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Author Topic: On several dock cities...  (Read 437 times)


On several dock cities...
« on: September 14, 2009, 06:07:52 pm »
[INDENT]At the docks in the desert city of Audira a captain stands in the early morning, watching the many sleek Sederan vessels bob softly with the tide. Something in the distance catches his eye and as it gently washes upon the shore what seemed to be the start of a good day of honest work ends up being anything but...

Off the coast of the port of Nith a fisherman sits quietly in his small vessel pondering the mess he has gotten himself in after having cheated on his wife and having gotten the news the night before that a baby was on the way. Lost in his thoughts, his eye catches a glimmer of something that crawls slowly towards the shore and his problems do not seem so bad after all...

The street urchin marking scores in the busy afternoon of the Arnax docks where the personalities landing off their boats are as varied and as dangerous as the continent they enter, is surprised that he was able to snatch a coin from the dockmaster. The usually diligent man today has no eyes for his coin, even in the city with so much darkness in it, what he sees today sends shivers up his spine...

A large crowd of noble waits patiently for their expensive vessel to moor in the Lor docks district. Their expensive and pompous party where high society would brush and exchange the little controls of their world is delayed today. The line of the many fragrances they wear begins to mingle with a not so pleasant smell as they all stare blankly or horrified to what approaches the dock...

A vessel, all appropriate for their ports of destination, yet all bearing the same horrific sight. The entire crew brutally murdered. Whoever did the deed wasn't pleased with simply ending their lives in the swiftness of combat. No. All of the crew members have been crudely placed in grotesque manners along sails, masts, and decks. The terrible visage would terrify even the strongest minds, and in the docks full of people that they arrive in there are not many of those. Horror and chaos ensues while these effigies of death are cleaned and collected by dock workers that will have nightmares for a long time. The one feature that is similar on them all is the black circle that their sails have been painted with, a thick black oil that oozes down upon the decks...


     [SIZE=10]((Related to this event))[/SIZE]

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Script Wrecked

Re: On several dock cities...
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2009, 08:28:53 pm »
On hearing the news in Lor, Argali scowls heavily, her eyes glare at something unseen.

"Zomeone zeems to want zome attention. Perrhaps she gives them theirr medicine..."


Re: On several dock cities...
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2009, 12:50:06 pm »
[INDENT]Each of the cities above has begun an investigation on the matter in different capacities. More than one guard, investigator, or dock worker has had to be taken to the local infirmaries due to trauma of what was inside the ships that the general populace did not get to see.

Rumor has it that there was a survivor in Arnax... Whoever this person might be is now being kept under tight security by the local armed forces.


Re: On several dock cities...
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2009, 01:09:43 pm »
*Jennara arrives in Lor from Western Gate in a happy mood only to hear the whispers of dockworkers almost immediately.  Sullenly, she makes her way to a guard and then a crier for information, hearing the rumor of a survivor.  She briefly considers asking to use a private portal she had used during a previous investigation, but chooses to travel by ship instead, giving herself more time to consider how to approach the Arnaxians.*


Re: On several dock cities...
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2009, 02:54:44 pm »
No sooner is a certain elf once again spotted by a few people moving through the world than she catches wind of what has happened in several port cities. She immediately begins an investigation, pulling on what resources she can. She communicates with friends on Belinara and Dregar, asking them to write to her of what they know of the ships and strange occurrences. She asks them for samples of the black substance, if they can acquire it.

So very soon after her homecoming, she is already away again, through a portal to Lor and then another to Arnax, chasing a shadow.

//PM sent with more details


Re: On several dock cities...
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2009, 12:01:50 pm »
* A tall man in leathers makes his way from the Battlehelm Moors to Hemptead. He walks wearily; he is obviously filthy, underfed, and, to those that know him, in a fouler mood than usual.  As he reaches the wharves, he notices the unusual compliment of Silverguards, the frightened looks on the dock workers' faces, and the newly posted notice. *

"Bloody hells!", he mutters, "All I wanted was a bath, a shave, and a little recuperative trip to Katherian."

* After interviewing a few of the guards posted there, he begins to get a feel for what has happened here and apparently elsewhere as well. *

"This is just great!" * He spits off to the side * "As if weeks of muck, dragons, invisible barriers, and nasty little snakes weren't enough."  * He shakes his head resignedly * "Looks like it's off to Arnax and see what this survivor has to say."

* He stalks off with a somewhat brisker stride, heading for both his room and the portal in the guild hall *

//follow-up PM sent

