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Author Topic: Rumour from Mariners Hold  (Read 182 times)


Rumour from Mariners Hold
« on: October 29, 2007, 04:10:08 am »
*From the harbour of Mariners Hold a rumour runs fast that a party staying there overnight is to be blamed for the killing of the Dragon. Among the group there were humans, elves, dwarves, halfings and a drow*
*Celebration went on all night. The dwarves disputing over who landed the final killing blow at the dragon besides arm wrestling. Humans considering the consequences of the act and drinking. Elves debating politics and religion while sipping from the wine and laughing at the silly dwarves. Halflings always insisting on having pie contest of eating, throwing or actually trying to inhale it without coughing*

Grid Blader

Re: Rumour from Mariners Hold
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2007, 10:37:49 am »
*Two men walk in town, and start a search for the one claiming to of hunted this dragon.*

"We are looking for the ones claiming to of killed this black dragon.  I am willing to pay for this information of were we can find them"  Quantum Says.  

*They wait*

Lalaith Va'lash

Re: Rumour from Mariners Hold
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2007, 11:37:10 am »
*The shadows stir across the ground and light footsteps are heard passing.*

Hunted? *A dark female figure laughs at the accusation as she passes and overhears one such inquiry on her way out of the inn at Mariner's hold.*

*After she has passed, but before she disappears into the dark night she calls back.*

On the contrary, it was the dragon who was the hunter.  Its victims simply refused to fall prey.  

*There is no sign of her now, even with the glowing eyes of truesight.*

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Rumour from Mariners Hold
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2007, 12:35:00 pm »
* It does not take long to find out a few names of people who are rumoured to have been part of the group to take down the great beast. Among them were heroes such as Varka Cleaveson, Jennara Creekskipper, Jacchri Abianca, the berylite priest Quillwem, two other dwarves, two halflings and a number of humans and elves whose names wary depending on who you are speaking to.

They are deemed heroes by the populace, who are convinced that they saved them from a dragon attack. *


Re: Rumour from Mariners Hold
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2007, 12:43:19 pm »
*Farros catches word of the deed and merrily begins singing the song in taverns across the realms in as many taverns as he can to make it catch on*

Hey now, have ye heard of the black dragon tale?
where elves caught bad breath and dwarves took its scale?
Little feet did a dance on its old scaley head,
humans there do declare, "Aye, tis surely dead"
Oi, the main course had the dragon for its picnic
Well I'm just a showman, of course, of course
But never doubt a tale till you've heard the source
A moaning, groaning, somewhat foaming,
iguana corpse which lay there owning,
lines of ants eating dead dragon eyes...
oh what a feast when the dread dragon dies!
When livestock cheer and every princess sighs!
Thier bellies were all filled up on black dragon steak.
Pyrtechon steps aside form these great heroes' wake
Oh, did ye year the black dragon tale,
where the main course made it their picnic?

Grid Blader

Re: Rumour from Mariners Hold
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2007, 11:23:01 pm »
"Then they are the wrong people.  I am looking for different people"  Quantum says.  

*looking at the bar keeper*

"But I am looking for a group of dragon slayers, heard they come here to town everyonce and a while.  One of them has some kind of tatoo around his neck, I belive it is of a green dragon"  Quantum ask.  "There smart, they use posion some of the likes I have never seen before."


Re: Rumour from Mariners Hold
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2007, 04:28:47 am »
*After first investigating the scene of the report of the dragons demise then following the trail to the Inn and discovering those involved Sasha sighs in relief before leaving to seek out Unit Commander Jennara.*