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Author Topic: WANTED-- The Axehandle  (Read 123 times)


WANTED-- The Axehandle
« on: August 22, 2006, 03:25:18 pm »
Terrance "The Axehandle" Ferrin
Described as a human male with tanned skin and brown eyes. Should be considered armed and dangerous. Wanted for murder and smuggling withing the city limits of Hurm. A reward of 5000 gold coins and the gratitude of The Seven Swords is offered to the person whom brings the head of the Axehandle back to Hurm.

Any and all seeking this bounty should first report to the patrol office in Hurm for more information. A penalty of up to 1500 coins may be charged if you have not met with an officer in Hurm first.

Joel Kallihan
Commander of Hurm

**the seal of the Seven Swords decorates the bottom of the poster**


