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Author Topic: Hurm  (Read 243 times)


« on: November 03, 2006, 04:04:41 pm »
Rumor has it that Hurm was partially destroyed by a couple of black dragons. They left a warning with the survivors for adventurers who come to Dregar through Hurm to not try and enter their lairs again, else people would suffer the consequences.
  Also, voices whisper that some of the inhabitants contracted a disease of sorts...
  //While the town still looks the same in-game, half of its buildings are gone and many people are sick.


Re: Hurm
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2006, 05:22:22 pm »
Ship captians at Leilon are complaining about being turned back from Hurm Harbor. Hurm has been sealed. No Traffic in or out of Hurm is permitted. The harbor has been temporarily shut down. Anyone going in to Hurm will *NOT* be permitted to leave.


RE: Hurm
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2006, 03:06:42 am »
*Ireth runs into the Temple in Fort Llast, pausing to catch her breath she walks over to Ortheus*  The Black Dragons attacked Hurm..It is half destroyed and there is a sickness.  Quantum asks that you send healers straight away  *Ortheus sighs a moment* What happened? I told you….I need to get to the Temple in Rangers Vale  *Ireth starts to turn to go* Wait Ireth!  I need to ask some questions…  What does this sickness look like and how many are affected?  *Ireth describes the sickness as best she can and hands Ortheus a cloth with some of the pus on it as instructed by Quantum.  Ortheus pales and motions over another cleric, who also pales as Ortheus hands him, the cloth* It sounds like the Wasting Death Ireth…Rare cases have been know when people spend too long in the swamps and of course *he sighs* Black Dragons cause it also.    *Ortheus motions to the clerics and they being to move about the Temple, collecting and packing medical supplies* You had better head to the Temple in Rangers Vale Ireth Aye, and then I go back  *Ireth pauses for a moment, a pained look crossing her face and she looks at Ortheus* Tell him where I am…Tell him I have to go back and help them…Tell him I love him and tell him to pray for us all  *Ortheus holds her gaze a moment before nodding once and turning to help with the packing*  *Ireth runs out of the Temple, glancing once at their home as she rushes past, muttering under her breath as she continues to race to Rangers Vale* Forgive me my love; I can not spare the time to see if you are home…  *Ireth rushes into the Temple in Rangers Vale and finds the Healer, explains as she did in Fort Llast and that Elladan asks for help.  The healer sighs and explains she must get the authorities to close the parts of the city affected by the plague.  He hands her a bundle of herbs, hastily gathered together to help bring people comfort but explains he is not sure what else they can do.  Ireth nods once and rushes back to Hurm*  *Ireth arrives in Hurm and starts tracking down the authorities, it takes her awhile but eventually she does and after much discussion they eventually agree to do there best to seal the sections of the city affected and she goes in search of Quantum and Elladan*


RE: Hurm
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2006, 07:01:32 am »
gilshem ironstone - 11/4/2006 9:45 AM "On whose authority? I have been able to land here for years without disputation!" Cries Gel'larian, a cool northern wind making his breath a cloud of frost. "On the authority of Prantz!" The harbor-master cries, obviously annoyed for that his night's dreams were stolen from him. "If you don't like it... Turn Around! There are people dying here I have better things to worry about!" In that breath a dozen crossbows train their un-wavering sights on Gel'larian. Gel'larian takes in all the men around him and says, "All I wish to do is walk the earth on Dregar, and see if I have a hope of helping these people and I am denied that choice. Why do you listen to Prantz?" With that he throws a bag of gold to the ship captain and asks him to turn back to Leilon. "They do not see; with freedom comes the knowledge that you can treat people well and be ambitious." The captain puts his arm around Gel'larian and pulls him down to his quarters for a whiskey. A zephyr flies through the bones of the crew and they head under decks for shelter. As Gel'larian wanders from the Captain's Mess he wonders, "How could they beat us?"
 //Gilshem, please don't use NPCs too much (if at all) in posts like this, as that's up to the GMs. Using a bartender can be fine but the harbormaster would not say it's the authority of Prantz because it is not true. It is a decision of the local authorities after advice from healers of Aeridin and Toran.

gilshem ironstone

Re: Hurm
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2006, 08:19:09 am »
Sure thing Ed.  I get a little carried away in my writing some times.


