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Author Topic: Mud, muck, and zealots  (Read 1180 times)


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« Reply #20 on: April 02, 2014, 12:10:55 pm »

//I'm more flexible on times for Saturdays, so if Brutus would like to tweak his time frame I'm flexible. Regardless, you have been active in this thread and have contributed to where this has headed, so if you see me in game as a player or a GM, PM me and we can discuss an xp bonus. Same for you Lord Cove and Brutus. These types of awards are not huge, but they do scale with the amount and quality of the thread involvement. I generally award them after the thread has closed or quest is completed.... and I leave it up to the player to track me down and initiate it. For posterity I will also post the award amount in the GM forums to ensure fairness and accountability.



(No subject)
« Reply #21 on: April 02, 2014, 04:34:38 pm »

Yeah we need mumbles! This may seem a bit weird but how would 11:00am Eastern Saturday be? This is I think 4:00'ish Pm Mumbles time? on Saturday. I'm good there. I leave for work at 2:30 pm eastern. So I could put in a good two hours that way.


