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Author Topic: Mist attacks in Vehl  (Read 500 times)


Mist attacks in Vehl
« on: October 26, 2010, 05:52:41 am »
A massive attack by the Mist creatures occured recently on the dockside of Vehl, the attack claiming dozens of lives.

The Mist rolled in during the afternoon, catching citizens unaware as they went about their daily business. It came in fast, before people had time to react.

The Rofireinites bravely fought on against the overwhelming numbers of creatures, rescuing as many civilians as possible, before being forced to bar their doors against the creatures onslaught.

As well as such, a group of adventurer's ushered civilians and children into the One-eyed Harpy Inn, owned by the ever popular Arkolio Salvorre, and were escorted to safety aboard one of the ships in Vehl, and sailed away until the calamity had passed.

Many are mourning their dead this day.
Even more so, are now angrily asking Why this is happening.[/SIZE]


Re: Mist attacks in Vehl
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2010, 06:07:46 am »
*Several figures move about the city spreading rumours of who caused the Mist.*

"The Rofireinites and Toranites are protecting the mage, Greybeard, he's responsible for the Mist, only he can stop it!*

"The Rofireinites are protecting the man responsible for the Mist! The mage known as Greybeard."

"A mage called Greybeard made a pact with dark creatures and betrayed them, now they are hunting for him."

And so on the stories go... all around the same topic and ideas.