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Author Topic: Moonlight Shadows  (Read 2397 times)


Moonlight Shadows
« on: July 08, 2015, 11:26:52 pm »
//This will be a thread for an upcoming event that will occur at a time to be announced later. For those players wanting to become involved, please begin posting here in this thread. As with all of my quest story lines, this will run for a couple of weeks and help to flesh out and give the online portion direction. As always, I award fortune for forum involvement. Easy experience if you ask me….------Not far from Lake Ravine in the Silkwood a dark shadow moved through the underbrush, wisps of moonlight occasionally brushing thick tangled hair on arms and back. It snarled as Ausir’s light touched its form. Muscles and sinew rippled under dense fur. It stopped and sniffed the air, intense on capturing a scent. After taking in the smells of the surrounding area it howled and returned to the hunt.------Arin was used to the woods and its creatures, but the sound of an eerie howl carried across the wind to his small home. He was well acquainted with all of the local wildlife, and there was an immediate sense of wrongness about this sound. He had lived in the small cabin near the neighboring village of Rho for nearly a decade. The smoldering fire on his hearth cast reddish light throughout the interior of his cabin. He grabbed his crossbow, loaded a shaft, and opened the door to check on his chicken coop.------He ran for Rho, his now empty crossbow clasped tightly in his hand. His breath came in ragged huffs and immediately fogged and dissipated into the cold night air. Arin knew his life was probably at an end, but he ran anyway. That’s what his father had always taught him… never give up. Never. That was the last thought that flitted through his mind before the beast leapt upon him and tore his throat out. His gods were merciful and allowed him to expire before the creature began to feed.------Two militiamen from Rho looked around the thick brush, weapons at the ready. The woodcutter had reported the torn up body earlier that morning. It lay not far from them, mangled, half eaten. Some personal effects on the dead man identified him as Arin, a homesteader that lived not far from their village. He was a good man and well liked. The evidence at the scene indicated Arin was running when he was ambushed. Large canine tracks were found everywhere. Larger than any they had ever seen before. They collected the body and made their way back to Rho to report their findings and to give Arin a descent burial.Later that day messengers were dispatched to nearby towns for assistance. A 1,000 true reward was posted for the head of the responsible animal. 
The following users thanked this post: swoop, miltonyorkcastle, Dorax Windsmith, Acacea, Lance Stargazer, davidhoff, willhoff

Lance Stargazer

*While passing by thru the
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2015, 12:19:54 pm »

*While passing by thru the field on the back home, A man attaired in dark and green clothes hears about the conmotion, he had stopped by to rest a bit of the road, taking a big drink to his gourd bottle, as he heard of the news, he tilted his head to one side and smiled, with calm step he movesd to met with the authorities in order to inspect the evidence if  it is  still  possible*

( Trying to find out if still posible time wise , to observe the kind of wounds, trying to deptermine the "sweapon" and "size" that the killer may have used ). 



The two militiamen drop their
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2015, 01:15:16 pm »

The two militiamen drop their grisly burden and raise hastily drawn short bows when they see the man approach them. They are obviously on edge and there is fear in their eyes. Something the approaching man has seen many times in his career…usually just before he plunges a blade into someone. When they see his calm demeanor though they decide he is not a threat, and after a few cursory questions and answers back and forth they allow him to inspect the corpse. It is immediately obvious to the man that no human weapons were involved here. The flesh is ripped and torn and bones are crushed. Something fed on him. The man has not seen damage like this since he saw an unfortunate soul who had been mauled by a great spikes brown bear. The animal in question here had to have been huge and strong.


Lance Stargazer

*Without apparente emotion on
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2015, 03:33:11 pm »

*Without apparente emotion on his face the man blows a strand of hair of his eyes, he questions about the dead persona and if he is a local or whatever its know of him, Specially the way he lived, he expresses his desire to "dig" a bit more on the situation, and some "curiosity" on the animal who produced such attack. Also he questions if there is any known family to the late victim of this strange creature*



The two militiamen explain to
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2015, 09:00:08 pm »

The two militiamen explain to you where Arin’s cabin is located and one of them draws out a crude map for you on a piece of scrap parchment. The location is only about a kilometer or so away. They state they are not aware of any family in the area, but he did have a father that lived with him up until about three years ago when he passed away of natural causes. Rumors floated around that his body was taken away by family, but where to, nobody knows.

