Roldem!!
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2006, 07:59:45 pm »
*Walking by the courthouse in Hlint, Daren sees this note posted on the doorframe. Running one finger across it line by line he slowly reads his way through the elaborate proclamation.  He grins widely, and quickly looking around to make sure nobody is around to see, he snatches it off the door, tucking it inside his jacket.  After he arrives home, he places it in his wife's journal for his daughter to read about when she gets older*


Re: Freedom for Roldem!!
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2006, 01:55:10 pm »
*Michaelis rides into Pranzis, into the temple of Toran he's greeted by the healer, estatic and exited the healer gives him the message*

Michaelis:  *reads the message and laughs joyfully* This is terrific!

Healer:  They did it!  Praise be to Toran they did it!

Michaelis:  I must go and tell the others.  Bloodstones's first defeat and hopefully not his last.

Healer: *nods with a smile*

*They both exchange hearty handshakes and off he goes*


Re: Freedom for Roldem!!
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2006, 05:45:44 am »
As the great warships docks by Velensk again. Men, women and children salutes the returning people.
Kisses, hugs, claps on shoulders and praising words are shared by all. The air is filled with feelings of hope, happiness and freedom. The few bards who participated in the Battle already fills the docks with ballads about the great victory.

In the crowd a grumpy dwarf moves through the “parade” direction Port Hampsire.
“A tall one” stops him though and ask him why he does not want to celebrate this glory. The dwarf turns around and answers.

“This was only a battle mate. A great one though. Next toime oi fear we will only face things like the last demon we fought. *Sighs*… We should have run passed that demon and followed “him” through the portal.” *shakes his head – clearly not happy about the choice they made on Roldem*

“And now?” the tall one asks
“East. Far east… we gotta learn more. Get tougher, stronger so we are better prepared for next toime”

*Both nods in agreement and leaves the crowd in Velensk*


Re: Freedom for Roldem!!
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2006, 05:52:28 am »
*Cole reads the note and mumbles*  

"Bloody Mist, always shipwreckin' me when I needs te be someplace."

*When he reaches his suite at the Arms, he sits at his desk and chuckles, scratching his chin, musing, then begins talking as if someone was standing right next to him, despite that he is all alone in his room*

"I wonder...  The first time ever defeated, eh, Bloodstone?  Were ye truly defeated?  Or did ye let us win thet one?  What was the purpose of thet, then, eh, Sir Bloodstone?  No, really, what sort o' deal ye gots with thet Soul Mother, eh?  Why'd she let ye return from the void?  And how many souls did she require fer ye te be able te come beck and get yer revenge?  Is thet what yer doin' then, mate?  Feedin' her souls?  Fulfillin' a deal?  I bet she got a plenty o' souls outta thet last battle, eh?  Was it truly a loss, old chap?  Or were you laughing as we fed the Grim Reaper o' the Void?"

*shakes his head and turns to the papers on his desk*

"Well, what gots te be done, gots te be done."