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Author Topic: Posters appear overnight  (Read 275 times)


Posters appear overnight
« on: June 17, 2007, 08:40:31 pm »
Posters go up during the night all over Port Hempstead and Vehl.


Toran, Rofirein and Aeridin.
Gods of the nobility.
Gods of the priveleged few.
Gods of those who can afford the luxury of an idealogy that goes beyond basic survival.

We see the well-fed adventurers, dripping with their jewels and gems, bearing the devices of the so called 'Gods of Good'. We see their derision. We see the contempt they hold for us.

What do they know of pain?
What do they know of hunger?
Do they know what it feels like to hold a starving child in your arms and have them suffer while you weep, powerless to do anything?

Is it right that a man is charged and jailed by the Rofreinites for the 'crime' of trying to feed his family? Is it right that the Toranites talk of their noble motives of purity and virtue whilst clad in shining armor that costs enough true to feed an entire village? Aeridinites who are so focused on ensuring the return of abominations to the great cycle yet they forget about the suffering of all those around them here and now.

Have all the Gods turned their faces from us, only blessing those with enough true to fill their church coffers? These Gods and their servants sneer at us - the 'common' folk. Let them sneer and ignore our suffering no longer.

They ignore our suffering, They laugh at our pain. No more shall we fight amongst ourselves as they would have it. No more shall we suffer in silence the indignities of the ruling classes and their uncaring puppet religions.

It is time to take what is rightfully ours. Time to end the suffering of our children. Do not fear my friends, fear is the tool of our enemies that for too long has kept us under their bootheels. Let our hunger, our suffering, our pain, our oppression be not their weapons.

Let them be ours.


Re: Posters appear overnight
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2007, 09:01:15 pm »
// Please note, there are literally hundreds upon hundreds of these block printed posters, scribbling a retort on the bottom of one or two is unlikely to dilute or refute the message. Feel free to PM me. //


Re: Posters appear overnight
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2007, 12:30:12 am »
*Varka stops up seing a crowd reading it in Hempstead. After reading it Varka burst out into a laughing*

Thousands of posters ye say? And ere dey claim de lawfuls and rich? *laughs even louder* oi guess it aint da beggers usi deir coins posting dese; could dey even wroite.

And see dat feller forgit to soign his name! ere let me elp im.

*Varka takes some coal and writes various things and combinations on the posters he sees around Mistone*

Hail Corath! De world belong to Shadoinoites! Drezneb is back! *draws stickmen with horns or devils faces with horns*


Re: Posters appear overnight
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2007, 02:01:34 am »
*Alandric notices the posters and smiles broadly.  He listens to those around him argueing over its meaning.  His eyes then notices the one that has been written over in charcoal*

Such pitiful immature minds to deface a grand scheme unaware.  No wonder this world is full of morons.

*He doesn't tear it down but walks of shaking his head*


Re: Posters appear overnight
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2007, 02:45:08 am »
*wren reads one of the notes*

So now it starts, had to happen sometime.

*he says to himself as he walks away*


Re: Posters appear overnight
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2007, 02:55:31 am »
*Sasha examines he notice board in Fort Vehl and seeing one of these notices reads it before frowning slightly. Turning to the man reading it beside her she comments.*

Obviously another twisted mind trying to cojole the innocents of this world into a false sense of reality. They do no even consider that there will be those who can refute these claims easily. Surely the peasantry, the farmers, those who have laboured to build their lives will not be so easily taken with such twisted words.

*thinks for a moment* Actually there may be some that are easily led or who seek mischief who may see merit in whats being suggested here. I better report to the Temple. A mission needs to be sent out to see that such nonsense is quickly dealt with. Whoever paid to put these notices up and is unwilling to show their face themselves to present their case intend mischief themselves.


Re: Posters appear overnight
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2007, 09:08:42 am »
*At the Scamp's Mug, rumors are flying...*

"Oi 'ere dey dragged anodder ded man outa th' 'arbor, dey did.  Dey say 'is face was bitten off by some beast o' th' seas. By th' soun' of et, 'e was layin' face down in th' surf fer a week"

"Aye, an' burned too, I 'ear. An' ye knows what else?  Oll dem posters tha's been goin' up 'round 'ere...They's sayin' th' bloke 'ad foive o' dem things stuffed in 'is mout', an' more in a bag 'e ne'er got put up."