They seem grateful and relieved that you are taking a keen interest in this incident and wish you luck as they prepare to start off again for the village of Rho.



*The warpony's hooves drove
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2015, 02:17:14 am »

*The warpony's hooves drove steadily into the mud of the town-road into Rho.  The paladin's mithril armor shone brightly in the moonlight against the dark backdrop of the town.  A red and silver cloak covered some of the armor, but the dwarf's axe peeked out enough to see its mithril metal and silver enchanted edge.  The dwarf slid off the warpony with ease and tied her up to a beam near the town inn.  Once in the Inn he asked the Innkeeper for a room.  After securing his room, he made his way to the local pub and took in its livation.  He inquired with the bartender of the location of the town guard.....*



The road to Rho, or all roads
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2015, 04:23:28 am »

The road to Rho, or all roads lead to Rho, well at least it seemed that way to the much lost Arfur Dumas. Rumours of things in the woods, and sick slayings had been rife but not the driving force. I mean, we were in the woods, far from the city, these things were expected. But no there was another rumour one of a Dwarven Paladin, now how many could there be. This seemed like a chance to catch up with the giant slaying tough talking, axe wielding,  follower of Vorax. He would likely want to invest in Arfur's latest plan to harvest Silkwood Moss perfume. Wouldn't he? Rho then, Arfur surveyed a scattering of rural homes. "By the bend is that all there is to it! I would head for the Inn but I'm not sure there even is one." He scans the place and wanders in anyway. "Can't be hard to find a Dwarf though."


Lance Stargazer

*The man nods in thanks to
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2015, 02:26:45 pm »

*The man nods in thanks to the information given, his sober almost absent of expresion face gives a small smile upon the reception of the map, the man then looks for the place where the beast did the kill, and start to head towards the Area located in the map ( the man's house ). 

*He knew that the trail won't be easy to follow or to find, but its no harm in trying, he would need to figure out the size of the beast he was looking, the "shape of the weapon" may help somehow to find the proper paw size, for this he may need to find out the place of the kill , and then keep looking on the way to the home of the man, with luck he may find something useful before arriving the house itself* 



Griff approached Roh’s only
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2015, 04:49:11 pm »

Griff approached Roh’s only inn and chuckled when he saw the name… “The Portly Lass.” He paused near the entrance to take a double take at its construction and glanced around at some of the other nearby wooden buildings. The Portly Lass was constructed of stone, and the joints and miters were so fine they were hard to make out even by his own experienced eye. There was no doubt in his mind concerning its dwarven origins.

When he shouldered his way through the front door into the common area he was pleasantly surprised at what he saw. Two dwarven bartenders glanced up and gave a warm greeting, their huge muscular biceps bulging under their aprons… “Ho there Brother! Come out of the cold night air and grab yerself a tankard of Roh’s finest!” The symbol of Vorax hung above an exquisite mirror behind the two, and sharp well maintained axes leaned against some nearby cabinetry. They introduced themselves as Mabsant Ochregranite and Tearlach Ochregranite, brothers who had migrated from the Ulgrid Kingdom to operate a small silver mine and The Portly Lass in Rho.

Glancing to one of the corners of the room Griff was perplexed to see an actual “portly dwarven lass” trying to take a food and drink order from a halfling who was jabbering on about some type of stone pole he was trying to sell while gyrating his hips in circles suggestively. Mabsant frowned and said “Blasted Halfling been trying to sell us stone poles for naked dancers all day… Not in my inn!”

After copious amounts of food and drink, the location of the town guard was provided to Griff.

