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Author Topic: Blackhearted Bart brought to Justice  (Read 133 times)


Blackhearted Bart brought to Justice
« on: August 25, 2011, 01:00:05 am »
Let it be known that the group of Aden Delaveth and Charlie and Katelyn Poetr are to be commended for their service to the law and the security of Mistone for bringing the notorious criminal Captain Bart the Blackhearted to justice.  A slaver, murderer and by all other accounts a villain to the very core, Captain Bart's ship had recently been wrecked following a sea battle with King's Fleet outside the coast of Mistone.  He and much of his crew managed to escape to shore and wreak havok upon the merchant caravans and travellers in the vicinity of Windjammer Bay following the encounter.  The courts are especially pleased at the mercy they have shown to his crew, having the prudence to bring no less than 20 pirates back alive and ready to stand trial.  Though the Captain himself fought to the bitter end, the realms may now breathe easier knowing that such a vile criminal no longer plagues the lands, and that his men may find just & fair administration under the law of Mistone.

The Cabin Boy known as "Squee" shall henceforth be offered into the guidance of Rofirien's clergy for rehabilitation so that he may atone for his transgressions against the law and better serve the community.
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Re: Blackhearted Bart brought to Justice
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2011, 01:42:23 am »
The Quartermaster Orc known as Doogie has been shown mentally incompetent to stand trial under the precepts of willful cause and volition against the law.  He has henceforth been assigned to rehabilitation under the administrations of the Temple of Rofirien to be served for the time of their choosing as such will be determined depending upon his progress.

23 of the other pirates taken alive have been charged with grievous crimes including murder, piracy, theft, willful aggression against the Mistonian Fleet and various other crime and have since been lawfully executed by method of hanging.  Only 3 others remain under lifetime imprisonment, one of them with the possibility of parole after the minimum sentence of 20 years.  This has been determined by conflicting evidence in his charges of murder, and willful assistance in helping the group bring the rest of these criminals to justice.  Let the mercy of the courts be known to all who would change their ways and assist in bringing their co-conspirators to justice.