"Someone prolly caught' 'im doin' dat and took offense. 'e sed some t'ings on there dat would put ol' Rofi's knickers in a knot...*laughter ensues, probably due to the image of a dragon wearing knickers*"

"Nay lads, oi tink 'e was framed fer it all.  *squints a bit* Bet the guy dat made them t'ings did it teh some drunken sailor so's no one would find 'im out loike.  Best be cautious, lads.  Careful who ye drinks wit'."

*The word "Aye" is uttered around the table in acknowledgment, followed by the clunking of full mugs of ale.  The conversation fades back into the background noise of past exploits, the last big storm a sailor lived through and other such maritime chatter.*


Re: Posters appear overnight
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2007, 09:30:47 am »
*Michaelis steps out of a building in Hempstead carrying a small pouch containing seeds.  He spots one of these messages as they appear to be littered everywhere and holds it up a bit to read it

I feared something like this would be said.

He walks off in his blue garb - full of holes and looking a bit worn.


Re: Posters appear overnight
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2007, 09:59:54 am »
*Jennara stops to read one of the posters, frowns deeply, feeling defeated for only a moment before continuing toward the fields.*


Re: Posters appear overnight
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2007, 10:13:49 am »
*Kinai arches an eyebrow as she passes a poster, a wry grin on her face that doesn't reach her eyes. She pulls her cape tighter around her and checks to make sure her hood is low before continuing on with a light step along her way, the weapons in her sheath bumping against each other with soft clinks of metal. She reaches up and yanks the random one she had found off, holding it gently by her side before vanishing away from those without true sight*


Re: Posters appear overnight
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2007, 04:06:25 pm »
*Tariana spots the notice as she makes her way to the temple in Vehl.  Sighing and shaking her head as she reads it, she turns to the others nearby reading the same.*

This person or persons who hides in anonymity, do they stand in your defense?  No, they seek to incite upheaval, disorder, and chaos.   Is it your best interest they are after or their own gain?  I welcome any discussion with any of you or the originator of these postings.  Should they have the courage to face those they accuse.

*She straightens her cloak, proudly displaying the compass of Rofirein, and before entering the temple she looks one last time over the crowd.  Her eyes alight with holy fervor and determination*


Re: Posters appear overnight
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2007, 06:05:49 pm »
*Mirrim steps out of the kitchen at the Wild Surge, flour-dusted and sweaty, and notices the poster hung askew on the wall.  She reads it in silence, then sighs and turns back to the baking ovens.  Later that evening, someone notices that a slice of  fresh bread has been tacked next to the poster with a splinter of kindling wood on which one small leaf, golden-brown with age, still dangles.*


Re: Posters appear overnight
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2007, 11:17:59 pm »
*After a grueling day of many stares, whispers, rumours and a number of fights that the Silver Guard in Hempstead had to put out before they got out of control, a large crew of city cleaners along with some help from the temple of Deliar and even a few proud merchants manage the extensive process of cleaning Port Hempstead of signs of the posters.

It seems the general sentiment of those doing the job fluctuates between annoyance at the sign, the occasional hidden smirk particularly when reading the bits on the two knightly churches, and generally begrudging the work needed to clean up the mess caused by the conflicts between those with power.

Eventually a sign is displayed upon the guards' barracks showing a simple text requesting any information on the incident to be given to Captain Trent for a reward or simply the knowledge of a good deed.*

((This only happens in Port Hempstead))

gilshem ironstone

Re: Posters appear overnight
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2007, 06:41:41 pm »
*Tristan is in Vehl feeding chickens when he notices the poster.  After reading it he sighs* Of course people feel this way... I wish more would donate to the Foundation to help alleviate the suffering of the less fortunate.


Re: Posters appear overnight
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2007, 11:58:53 am »
*signs as many of the posters he can get his hands on "The Society of Betterment Through Infant Cannibalism" and draws little pictures of starving commoners devouring children*