At this moment another visitor enters the front doors of the inn. (Arfur Dumas)


Arfur immediately spots a war pony tied near Rho’s only local inn, “The Portly Lass.” As he pushes his way through the front door he sees two things immediately. The first is Griff Silversand sitting at the bar, and the second is his nemesis Basil Cheshmore in the corner rotating his hips around an invisible stone pole laying his sales pitch thick onto an unfortunate dwarven lass who is trying to take his order. Post #63


The immediate area around where Arin’s body was found is obvious. The ground is churned up into a muddy mess. There is blood everywhere. Arin’s footprints show that he made it this far on his own. He was killed here, not dragged. There are canine footprints everywhere. Only one set of the animal footprints leads to this area, and one away in a different direction. You think you might be dealing with one animal, but your outdoor skills are not keen enough to be sure 100%. You find it odd that some of the beast tracks are much deeper than others… almost as if the full weight of the animal was on two feet at times.

It does not take a ranger to follow the evidence back to Arin’s cabin. As he approaches the homestead the man attired in dark green clothes notes things are quiet. Way too quiet. There are no birds or other small animals visible or making noise. He loosens his weapons in their scabbards as he gets closer. The area around Arin’s home is a wreck. The door to the cabin is torn off its hinges. There are dead chickens, goats, and sheep everywhere. All livestock have been killed. None appear to have been fed upon. No other humanoid bodies are found. There are large canine tracks everywhere. They indicate a similar large animal... perhaps the same one. The canine tracks measure over 18 inches from heel to toe. There are several crossbow bolts stuck into trees. One has hair and blood stuck to the shaft. Looks like Arin got a good "lick" in before he was taken down.



Script Wrecked

Ravemore wrote:Not far from
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2015, 02:34:47 am »

Quote from: "Ravemore"&nid="10163804"

Not far from Lake Ravine in the Silkwood a dark shadow moved through the underbrush, wisps of moonlight occasionally brushing thick tangled hair on arms and back. It snarled as Ausir’s light touched its form. Muscles and sinew rippled under dense fur. It stopped and sniffed the air, intense on capturing a scent. After taking in the smells of the surrounding area it howled and returned to the hunt.

The surface of the lake shimmered in the silvery grey light of the moon round in the night sky, the trees of the foreshore bathed in the gentle light. It was a rewarding sight for those who travelled such odd hours. It might even be enough to distract them as they trod through the undergrowth in the faint light.

The peace of the night was broken as a woodsman spluddered and flailed wildly, finding himself suddenly suffocating in a large web.

"Bleedin' spoiders," he cursed once he was sure he wasn't about to be attacked. It seemed this web was currently unattended.

Then he froze has the hackles on the back of his neck rose; an unearthly howl punctuated the night air.

"Tha' canna be gude," Naldin murmurred to himself. He took a few moments to assess that the sound had been carried on the wind. Without much adieu, he changed course and set out for the far side of the lake.




The tule reeds rustled in a
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2015, 06:32:00 am »

The tule reeds rustled in a breeze blowing over Lake Ravine, and the sound of small waves lapping on the smooth rocks were a constant in the background. Naldin stayed close to the shoreline as he began skirting the lake’s edge in the direction of the howling, avoiding the more dense underbrush growing in tangled masses further from the water’s edge. To his trained ears the howl was carried across the moon drenched waters from the far side. He estimated several hours of walking to reach the area, and knew daylight would not be far off.


Naldin was sure he was in the area now. The early morning darkness was too quiet, and this put him on guard. The Willow Warblers, Dunnocks  and Black Birds should be well into their morning chorus as the breeding season was in full swing, and daybreak was less than an hour away. He did not hear a peep from birds or small animals. There was a palpable feeling of fear in the air. His weapon was drawn and ready as he continued investigating, looking for spoor or track to begin the hunt, but if he had not been so in tune to his surroundings it is likely he would either have been dead… or fighting for his life.


He smelled it first… a wisp of rank animal, like unwashed dog. He froze and crouched, watching the shadows from a patch of cattails. Soon he saw the hulking silhouette of a large animal weaving through the trees. He watched the animal stop and begin smelling the air. He could not make out a species, but its behavior told him it was a predator.  He noted that the beast stayed out of Ausir’s light as much as possible, which struck him as odd. Naldin then sensed his situation was entering a dangerous phase as the huge creature circled, sniffing, and began moving closer to his hiding place. Did it catch his scent? Would it attack? These thoughts raced through Naldin’s mind… then he heard a snarl and a second creature lunged from the tree line at the first. There was a frenzy of snapping jaws and growls, then as abruptly as it happened the two stopped, howled into the sky, and bolted into the forest together. It was obviously only a short and violent interaction between an alpha and a lesser… there were now at least two creatures confirmed.