Re: Hurm
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2006, 01:54:12 pm »
*Rumors begin to surface that Willow's Weep maybe sealing in. No offical word, pure speculation. Everything from plague to attacks is suggested.*


Re: Hurm
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2006, 11:56:47 am »
Confirmation is sent that Willows Weep is indeed sealed in, from the Aeridite temple. Details are limited, but they say refugees fleeing Hurm turned up with the Plague symptoms.   It is also reported that people with the uniforms of the Shining Hand have turned up to guard Hurm's gates from with out. The temple confirms one of their own is within the gates of Hurm tending the ill.  Shipping and supplies all over the continent of Dregar have been affected by the loss of the Hurm's port, and there is much grumbling from everyone from Temples to Innkeepers and Bartenders about low stock of certian items. Though with in the sailing community, it is known that captians are trying to redirect to Lorindar and other ports to fill the need, just that it takes time.
  The temple of Aeridin formally announces a plea for help with supplies of foods and house hold goods for Hurm and Willows Weep. In addition the Aeridites confirm they do have a cure for this plague but the supplies are hard to get and they will need assistance retreiving the components. Potentially they will also need additional Alchemists on hand.
  The Temples of many faiths urge anyone who finds boils upon their person to see the aid of the healers quickly and quarenteen themselves from the rest of the population as soon as possible.


Re: Hurm
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2006, 02:13:22 pm »
The healers from the Seilwood Temple of Aeridin warn that the Plague has spread to Mistone, and for all travelers to be wary. The general populas is wary and worried.


Re: Hurm
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2006, 02:25:00 pm »
*Michaelis walks into the Toranite temple, where all this is explained to him. A look of shock comes across his face when he hears about all of this for the first time. He speaks with those who also reside within the temple walls, learning everything that is currently known about what transpired.*
  Kashi: I'll read what I was told sir. *She begins reading* The temple of Aeridin formally announces a plea for help with supplies of foods and house hold goods for Hurm and Willows Weep. In addition the Aeridites confirm they do have a cure for this plague but the supplies are hard to get and they will need assistance retreiving the components. Potentially they will also need additional Alchemists on hand. The Temples of many faiths urge anyone who finds boils upon their person to see the aid of the healers quickly and quarenteen themselves from the rest of the population as soon as possible.  
Michaelis: What components are needed? Alchemists? I wonder if she would know. What can I do to help them? Have these dragons been seen since?


Re: Hurm
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2006, 10:57:28 pm »
Excited rumors surface from the general populas around Mistone that the Bird Lord has been seen with a cure to those aflicted with the plague. No one can be immediately found to confirm or deny.


Re: Hurm
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2006, 05:31:47 pm »
With great cheer, Hurm authorities reported Hurm and Willows Weep open, though the illness is present and you must enter at your own risk. Boats, carefully screened and scrubbed with Lye begin to sail out once more.

A large group of individuals assisted the Temple of Aeridin in North Point to negotiate for the needed componets. Rumors fly of a second cure needed to treat the mortally ill...

On another note, Hurm authorities report a small killing spree happened during it's sealed time. Most of the bodies were simply left, as if to warn, all killed in the same manor. The only thing left was on the last body found was a rose drawn in the victim's blood and black ink across his chest. All of these bodies had some sort of odd herbal substance, the likes of which no alchemeist could account for. Some say that there were some manufacturing fake cures to sell to the scared populas.

On a seperate note, some of the treated still remain in comas though their bodies are healing, they for somereason do not wake. One of the healers inside of Hurm can be found speaking of his journey following the souls to a beautiful place outside of the cycle. Most cast this off as delirium from overworking and the stress the whole town was under.....


Re: Hurm
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2006, 06:09:44 pm »
The Temple of Aeridin out of North Point is happy to announce the Plague cure has been found and is being distrubted for the more seriously ill. Seek them out if you are in need!


Re: Hurm
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2006, 07:10:02 pm »
*Distributed freely throughout Prantz and it's surrounding cities and villages*

On this day, the eighteenth of Mai, of the year 1408. It is with a heavy heart that this message is written.

On this day, Broegar, Lord of Prantz, graciously extended his arm toward Hurm, offering nothing but aid and food to the destoyed city. As Lord Broegar's supply wagons lay deployed before the city gate and his personal herald went forth to announce his presence he was churlishly and with the most callous disregard turned away by thosw who would call themselves heroes.

Along with such an immature and almost childish display. As his Lordship prepared to depart the depraved ruins of what was once a great city, he wished to impart upon the citizens of Hurm the truth of the crimes crimes commited against them. Proclaiming louldy to the citizenry the names of Quantum Windword and Elladan Peters, two nefarious individuals, and their premeditation of the past tragedy.

