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Author Topic: Prisoner Transport in Nel  (Read 314 times)


Prisoner Transport in Nel
« on: April 30, 2009, 05:23:53 am »
A high profile prisoner involved in banditry, murder and kidnapping has recently been escorted from Nel to a currently undisclosed location within the Sun Kingdom.

This comes after a near-tragic kidnapping and ransom attempt on a local and well-loved businessman from the Purple Worm trading company within Nel.

Thanks to a small group of astute and daring adventurer's, the man was rescued and due to local outrage at the event, authorities have removed the prisoner from Nel to await trial.

Member's of a little known Guild "The White Lily", originally responsible for the capture of the bandit leader, are also known to be responsible for the rescue of the kidnapped and the forcing of the prisoners relocation.[/SIZE]
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Re: Prisoner Transport in Nel
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2009, 01:21:49 am »
In an appaling rescue attempt within Hlint, the Sun Kingdom bandit now revealed as Sashka, has escaped custody.

A dark plot, utilising corrupted artifacts to create a diversion, caused undead to rise and roam from the small towns graveyard and crypt.
Whilst city militia and the Sun Kingdom's guard's themselves fought off the plague and protected the townsfolk, a group of bandits, aided by mechanical constructs has freed the captured bandit and escaped into the East with her.

Thanks to the combined effort of the Hlint Militia, the Sun Kingdom guards and a group of passing adventurer's, Hlint was hit with minimum casualties and injured, and the race is now on to recapture the bandit leader and bring her to justice.

Officials in Hlint state the prisoner had been removed from the Sun Kingdom after recent attempts to free her had become a cause for concern.
Though why she had been sent to a small town such as Hlint, is also, a cause for concern.


Re: Prisoner Transport in Nel
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2009, 10:57:29 am »
*Phyress curses upon hearing about the news about Sashka and hurries off to Nel with a grim expression seen on her face*


Re: Prisoner Transport in Nel
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2009, 07:27:48 pm »
Well, ah jist wantit tae make a few trues ra easy way, so ah joined up with a few ithers who wantit tae capture Sashka. Me? Ah jist went alang fur ra ride, like. Oh, an nae disrespect tae ra ithers, but Isherwood wis 'err, so 'at wis awright by me.

So anyway, these brave an' (maistly) upright adventurers went oot tae find Shaska, an' insteed, we endit up being bleedin' heroes by savin' ra toon frae ra tin men 'at Sashka had bin makin'. Me? A hero? Ah'll never live it doon, so ah willni.

Well, at least ah goat a wad o' readies, an a goat tae spend sum time wi' Ishy, so 'at wis aw right in ra end.

Oh; we didni find Sashka at a'

//OOC really enjoyed this one and a great round of applause to Lord Cove for running it and for all the players who took part in it.