Examining the tracks of the creatures was perplexing. The size and depth of the prints put the creatures at over 400 pounds. The shadows he saw suggested creatures over 7 feet long. The tracks had both wolf and bi-pedal traits and were unfamiliar to the Ranger. Naldin murmured again… "Tha' canna be gude," and began following their trail back in the direction from where they had come.

With morning daylight filtering through the trees, he soon found himself at a small homestead. Concealed at the tree line he can see a man clothed in dark green wandering around a small cabin, apparently examining the destruction and dead livestock animals littering the entire area.




The two militiamen carry
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2015, 01:25:42 pm »

The two militiamen carry their grim load into Rho on a field expedient stretcher and make their way to the barracks. Townsfolk peer from windows and doorways and converse with each other in whispers. Apparently knowledge of the event is widespread. As they approach the main office their commander exits and walks up to them. His face is deadpan as he glances at the body wrapped in wool blankets. Captain Steiner has been in charge of the local militia for nearly a decade and is a decorated veteran of multiple campaigns against the goblin tribes.

After they place the body on the ground he says, “Rest up gentleman. We have another report to investigate and you head out in two hours with a small patrol. You will be issued heavy armor and weapons. The Enisson homestead to the northwest of town has a column of smoke rising from it.” The captain assigns several other soldiers to a detail to bury Arin and returns to his quarters.



Arfur Dumas caught in the
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2015, 02:18:18 pm »

Arfur Dumas caught in the doorway in two minds what to do next and in all honesty neither mind was really sufficient. He huffed and puffed considering the right words for the Cheshire cat, while the lure of Griff and tales of adventure  called him the other way. All this combined with a reluctance to enter at all. The place had a certain symmetrical charm I suppose with all it's Dwarven detailed joints and stonework. But was it really art I ask you?  And it was pretty unlikely they would sell any decent elven wines and cheeses. He hovered at the door a moment - sensing perhaps they all deserved each other and it looked like ol' stonehips Cheshire would likely get his dues if he stayed much longer, and good enough for him! 

He was saved from further decision making for the rest of the day and took his headache outside as he heard a commotion. It looked like another casualty of the forest. It was beginning to sink in he was not going to recruit any moss gatherers around here with people dropping faster than fastrot! He huffed and puffed a little more and went over to see what's what. "GRIFF! "


Lance Stargazer

*The silence .. so eager . so
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2015, 08:01:44 pm »

*The silence .. so eager . so inspiring .. and so terribly wrong, He remembered the time he deprived himself of his senses to avoid the sound of the heart.. that heart that pulled him into the killer frenzy, it has been like that, the death was in the air, his own heart started to race in trepidation upon the challenge, where others may have felt fear, he felt strangely excited. He didn't enjoy the slaughter, but he had accepted long enough that death was somehow part of the life.. and that the death can in a way teach us to be better ... or kill us.*

*He moved with caution, examining the trails he had found on the area*  

- It matches - *he simply said to himself, he took note upon the trail and tried to figure out the direction from where they arrived to the house, if they came in a flock or from diferent places, he would examine the house for dirt trails from the outside, trying to figure out if the ones who gets inside had anything specific in mind ... If they were animals he thought , they would have come to for the food .. but the slaughter seems so brutal, ... It was more than just food , the perpetrator enjoyed the violence. *



*Griff jerks his head around
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2015, 12:03:39 am »

*Griff jerks his head around at the sound of his name. Beer spills from the mug still fastened to his lips, and creates an arc from the bar-top to the the floor of the Inn.  He catchs a glimse of Arfur as he steps back outside and follows him cursing about wasted beer.  Griff will work with Arfur and the town militia to determine more about his newest possible attack.*



The man in dark green moved
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2015, 07:49:20 pm »

The man in dark green moved about Arin's homestead, intent on his task of deciphering what transpired. His footsteps were light, balanced, and his senses were taught like a bow string. He could almost taste the silence and the dangers it might hide.  He felt alive… more alive than he had felt in a long time.