Quantum Windword stepped forward from the gates, and faced the Lord's Justice willingly, although the one known as Elladan was not found. It is now the speculation of the Administration that it was these two men, who may call themselves adventurers acting in the name of nobility, unleashed this plague upon Dregar in an attempt to assasinate our Lord Broegar.

Thusly, from this tragedy, the following conclusions are now drawn:

Quantum Windword, admitted criminal, was executed and then restored by the ancient magic of the Bindstones for the crime of disrupting the Lord's Order.

Elladan Peters is now a wanted man, and any information leading to his arrest, and those who would be so low as to consipre with him shall be sought out with all expediancy.

Hurm is now labelled as a refuge for those who would consipire against his Lordship, and as such, shall recieve no aid from Prantz. Lord Broegar would also ask all civil leaders of Dregar to carefully consider before lending support to Hurm as it is obviously a den of lawbreakers. Furthermore, any true citizens of Prantz who may have family living in and around Hurm, may at will petition the Administration to arrange for their safe transport to the City. Lord Broegar feels no need to punish those who were simply decieved by the honey tounges of those who would then wreak havoc upon innocence.

Lord Broegar beseeches all to carefully reconsider and advises shrewdness in their dealings with those shiftless individuals that would depend upon seeking glory by the blade for their living instead of hard toil in the fields. For as is now apparent, their craven and cowardly hearts will stop at nothing to advance themselves.

*Signed with a flourish*
From the desk of the 3rd Undersecretary, 5th Judiciary Arm, 2nd Buereacratic Office,
Kyrad Schnendel


Re: Hurm
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2006, 04:19:23 pm »
Plenarius stops lightly to read the notice as he boards a boat in Lorindar.

He turns to Abele and shakes his head slightly.

He has some exemplary strategicians.  We did exactly what he wanted them to.  It was a win win situation for him though.  Do you really think Broegar would turn in the face of a dozen or so heroes... He took this opportunity to turn back to do exactly what we see here.  Like his old boss, showering guilt and driving wedges between people.

Abele, unfomcortable with the topic, nods a bit and shifts her weight on her feet before looking over to the ship.

I would very much like to meet this Broegar.  I wonder if he would see me.

With that, Plen walks on to the dock and greets the captain with a quick salute.


A letter to the leaders and people of Hurm
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2006, 08:11:08 pm »
A letter to the Leaders and People of Hurm.
 In the wake of the all the darkness and strife in the land, a ray of light to bring hope and comfort to the peoples of Layonara is needed. In her life the Queen Kayana was a woman of grace, beauty and a generous heart. The events that took her from us can only be described as tragic. What better memorial to this inspirational lady than the creation of an organization that exists to serve the peoples of not only Dregar but the whole of Layonara.
The Queen Kayana Memorial Relief Foundation has beenestablished to be that beacon of light. The foundation’s mandate is to supply aid to those communities in need either due to war, famine, disease or natural disaster. It will strive to act as a liaison between the adventuring community, the area governments and the peoples. It is funded entirely through generous donations of responsible people of all station. It is not affiliated or controlled by any one church or religious sect. The recent events of Hurm show us that such an organization is necessary. The Foundation extends an offer to the peoples of Hurm to continue to help them rebuild their city. Supplies of food, clothing, medicine and building materials previously gathered under the auspices of Kat’s Creations and the Leilon Arms for distribution by local clerical groups will continue but in the name of the Queen Kayana Memorial Relief Foundation from here on in. The same arrangements for delivery via the local clergy will hold unless the community leaders and Lords of Hurm wish to meet with the Foundation and suggest alternative methods.  Sincerely, The Directors of the Queen Kayana Memorial Relief Foundation


Re: Hurm
« Reply #15 on: November 16, 2006, 02:40:05 pm »
*those gathered to read the sign include a couple of merchants recently arrived from the Port city of Hurm.*

"Good ta see good folks doing such things but Tis a surly business there, things aint what they seem none. Since them folks sent Broegar packin' *chuckles* people's is none too happy." A merchant comments to his comrade who also stands reading the notice.

"Aye yer right, I was talkin' to tha leatherworker there and he figures people are right annoyed bout that. Seems ta be a bit o' grumbling goin on up there. Troubles a brewing I say." The continue on their way talking about the weather on the return voyage.