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Author Topic: Rofireinite crypts broken into  (Read 175 times)


Rofireinite crypts broken into
« on: October 18, 2010, 02:44:07 am »
Audacious thieves have managed to break into secured crypts beneath the Rofireinite Temple in Fort Vehl through the city's own crypts.

The thieves had dug a tunnel from the existing crypts into one of the Rofireinite crypts. Upon entry to the crypt magical wards triggered and Guardians entered the protected vaults. By the time they accessed the area however the thieves had ransacked the area seemingly seeking something and left.

Rofireinite troops entered the city's crypts to inspect the damage and wonder at the cunning and audacity of the thieves attack. Reports indicate that the Warden in charge of the investigation suspects the thieves were disturbed before they could take anything although he believes it is highly likely they were looking for something specific.

Script Wrecked

Re: Rofireinite crypts broken into
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2010, 06:18:29 am »
A dwarven lass visits the temple in Fort Vehl, asking to speak to the warden in charge.