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Author Topic: Mistites in Leringard  (Read 392 times)


Mistites in Leringard
« on: January 09, 2012, 04:39:34 am »
After the turbulance of the last few months that has struck the Mistite faith around the world there appears to be signs that some sort of accommodation has been reached with the dragons that had been attacking the order.

A new Tide of the north has been announced to replace the former woman called Yashilla who had held the position for many years through guile and strength.

Newly appointed, Tide Hardragh set sail from Leringard for Molten isle before returning a few months later with Tide Murray who had been held there by the Pyrtechonites.

The Tempest and several other Tides were present in Leringard as Tide Hardragh's ship and Tide Murray's ship both docked safely.

Observers could plainly see the Tempests welcome of Tide Hardragh was cold but Tide Murray was warmly received. Tide Cassandra was also on hand to offer her congratulations to the new Tide Hardragh in his success of rescuing Tide Murray.

The return culminated in a celebration aboard the Mistites ship in the harbour.

In the days that follow is seems there will be a proper accounting of the losses the Mistites have suffered over the last 18 months and how they plan to hold onto what they have left and to rebuild what they have lost.

There are some talking already that perhaps the Misites have reached their peak and their decline is now imminent...
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