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Author Topic: A report to the Rofirenites  (Read 262 times)


A report to the Rofirenites
« on: February 11, 2010, 11:06:39 am »
*Keppli is seen dashing up two steps at a time into the temple at Vehl... looking scruffy and out of place with twigs and such in her hair, muddy cheeks and boots, and she skids to a stop looking around for someone of high position to talk to gritting her teeth angrily*

"I saw this guy past Wayfare right... said he was one of you Rofies. Load of rubbish if ya ask me. Ya might want ta know he was scamming travelers and merchants by making 'em pay coin to go past the gates! I just rode past him myself, freedom shouldn't cost a  thing.

Oh, right right... he was sort of big-ish, wore plain-looking leathers and had a huMOUNgous moustache. Kinda guy I just wanted ta punch in the face.

So erm... I say ya should have a word with that guy, or... something. Cause there's definitely something up here"
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Re: A report to the Rofirenites
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2010, 11:15:13 am »
Daniel sees Keppli skip in and smiles at the sight of his former playmate and nanny but quickly frowns at her words
 I will look into the matter as soon as I am able, Keppli. Thank you for bringing this to the Temple's attention. You are correct, no true servant of Rofirein would do such a thing!
 He shrugs into his plate armor and makes for Wayfare with a grim expression.
 //rl keeps me from being ig today, so if this is an npc/dm perhaps a forum rp?
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: A report to the Rofirenites
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2010, 12:39:48 pm »
Quote from: cbnicholson

 //rl keeps me from being ig today, so if this is an npc/dm perhaps a forum rp?

//OOC... it isnt a npc no, it was a character me and a group bumped into named Edward Burton, but IC we didnt get the name so you'd have to go by the description she gave.


Re: A report to the Rofirenites
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2010, 01:26:24 pm »
Tyra snickers, hearing the rumors.

"Someone getting mad at a Law Man collecting tolls or taxes?  So original...  And someone assuming a toll is unlawful?  Even more original.  People need to spend more time in Co'rys.  You walk the roads, ye askin tah be tolled...  or worse..."


Re: A report to the Rofirenites
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2010, 05:03:11 pm »
*Daniel meets a man who fits the description in the area, but he is, in fact, a  legitimate Rofireinite. He carefully explains to Daniel that he was not scamming anyone, but was just trying to deter any non-adventurers from entering a very dangerous forest. The woman who he tried to turn away was hardly wearing a thing and brought an ox behind her, which, he explains, is not the typical garb of someone who can live through the strange plants in the area. He also informs Daniel of the local news. Namely, a Dark Elven raid was recently thwarted, and points him to the direction of a beheaded corpse towards the Western gates. Edward takes pains to make sure he is not misunderstood, and has the interests of the common people, not the adventurers, foremost in his consideration as these are the ones the Lord Protector would see guarded for they are the greatest upholders of the Law just from living day to day.*

//The aforementioned "charlatan" is mine. :)


Re: A report to the Rofirenites
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2010, 12:25:44 pm »
At first Daniel is angry, but quickly calms and nods at the explanation.
 Tell me, brother, would it not be more prudent to simply point out the dangers with a sign?  Also, I wonder what are you doing with any tolls collected?  A full report to the temple of your activities and any revenues collected will be expected by Master Reus after my report.
 Daniel waits patiently for his brother in faith to respond, his expression nuetral.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: A report to the Rofirenites
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2010, 03:35:24 pm »
Signs can be a problem for those who cannot read. Remember, we're serving the common folk. Also a problem for those who don't see them or believe such does not apply to them.

I am happy to report that I have not actually collected any revenue from this. Adventurers have passed by for free and no villagers have chosen this dangerous path. If, in my duty, someone should be resolute enough to pay, then I would likely let them through for free since it is not coin I am looking to save, but lives. I will, of course, file my own report at Sanctuary following the completion of my duties here.

*Edward further explains that such as this would not be required as most of the normal people of the town know the dangerous barriers their fort borders, but with so many refugees from the recently devastated Hempstead, he expected increased incidents of children playing in the forest and wanderers in general as they don't know the area as well as the permanent denizens.
He explains once again that he saw this as the best route to keep the people protected and apologizes for any misunderstandings. He also explains that the reason he chose the Hallowlight exit was because the bowyer already warns people not to go out the west gate for they should not "disturb the work of the satyrs".*


Re: A report to the Rofirenites
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2010, 10:42:24 am »
Daniel looks decidedly uncomfortable at the explanation offered.  He deliberates for a time before calmly stating the following:

I understand your intent to be noble, but your execution is flawed.  You a portraying a falsehood in claiming a toll.  You act without the local authority and are committing a lie in the eyes of the Lord Protector by assuming authority not granted to you either by the Church or the local government.  Protecting the common man is the highest and noblest of goals, yes, but to do so by the asking of a toll, whether truly collected or not, is not an honorable means to do so.

In the future, I recommend that you offer assistance in escorting those determined to venture into dangerous areas or simply warn them of the dangers.  I have no choice but report the full matter to Master Reus.  As you are obviously new to the faith, I will request leniency in the matter.  May the Great Dragon grant you wisdom, Brother.

With that Daniel turns on his heel and makes for Vehl.

//Something was bothering me about this exchange and it took Gulnyr's thread to clarify it.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: A report to the Rofirenites
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2010, 03:51:19 pm »
Laughs a moment and says, "Well I guess I'm boned, eh? Lord Protector save me now," before following Daniel back to Vehl.

He offers to Daniel on the way back:

I might as well come with you, brother. I will not shirk my responsibility, nor my consequence, and I suspect there to be some reprimand. I hope my sentence will be a lenient one, but enough that I may truly learn how I may make myself a better man in the All-Seeing's eyes.

If Daniel would, Edward would spend the rest of the time talking to him about his family, the law, and how he came to be a Rofireinite. He would be friendly and humble, like someone who has a brief reprieve before walking towards their sentence.