The tracks and sign around the homestead were chaotic. He could make out one set of boots… but the animal tracks had him perplexed. He could not definitively say if there was more than one… or if one creature had spent a lot of time walking around the homestead. He was a little confused though because in some spots it appeared the beast (or beasts) was walking on two legs… and that couldn’t be good.

The inside of the small cabin was a mess. The furniture was broken. Utensils and personal property were strewn about. As he entered the door’s threshold a floorboard squeaked. When he looked down he could see a plank that was a little out of place. Removing the wood revealed a small void containing an old leather-bound book. The cover had the following phrase written on it, in an unknown language: “Mancator de Lupi.” A small latch with a keyhole in it secured the book covers and prevented it from being opened.


When Griff and Arfur approach Captain Steiner with their offer of assistance, he looks them up and down for a few seconds. He can see from their gear and demeanor they can handle a blade. “I’m shorthanded at the moment, and we can use the assistance. I just can’t put you on the payroll. If you still want to lend a hand, you can head out to Arin’s cabin and see what you can uncover. The rest of my boys will make their way to the Enisson homestead to see what all of that smoke is about. “ He provides you a small map with directions.



Lance Stargazer

*He saw the plank while
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2015, 01:18:56 pm »
*He saw the plank while aproaching, with caution removed the obstacles to examine the contents of the small hidden cache, he couldn't help but to smirk, he would be thinking how this strange things always happened to his mother, and that seemed to be running into the family, by the tales of the past he had learned about the dangers that books could have, and at the same time knoweldge *
- A book, it had to be a book  - *He savoured the irony, without letting it distract himself he leant forward to grab it, subconciently a small prayer to Toran and Folian formed into his mind, befdore reaching for the tome*
*He didn't put much effort for now on the book, he had what he had come to find, or at least something that what came here didn't get it... Small victories he thought.* 
*As he finished to search for loose ends he moved back into the town, armor strapped, his trusty blade un-peace bound, confident and eager... Somehow he knew he had become a target, or at least so it felt * 


Arfur poses resplendidly for
« Reply #17 on: July 22, 2015, 05:12:10 pm »

Arfur poses resplendidly for the overworked Captain. He pulls on the hilts of his twin rapiers tucked almost impossibly to either side and explains"Sir if these bad boys are needed out at the cabin then that's where they will be! Never let it be said that in dangerous times a Dumas was left doubting. " Before anyone can work out if that even made any sense he takes the map, pauses as if considering something, before passing it on to Griff.

"Griff this is the map we need!"




*Griff grunts with
« Reply #18 on: July 22, 2015, 09:03:19 pm »

*Griff grunts with disapproval as Arfur pulls out his tiny rapiers.  He takes a couple side-steps away from Arfur as he squints not-too-happy at Arfur's dainty wardrobe.*

"Aye Captain, weh 'elp ye den.  No payment necessary or would'a been taken.  Oi serve Fatha Vorax, n to Him Oi answer.  The Order of Valorous Axe be 'ere tah cut down dis abomination."

*Griff looks over the map and set's off to the cabin area.  He will take game-trails there and stay off the main roads, but stay close enough to the roads so as to catch-eye of any movement on them.  He urges Arfur to follow.*

"Keep dem things sheathed bef'r ye hurt someone!" *he smiles a bit*



*A curious gnome in woodsy
« Reply #19 on: July 23, 2015, 05:40:03 am »

*A curious gnome in woodsy green and brown garbs leans against the side of the gaurd house in Rho watching the interchange between Captain Steiner, the shiney dwarf and the odd swashbuckler.  He listens in on them for a while gathering information.  He had just entered the town on word of undead sightings and the brutal manner of the slaying before happening on to the gathering.  He interjects after hearing about them heading out...*

If you are short of men you might find a scout useful in this endeavor Captain.  I have a keen eye and based on the evidence before us I'm quite studied on the manner of creature you may be hunting.

*He approaches the group with a grin and briefly eyes Griff and Arfur before turning his gaze to the Captain*

Ryubi Jingles.  I can also aid with a fair handle of the Al'noth. No payment needed *guesturing with a hand wave*  purely for the research you see.   I have rations enough to be in field for sometime let me know if I'm needed and where.