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Author Topic: Dragon Attacks Fort Vehl!  (Read 68 times)

Harlas Ravelkione

Dragon Attacks Fort Vehl!
« on: August 02, 2007, 04:42:35 pm »
Merchants, guards, peasants and adventurers alike - all seem to know something about what happened in Fort Vehl only a few days ago.

Many claim that a dragon attacked the city! Wrought in magic and warded against the missiles by the city's archers it descended upon the city and wrought immense destruction! ... only to leave once it was satisfied.

Others talk about an attack from the sea! Pirates in league with green skinned orcs and goblins launched a raid on the city, but were turned back by the valiant efforts of the city guard and adventurers.

Again others claim that the temple of Rofirein was attacked and that fires broke out throughout the harbour area. Who set the fires and who exactly attacked remains open for discussion and stories range from werewolves to trolls from the nearby swamps.


Those that travel to Fort Vehl to seek the truth of these rumours, however, find the harbour district to be quieter than is usual. Scorch marks marr several buildings and the cobble stones of the street lie in heaps and shattered in many places. Even though rain seems to have washed much away, clear evidence of battle lingers - most of all near the temple of Rofirein.

Guards in groups of 5 or 6 are positioned throughout the harbour area. Incoming ships are carefully searched and travellers refusing to answer questions spend the night in jail, which loosens even the most stubborn dwarf's tongue. All seem to be released, however, and a sense of order returns to the city. Traders are once more exhibiting their wares and merchant trains come and go as they used to.


Re: Dragon Attacks Fort Vehl!
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2007, 07:30:05 pm »
*Clarissa asks about in Vehl to see if anyone can identify the breed of the dragon, it's color.*


Re: Dragon Attacks Fort Vehl!
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2007, 09:18:22 pm »
*Shiff Hurries to the scene upon hearing the news, in hopes of hearing news and help the city recover*


Re: Dragon Attacks Fort Vehl!
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2007, 12:08:06 am »
*Kinai stands unseen by normal sight in the shadows, gently tapping an index finger against her elbow. Her eyes scan the damage on the normal houses, a light frown on her lips, and her gaze sharpens as it views the Rofirein temple.*

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Dragon Attacks Fort Vehl!
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2007, 03:04:42 am »
With the help from voluteers and adventurers travelling to the city to help the needing, the streets are soon repaired and walls that threatened to buckle and collapse are reinforced and stronger than ever.

Donations arrive from the Freelancers and the heroes, who were directly involved in turning back the attack are said to have donated the reward they received from the leaders of the city to the needing.


The bodies of the attack force were dumped ruthlessly into the bay, and while most were pulled out to the open sea by currents, some remain and create an unpleasant odor in certain parts of the harbour. Bloated and rotting carcasses of what must have been goblins swim on the surface. The bodies are slowly decomposing and the blood has lured sharks into the harbour basin. Soon what remains will be gone.

Most rumours turn out to be exaggerated and as moods calm those that ask around discover that the attack was carried out by drakes and not a dragon. The black skinned drakes shot from the skies like birds of prey to lead the goblins into a planned attack, seemingly on the temple.


Re: Dragon Attacks Fort Vehl!
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2007, 02:07:20 pm »
*a mature redhaired woman can be seen sketching the scene immediately after the attack.*
 Those who travel to the Great Library or Bydell Castle in the days after the attack may recognize the same woman pouring over large old books with her sketches and notes close beside*

